Sir, how could you take the initiative to change the son of luck?He always dotes on children so much, so whether it is Baiji or the children of luck, they are all spoiled by him.

Di Lin smiled, his expression at this moment was obscure.

"But if the stars choose to fall by themselves, it is really difficult for me to intervene."

The room fell silent again, and Pingha knew that the man's words were not waiting for his own reply, so he didn't reply.

"The palms and backs of the hands are all fleshy, but I prefer fleshy palms." The man landed the last piece, and the outcome on the chessboard was decided. The opponent smiled and simply surrendered.

But for the man's words, He had another idea, "Hey, Di Lin, what kind of words are these?"

Di Lin picked up the water glass on the side and sipped it lightly, "People will always have preferences in their lives, which is really normal."

The "person" on the opposite side understood what he meant, so he smiled, "Okay! You can make a quick decision, as expected of..."

Di Lin gave him a look, which everyone understood, and the "person" on the opposite side didn't say anything, just looked at him and laughed, and glanced at Pingha who was standing alone in the corner.

"I also hope that I can make a decision as soon as possible." Finally, the "person" said so.


After Liu Qing accepted the inheritance, the body of the owner of the inheritance became even more turbid, looking very fragile, giving people a dilapidated feeling.

Si Yueqing looked at the inheritor, and felt that he might have a chance to fight with him now.

Bai Ji wanted to help Liu Qing, but Ke Yanji who was on the side quickly picked it up, not giving them any chance to contact.

Baiji: ...Although, it shouldn't be like this?
"What are you looking at? Men and women can't kiss each other." Ke held Liu Qing, who was not looking well, while raising his hand to push Bai Ji away.

Liu Qing lowered his head, Amber slipped out from his collar, reflecting his face that he knew he was in a bad mood.

What a nosy adult, the bletilla striata couldn't really eat him.The other party didn't like him.

Of course, she doesn't like Dunnian either.

Thinking of something happy, Liu Qing wanted to laugh, but accidentally choked and started coughing.

Ke patted him impatiently, and when Liu Qing stopped coughing and raised her head, she happened to meet Bletilla striata with worried eyes, and subconsciously raised the corners of her mouth.

Ke: ...they really have nothing to do with each other, right?
Bai Ji withdrew her gaze, thinking in her heart that human beings are still too fragile, and they have been made like this just by accepting an inheritance. The system is right to let her protect them.

The Inheritance Master over there has not dissipated, and he seems to be in a good mood.

Baiji knows that this inherited master is on the verge of extinction, but he still doesn't forget to maintain the simulation scene, and doesn't care that Adi will need to pay more to maintain it after it is made like that.

For the sake of fun, the monsters are really trying too hard!
Baiji left a few drops of crocodile tears and walked to the side of the inheritor, "Is that all right? There is no need to continue."

The master of the inheritance is in a good mood. He also selectively forgot Baiji's previous mockery to himself when he was watching the show, "You don't understand, if there is no show, how boring the life of our monsters will be. This long life, Needs to be adjusted."

Bletilla striata doesn't really care about other people's lives, and occasionally gossips about it, but in fact, it doesn't know much about it. It's none of my business, don't suffer from me.

And because of Pingha's relationship, reading novels is okay, women's strong and refreshing novels, or dramatic dog-blooded novels, including those comedies, fantasy movies, Baiji will read them in his spare time, but he doesn't like them when he encounters them in life. .

"You're about to dissipate. Even so, do you still want to use this last time to watch other people's lives?" If it's Bai Ji himself, the last time will definitely be used to please himself reasonably, instead of consuming himself like the inheritor to please yourself.

The same is to please, but the essence is completely different.

The Inheritance Master smiled, he looked weaker, and Baiji felt that he couldn't even hold on for 5 minutes now.

"I'm looking at other people's lives right now."

With that said, the inheritor moved closer to Bai Ji, and added in a low voice, "Those two people left something good inside, and your companion made it even more exciting."

"You changed the setting again." Baiji affirmed.No wonder his power was drawn so quickly.

"My main body has lived for too many years, and the soul left behind has also stayed in the lonely place of these five people for too long. How can I see such dazzling and vivid lives of others in the last time? Can't you be happy about it?" After a pause, the inheritor said again, "That Huang Feiqiu is a girl with a heart mark."

"She has more thoughts than the other one named Ge Yaqi. She doesn't even know what kind of person she is."

"It's time to end." Baiji twitched the corners of his mouth, "Di Lin once told me that your behavior, no matter how beautiful your words are, what you are doing now is a kind of exploitation of others."

Most of the people in the inheritance have come out, and some have even left.All the treasures have been distributed, and the most important inheritance has already been accepted. This inheritance should also end here, which is the best result and is good for everyone.

But the master of the inheritance didn't end it. He just wanted to watch the show, so he started to rely on himself as the master here, consume other people's lives, and force others to stay in the inheritance for his enjoyment.

"Don't you do that? Don't think of yourself so noble. Even the way of heaven and the world consciousness will have their own despicable side." After being ridiculed by others, the inheritor didn't get angry, as if he had a good temper , The previous appearance in front of Yuba Lei was performed by him.

At every moment before he dissipated, he was still the "kind" boss, the "magnanimous" senior.

Baiji laughed, "I never said I was noble, and I can even say that I was never a good person."

She has always done things as she pleases, and was once taught by Di Lin for being lawless.

"I'm just, being myself and of course exploiting others because of it."

The black flame was attached to the woman's arm, penetrated through the body of the inheritor, and then rushed to the sky.Before the inheritance master could make any move, he had already started to dissipate.

This move stunned everyone present.

"You..." The master of the inheritance turned to look at her, and in the end only left a sentence of unclear meaning, "The inheritance should be passed on to you."

