Chapter 77
He himself is alone, and when he meets his friends, he becomes an orphan?
But after all, the two were companions, and the old man didn't know them well, so he dragged the old woman and didn't ask her to say anything. When Si Yueqing approached a few people, he immediately noticed that there was a faint feeling of confrontation between the two sides.

Si Yueqing:?

No, he left for a while, why did Liu Qing start threatening the old man with her arm in her arms?

Although he didn't understand the current situation, Si Yueqing didn't comment too much. Standing beside Liu Qing, he had a vague feeling of supporting Liu Qing, and let the old couple opposite know that they were indeed in the same group. of.

Fortunately, the other party was not too righteous.When Si Yueqing first came over, Liu Qing was really "afraid" that the other party was "confronting" the old man, so she hurriedly supported the two old men.

"It's like this. These two old people said that they are weak and disabled. Even if they want to help others, they can't help others. What's more, no one values ​​their help. Therefore, the two of them expressed complete ignorance of this incident. I just want to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible." Liu Qing summarized the situation of the old couple, emphasizing "old", "weak", and "disabled", but the old couple couldn't refute him.

The corner of Si Yueqing's mouth twitched. At first he really didn't understand why Liu Qing treated the old people like this, but now he also knew that Liu Qing was hinting to him that something was wrong with the old people, which was very problematic.

Si Yueqing secretly observed the two old people and the surrounding environment, and came to the conclusion that there was indeed something wrong with these two old people, and they might not even be "old people".

"Can you leave here?" Si Yueqing raised doubts about this while holding the weapon sword he found.

Liu Qing immediately threw it on the old couple, "They said they want to leave quickly, so they can leave. I just offended them by telling the truth, so I thought about going with them and sending them away for free."

So the two sides are just like confrontation.

Si Yueqing, who had just investigated, knew that there was no way to leave this place, and the only place passed on to them was the capital.But the old couple belonged to the "people" of the inheritance, so according to the setting, in their eyes, there should be more than just this capital city. After leaving the capital city, they can go to other places.

This is nothing.But after noticing that something was wrong between the two, the so-called "leaving the capital" became intriguing, especially when the other party did not agree to accompany Liu Qing, which seemed even more suspicious.

But then again, knowing that doing so is suspicious, why do you still do it?The old woman may be straighter, but the old man looks quite smart.

Si Yueqing and Liu Qing met each other's eyes, and the former followed Liu Qing's words, then turned his head and suggested to them, "This matter in the capital city is not easy, it's really inappropriate for the two of you to leave alone at this time, we will escort you to leave together Bar."

Liu Qing nodded, "Yes, one foot is already in the coffin, so what's the use of it?"

The two said one sentence to each other, one person sang the red face and the other sang the bad face, and the old couple couldn't refute it at all.Don't talk about old women, even old men can't stand it anymore!

In this case, in this case...

The old man had a fierce look in his eyes, he pulled the old woman with one hand, and transformed into a shape with the other, his five fingers were like eagle claws, and shot at Liu Qing who had been mocking them all the time.

Looking at the benevolent old man, his aggression should not be underestimated at all. His speed did not give the two of them a chance to react. Si Yueqing subconsciously wanted to raise his sword to block, but he only felt that his movements in those few seconds were similar to those of the old man. One ratio is surprisingly slow!

Is Liu Qing going to be planted here?That's why I say people have to be polite!Do you see why you have been irritating them?

But immediately, the old man's arm flew out.

Yes, it just flew out.

Not to mention Si Yueqing, even Liu Qing, who was about to escape with the help of a magic weapon, was taken aback for a moment, never expecting someone to be faster than him.

The old man hugged his bloody arm and howled in pain, while the old woman was completely flustered, ignoring her boss, Yueqing, and hurriedly checked on the old man's condition, but it was a pity that she had more energy than she wanted.

"What's wrong with you? Don't scare me!"

"Ahhh! Get out! Don't touch me!"

Looking at it at this time, the relationship between the two is actually not very good.

A figure rushed out from the side and landed beside Liu Qing, and checked Liu Qing up and down to ensure that there was nothing wrong with the other party, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Scared me to death! I was almost about to be sacrificed to heaven by Baiji!" Adi pretended to wipe off the cold sweat that didn't exist, and then looked at the old couple. If you have the awareness of food, where do you want to go?"

