Chapter 76
One person is missing.

The poor Si Yueqing was able to remember how many disciples he had.

Liu Qing nodded, but she didn't think that she could escape a catastrophe. The final result should be no different from this disciple.It can even be guessed that there is no one here, or the people behind the scenes are too confident, or they chased the disciple and left here.

"So?" Liu Qing saw that Si Yueqing packed up all the disciples' bodies, took away some small items from them, and put them in her bag.

"That person is an inner disciple just like us." Si Yueqing got up and explained the identity of that disciple to Liu Qing, "He is a junior sister with a master behind him, so it is normal to have one or two magic weapons for body protection."

This could indeed explain why only that disciple was able to escape, but Liu Qing still insisted on his original idea that this disciple could not run for too long, and would die in the end.

Of course, Liu Qing only thought so, and would not tell Si Yueqing.And he felt that even if he didn't say anything, Si Yueqing could probably guess it, but he didn't know what the other party was thinking now.

The two stayed for a while, and Si Yueqing felt that the puppet in the pit was very wrong. There was no reason to come up with such a thing for an inheritance test, unless there was a hidden script.

But... this inheritance gave him a strange feeling, and it didn't seem like he could come up with other hidden plots.

It is the master of this inheritance that makes people feel that there are some problems.

Si Yueqing and Liu Qing left here together, but for some reason, it didn't take long, but when they came out, it was completely dark outside.Chunlou also became lively.

Because there were so many people, the two were very careful when they left, trying to avoid people, after all, they hadn't forgotten their "personality".

After leaving the Chunlou, it is reasonable that the two should go their separate ways, but Liu Qing wanted to go to the Prince's Mansion with Si Yueqing to see how Baiji was doing, but before he could find a suitable reason, he saw fires and commotion outside.

"What happened?" Si Yueqing looked at the place that was almost comparable to the daytime, not only the light of fire, but also smoke rising into the air, as if someone was holding some cult ceremony.

This Si Yueqing is not very unfamiliar. He has been on a mission before, which is to eliminate some cults that believe in strange things, so that they will stop harming ordinary people and causing chaos in the villages and towns.

"It's not right there." Si Yueqing knew it, and of course Liu Qing knew it too. After all, the place he stayed in when he was a child was surrounded by human beings, but it was no different from a cult, so he still knew some things, such as the "uprising" of those bewitched.

"Will you go and have a look?" No one here can watch them maintain their avatars, so Si Yueqing extended an invitation to Liu Qing without hesitation.

At this time, Liu Qing actually wanted to find Baiji more, but seeing that Si Yueqing was going, she was not far behind, afraid of missing some useful news.After all, such a large piece of land is too eye-catching, and it feels like "making troubles" in it.

"Make trouble" means "creepy thing".

Si Yueqing and Liu Qing quickly made a decision, with Si Yueqing leading the way and Liu Qing following behind. The two came to the Land of Fire and found that it was indeed a group of people parading the streets to revolt.

"We will resist! We will resist!"

"Fight down feudal superstition! Get rid of feudal thought! Kick down feudalism! Overthrow the feudal dynasty!"

"We want progressive thinking!"

A group of people, no, most of the people in this city must be here.The civilians on both sides of the road didn't seem to see them, so they should do what they should do. Only the officers and soldiers wanted to stop them, but the effect was minimal, and they were quickly pushed, stepped on, and crushed by them.

Therefore, wherever they walked, there was blood, bloody footprints, and fragments of corpses.Some officers and soldiers used weapons against them, and these people seemed to be unable to feel it. The leading wave fell, and the second wave quickly made up.

Si Yueqing: ...

Liu Qing: ...

Even knowing that this is an inheritance, these are not real people, seeing this absurd scene, Si Yueqing also felt his limbs became stiff and cold, his throat was even more dry, and he couldn't say a word for a long time.

"How did it become like this?" This is completely different from what the inheritance showed them at the beginning, it seems that the inheritance is out of control!
Liu Qing didn't respond to Si Yueqing. He knew that Si Yueqing didn't need a response right now, and he didn't know what to say. He was actually a little shocked by this scene, but he wasn't as speechless as Si Yueqing was.

Maybe that's the difference between him and these "gentlemen"?
To be honest, it is difficult for Liu Qing to have empathy for things that did not happen to her.After so many years, he felt that the other four people who grew up together should be the same, so if he hadn't met Si Yueqing when he came out this time, he really almost thought that people like them were very common.

But the truth is, these five of them are not normal.

That's why when Si Yueqing asked him, "Don't you have empathy?", he didn't answer, but chose to wait for Si Yueqing to finish dealing with those disciples.

I know it's one thing, I don't want to be too noticeable and isolated by others, it's better not to be too obvious.

"Let's find out the reason why they became like this." They all have missions, and the capital has become like this before the mission has started. There must be a reason, right?
Otherwise, it will make their task very difficult.

Subconsciously, Liu Qing felt that this should not be caused by inheritance.

Among the five, Liu Qing was taught by the "spiritual creature" Ming Guluo.Except for some five people training together, Ming Guluo would not be too stingy when the "famous teacher" was one-on-one, especially after Liu Qing showed her her ability without reservation.

Ming Guluo is a bit of a natural racist, but he never underestimates anyone, especially smart people.

And because Ming Guluo is busy at work, when Liu Qing follows her, she is rarely in a real one-on-one state. Instead, she follows her to work and works beside her, just like an intern.

But it is precisely because of this that Liu Qing met many people or other races because of Ming Guluo's relationship.Some of them work with Ming Guluo and are Ming Guluo's subordinates; some of them cooperate with Ming Guluo, use each other, or have the same goal.

At first, some people, or foreigners, wanted to name and criticize the "creepy creatures" here, they were the most, and they would play or bully Liu Qing because he was just an ordinary person.In the early stage, Liu Qing was incompetent and could only be slaughtered and made things difficult by others.

Ming Guluo will not help him too much. Unlike Di Lin and Pingha's "accustomed children", Ming Guluo's education is more inclined to let the child grow wildly and play freely. She only teaches him what he knows within the scope of his ability.

Putting aside the appearance and looking at oneself, it is actually another kind of "habitual child".

Anyway, as far as Liu Qing knew, sometimes those humans who came back to take on the task would clean up Ming Guluo's former subordinates.

Equally discriminate against every other race, and equally teach every subordinate—this is Ming Guluo.

But it was also thanks to Mingguluo, because Liu Qing met all kinds of people, so she almost figured out how to get along with these people, how to make the other party not embarrass herself, or how to get better with the other party, and how to avoid embarrassment for herself.

Manage people in categories like files.

So from the previous courtroom to this one's character design, the owner of the inheritance gave Liu Qing the feeling that the other party only cares about "making troubles", making things interesting, and the pull between people is more extreme and tense, constantly changing, full of various possibilities.

Overall it is friendly.

Therefore, such a large-scale casualty incident like the present one, or even the existence that would destroy the background setting of the inheritance, would definitely not be something that the master of the inheritance would create.

Who would have made it?
Unexpectedly, the face belonging to Adi appeared in Liu Qing's mind.

The other party is also in this inheritance, and he is also a troublesome monster, and he is not like the kind of monster that is friendly to humans. Even if he is not as aggressive and oppressive as his sister Meda from the human appearance, people are not allowed to underestimate him.

Anyway, Liu Qing, who doesn't think he is a good person, has never thought that he is a "good person". To be more precise, he is not as "gentle" as Meda, and he is a weird thing that can definitely do these things.

Thinking of this, Liu Qing was sure in his heart that Adi did all of this, but he was not very clear why the other party did this and how he did it.And there's no need to tell Si Yueqing about this.

The two decided to divide their troops into two groups to investigate.

Si Yueqing really wanted to investigate clearly. After all, he is now a "Prince" and also belonged to one of the feudal dynasties. If these ordinary people got their way, his results would not be much better.

Liu Qing, on the other hand, wanted to get information about Adi from these people. It would be best to know where he is now, so as to know why he did this and what he could gain by doing it.