As soon as the old man saw Adi, he didn't care about his broken arm that was still bleeding, and pushed the old woman who was eager to get behind him, "Eat her! Eat her! She is fat and fat, and she will definitely satisfy you! "

Ever since he knew that the two monsters in this inheritance were "Lan Hou" in the "afternoon", the old man had been watching the old woman closely, as if he was afraid that she would encounter these two natural enemies, and he seemed to care about the old woman very much. His appearance made the other Tatas very envious, and the old woman was also very devoted to him.

In fact, it was just for the purpose of pulling each other out when meeting Adi and Meida.

The old woman was heartbroken, she didn't dare to look at Adi, she pointed at the old man tremblingly, and said incredulously, "What are you, how could you treat me like this!"

The old man wanted to say a few words, but seeing Adi's playful expression, he immediately shut up and let the old woman speak to him there.

Among the five people present, the only human beings looked at each other, and Liu Qing, who had a relationship with Baiji, asked, "Are you still eating people?" Husband and wife are not necessarily human beings, but they must know what each other is, and it is easy to ask this question.

Adi squinted his eyes. He was not as eager to eat tata as Meida. After all, the other party was also a conscious, intelligent, and evolutionary creature, so he couldn't just eat it casually. He had to enjoy their struggle before death.

Hearing Liu Qing's words at this time, Adi turned around and glanced at him, because he was shorter than Liu Qing, so he looked like he was rolling his eyes, "Stop playing those trick games with me, this is what we left over from playing. I'm not afraid to tell you that although I've never eaten human beings, I don't recommend trying them someday."

As he said that, Adi stretched out his finger to the pair of "old" enemies, "As for them, they are Tata, monsters. But they have no fighting power, anyway, they are like food for our clan."

But of course, in a world where all things generate and restrain each other, even Tata is useful.Therefore, among the monsters, there are "Lanhou" who prey on them, and there are also races that need their help to "work", thus protecting them from Lanhou and other races foraging.

It's a pity that the Tatas in the inheritance should be someone's contract, but the other party obviously doesn't have that ability, or doesn't want to keep them all.

Liu Qing took this opportunity to simply chat with Adi, gathering information, after all, the other party should be with Baiji this day.Si Yueqing stepped aside, silently watching the two people who were talking.Although Adi's attitude towards Liu Qing is not very good, but at least he will answer all questions, and he also shot each other, which is completely different from his attitude towards himself.

The son of luck, who didn't know the identity of the other party, nor his own identity, suddenly felt a little envious of the other party at this time, but he was not jealous.

This is actually quite normal. In a sense, both of them can be regarded as krypton gold and big boss players, but in this situation, it is equivalent to encountering a problem that krypton gold and big boss players can't solve for the time being. A kryptonite and big brother player solved it.After asking, I learned that it was helped by others, and then I realized that this companion is not only a krypton gold player and a big player like myself, but also a "backstage" player at the same time.

The status gain is really almost full.

But the matter of practice still depends on the individual.Si Yueqing envied Liu Qing for having Bai Ji to help him, but he didn't have too many other thoughts.To get help from an expert, in a sense, isn't this another skill of this person?A chance?
But if you have been relying on others on the way of practice, then you are doing the most harmful and stupid thing.

So Si Yueqing, who has always preferred to rely on himself, just looked at the two of them, thinking about his various actions during this trip to the secret realm, and what he gained from it.

People still have to keep practicing and keep getting stronger.Si Yueqing was ashamed of the death of his disciples, but he would not put all the blame on himself. After all, it was not him who killed the disciples, but the master of the inheritance.

That's why Si Yueqing will now summarize his actions and thoughts since his inheritance, and at the same time tell himself to practice harder, in order to save more people when necessary, and minimize or even eliminate casualties.

He came out of ordinary people and was blessed with a spiritual source, so he should protect the "weak" and ordinary people.

This is the way Si Yueqing practiced, the way of "protection".

Become stronger, be the most useful person and protect more people when necessary.

Following one side of his thoughts, Si Yueqing made sure that he was not affected by these monsters, and after he was still determined to "be himself", he withdrew his thoughts. It happened that Liu Qing and Adi over there had also finished chatting. Adi stretched out his hand and grabbed the old man. Drag aside, ready to eat.

Liu Qing thought she was not a good person, but she couldn't accept eating "people", so she turned around and didn't know that Adi beat the old man back to his original form before he started eating.

Facing them, Si Yueqing, who hadn't had time to look back, looked at them for most of it, and felt that it was no different from a living person gnawing on raw meat.