You can't just want to make trouble, can you?To make things like this in an unknown inheritance, then Adi is probably a no-brainer.

After parting, Liu Qing, who had a direction, had a clear goal. He first went to the place where the group of people had walked, and observed the other ordinary people who did not join them.

Then the result is obvious, either they are as brainless as the non-self-machine characters in the game, and can only follow the inheritance settings; or they know that these people's troubles really have nothing to do with them, and no matter which side wins in the end, it will not affect them.

Thinking of this, Liu Qing observed these people for a while, then picked up a broken arm, and found an old couple who wanted to close the stall and leave here.

The old man has a lot of qualifications. As long as he has not just come to the capital, he should know more than the young man, especially this kind of businessman.As for why he was holding his arm, it must have been to test another idea of ​​his.

Anyway, he is definitely not afraid of these things, but he doesn't know if he is afraid of the old father.

Getting closer to the old couple, they saw their faces turn pale, but they quickly recovered, as if the scene just now was just Liu Qing's illusion.

This made Liu Qing raise her eyebrows, but she didn't show anything, pretending that it was normal for her to hold an arm, and casually threw her arm on the table that the old couple hadn't put away.

Liu Qing, who had no common sense of respecting the old and loving the young, smiled slightly at the two of them, "How could such a thing happen today? It's really terrible! Do you guys know why?"

Before the old couple could speak, Liu Qing continued, "Does this mean that the capital is not safe anymore? Are you leaving here?"

The old lady among them wanted to say something, but was held down by the old man, and said to Liu Qing with a smile: "Yes, there was such a big mess tonight, and we don't know what the final result will be. We plan to leave the capital tonight." He answered Liu Qing's second question, but not the first.

But after all, Liu Qing didn't ask the two questions together, so there is nothing wrong with answering this way, but Liu Qing just felt that this couple was very wrong.

So Liu Qing simply pretended to be stupid and asked the first question again, "Then do you two know why this happened?"

The old man kept smiling, and answered the questions perfectly, "Hey, how do we two old guys who have one foot buried in the ground know about this kind of thing? You can also see that most of those people are young people. Even if there is something wrong, they won't come to old guys like us."

He was telling Liu Qing that no matter what happened, it had nothing to do with these old people, and he was afraid that they would slow down, so no one would ask them to do things.

But who is Liu Qing?How could it be so simple to let go of the guy he felt was wrong.

He took out the skills he learned from those guys who pestered and harassed him back then, "You are right, I asked the wrong people. You are old and weak, and no one will ask you for help."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Liu Qing brought the meaning hidden in the old man's words to the surface, but made the two of them unable to refute. After all, this was what they said first, but...

"Young people nowadays, why don't they have any clues in their mouths?" What you say is what you say, and what others say is what others say. The meaning must be different. Who can do it?The old woman didn't hold back, and said something to Liu Qing.

Then Liu Qing immediately corrected her attitude, raised her arm, approached the two of them, and said under their vigilant eyes, "It is true that I said something wrong, how could I tell the truth so simply? It is my fault. If this is the case, I must make it up to you."

What truth!The old woman frowned, feeling angry that she was going to rush up and scratch Liu Qing to death in the next second, but was held down by the old man, looking at Liu Qing with a faint scrutiny.

This person's words always give him a bad premonition.

But before the old man refused to say no, Liu Qing smiled and slowly said his compensation, "Since you are old and weak, you are still unwilling to accept this reality, and you don't want to stay in the capital anymore, then let me, a powerful young man, escort you to leave."

The expressions of both of them changed, and Liu Qing continued, "Have you found the place you are going to? I am alone now, and I can send you to that place directly. If it is good, I can just stay there and settle down." It was the same as if he didn't know that this was an inheritance, maybe there was no place outside the capital.

The scene fell into a stalemate for a moment, at this time Liu Qing saw Si Yueqing rushing towards him with sharp eyes, and immediately added, "Speaking of which, I have a friend who is also an orphan, so let's take him along."

I don't know if it's the old man's illusion, Liu Qing's words always feel like cursing that friend.

(End of this chapter)

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