The prototype of Tata is about the size of an adult human head, and the overall appearance is the same as a pile of meat, but if you look closely, you will find that they have strange, pig-like limbs, no mouth and nose, only one eye On top of the head, there are two ears on either side of the head.

Si Yueqing glanced at it, remembered that it was Tata, and then looked away, but it was inevitable that he saw Adi eating Tata, and came to the conclusion that it was no different from eating raw meat.

"Adi started the parade uprising, that's him." Liu Qing shared the news with Si Yueqing, "The purpose is to disrupt the inheritance, and see if it can directly cause this inheritance to collapse."

He concealed what Adi had whispered to him, that Baiji asked him to do this.There's no need to tell Si Yueqing, it seems that Si Yueqing definitely doesn't like this kind of practice, and he believes in Baiji, and Baiji probably didn't want Adi to do this.

But even if Baiji wanted to mess it up, Liu Qing wouldn't think too much about it. After all, he didn't have any sense of resistance to this phenomenon. He felt that what these people did was a bit too extreme and absurd.

Si Yueqing sighed, "Sure enough, it's a weird thing after all."

After a sentence of emotion, it may be that Liu Qing and Adi got acquainted, so even though he could see his disapproval of this method, he didn't say much.

Liu Qing nodded, and felt that there was no need to tell him that it was Bai Ji who mentioned it, "There is a third party involved in this inheritance."

After thinking about it, the other party will know sooner or later, and now they can take the initiative and make Bai Ji the victim, even though Bai Ji was the victim in the first place.

"The other party's goal is the bletilla striata, so there should be someone in the three of you whose task is to get rid of the bletilla striata?" When Liu Qing said this, she kept looking at Si Yueqing's eyes and expression, not letting go of any of his expressions.

"My task is to find evidence, but I am not explicitly required to protect the bletilla striata." Si Yueqing repeated his task to Liu Qing, "If your guess is not wrong, why did the other party target the bletilla striata? This task is placed on us?"

An enemy who can intervene in the inheritance, is this a fight between gods and immortals?The opponents are all existences that he can't imagine under normal circumstances.

"I don't know, I'm probably sick." Liu Qing really didn't know, but he definitely couldn't do it against the bletilla striata. He thought that after the bletilla striata knew about it, he probably wouldn't suffer from it, and there was going to be a tough battle to fight next.

As for why the other party entrusted them with the task, apart from the fact that the other party is not familiar with Baiji, it is probably related to the "luck" mentioned by Baiji before.

All the thoughts went around in her mind, and Liu Qing's expression on the bright side didn't change at all, it was the kung fu of lowering and raising her eyes.

"Bai Ji helped you before, so, can you do me a favor?"

It just so happened that he also wanted to know what "luck" meant.

Si Yueqing nodded, "Yes, I will. Do my best." He didn't pull Ge Yaqi and Huang Feiqiu, after all, they didn't owe Bai Ji any favors, and he wasn't qualified to represent them either.And that's all he can say about himself, after all, the enemy looks very strong.

It happened that Adi had already finished eating the Tata dressed as an old man, so he brought the Tata dressed as an old woman back to its original form, and walked over with one of its legs.

Si Yueqing couldn't hold back his curiosity, and at the same time wanted to confirm Adi's strength, so he asked, "Are these two Tatas high-level or extremely high?" It is only when the strength is extremely fast, so the humanoid alien races seen are basically extremely high.

There are few strong people in human beings, but there are many strong people in other races.

Fortunately, those alien races didn't pay too much attention to the size of the territory, otherwise they would have come to occupy the human world long ago.

Adi, who had had a full meal, was in a good mood. Hearing this, he just glanced at Si Yueqing, which made the latter's scalp tingle for a moment, and then replied: "It's not that strong. It's their masters who used some methods. Their strength has changed. No."

Si Yueqing nodded, and thanked Adi very politely.Zongmen like them are more likely to encounter alien races than the spiritual masters in the city. It is always right to know more.

At the end of the question-and-answer session, the three men stood silently on the street, but they had different thoughts.In the end, the Tata in Adi's hand yelled to break the strange atmosphere.

"Why did it bark all of a sudden?" Liu Qing looked down at the Tata, who tried to grab Adi's hand with his claws, as if he had forgotten that the Tata was his natural enemy.

Adi skillfully carried it and shook it until he fainted.

"Call the master, they won't be afraid when the backstage comes."

(End of this chapter)

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