Baiji didn't care about this inheritance at all, she didn't even accept the inheritance from her own clan, let alone the inheritance from other clans?
"Forget it." Bai Ji withdrew her hand, and the inheritance began to collapse because of the disappearance of the owner of the inheritance. When everyone at the scene was about to say goodbye, Bai Ji did not talk to Liu Qing first, but set her sights on Si Yue clear body.

Liu Qing, who immediately looked at Baiji when the inheritance began to collapse: ...

Ke was standing by his side right now, both of them were some distance away from the bletilla striata, and the distance from Si Yueqing would only be further.

Because Baiji didn't look at him, Liu Qing's mood subconsciously became unhappy, and even the corners of his mouth that had been half-curved unconsciously straightened, and there was no other expression other than that.

And the distance between Bai Ji and Si Yueqing is far, close or not.Si Yueqing couldn't come to Baiji before the inheritance completely collapsed, but Baiji could, but she didn't have a reason to do so.

There is no need, right?In the final analysis, they are just passers-by who meet by chance.

After counting his head to Si Yue, Bai Ji simply said in a voice he could hear, "When the inheritance is over, your junior sisters will also appear. I just hope that no matter what the result is, you can accept it."

"Also, it's best not to see you again in the future."

Bai Ji hated trouble very much, but now a group of people with a lot of background suddenly appeared out of nowhere to "destroy the world", and they even targeted her, but at present, they don't know all kinds of information about the other party's origin and background. So little, it's disturbing to think about.

If possible, Baiji really doesn't want to get involved with the children of luck. After all, in Baiji's view, the children of luck are tantamount to trouble.

Adding the two troubles together, Baiji was really afraid that next time she couldn't bear it, and she would kill the child of luck who was more fragile and easier to beat at present.

Encountering one or two troublesome things can be said to be a test of life. There are troubles everywhere, and Baiji will really get out of control. Thank you.

Sensing that there was something in Baiji's words, Si Yueqing was taken aback for a moment, but before he could figure it out, he heard the second sentence followed, and then in his sight, Baiji turned around and left without hesitation. Running towards that handsome young man.

A second before he lost consciousness, Si Yueqing clearly saw that the woman reached out and grabbed the boy, holding him tightly.

——This scene has a strong sense of déjà vu.

Unidentified, graffiti-like images flashed across Si Yueqing's memory, but before Si Yueqing could catch them, he lost consciousness.

Although everyone entered the inheritance together, but because the inheritance collapsed in the end, the people who survived did not fall together, and they were not even in the place where they entered the inheritance.

Si Yueqing felt that his consciousness had only disappeared for a few seconds, but when he regained consciousness and quickly looked at his watch, he realized that half an hour had passed since the inheritance collapsed, and he, Ge Yaqi, and Huang Feiqiu were all there, Only he is awake.

Subconsciously broke out in a cold sweat, if he met other hostile sects or other races during that half hour, they probably would have explained everything here.

At present, there are only three of them left. Si Yueqing checked them one by one, and confirmed that Huang Feiqiu and Ge Yaqi were only slightly injured. Now they are in a normal coma, and there is no serious problem, so they retreated to the side and guarded. they.

The other inner disciple didn't know where to go. I don't know if he died in the inheritance, or he was not teleported to the same place with them when he came out.

The sharp drop in the number of people made Si Yueqing feel uneasy, but he also made a decision, planning to go to the sect master to receive punishment when he returned to the sect.

Ge Yaqi woke up first. She was stunned for a moment, and then she realized that there was someone beside her, and her eyes immediately fell on Si Yueqing. After realizing that he was not the one in the inheritance, she was stunned for a few seconds.

"Si Yueqing?" This was the first time Ge Yaqi didn't call Senior Brother Si Yueqing.

Noticing that Ge Yaqi's state was a little off, Si Yueqing didn't ask her to remind her of her address, but nodded, "It's me."

Ge Yaqi grinned and began to smile wryly, with a smile, tears rolled down, she cried and laughed at the same time, looking very embarrassed, not at all like her on weekdays, but at this time Ge Yaqi's attention was not at all here.She leaned on the ground, her crying gradually released from suppression, and then howled loudly.

Si Yueqing pursed her lips, but did not speak to dissuade her.In any case, he is here to guard, so it doesn't matter to let the younger sister be unrestrained.It's just that he was somewhat at a loss for words at this moment, he didn't know what they had gone through, he couldn't comfort them, for fear of pouring salt on Ge Yaqi's wound.

Ge Yaqi cried for a long time, her nose was mixed with tears, and she couldn't find half of her usual appearance.

After venting for about 15 minutes, Go Yaqi's voice gradually weakened.

Si Yueqing handed her the paper, and she was not as embarrassed as before. She trimmed it a bit, wiped off the tears and snot, and combed her hair again, but because of crying for too long, her eyes were red and swollen, and the tip of her nose was also red. It could be seen that she had just cried.

Si Yueqing didn't make a sound the whole time, and neither did Ge Yaqi. After dealing with everything, she nodded slightly, thanked her in a low voice, and then sat on the other side. Clear them together.

During the whole process, she didn't look at Huang Feiqiu, she kept a distance from Huang Feiqiu, she didn't even care about the other party's life or death at all, and didn't check Huang Feiqiu's situation.

Si Yueqing noticed this, but didn't say anything.The disagreement between the two was shown in court, and there was only the three of them at this time, so there was no need for him to rush forward and tell Ge Yaqi what to do.

After another period of time, Huang Feiqiu still didn't wake up, Ge Yaqi also rested, her strength recovered more than half, her face also recovered, if you don't look carefully, you really don't know how hard she was crying just now.

"Senior Brother." Ge Yaqi suddenly called Si Yueqing, but did not look at him, "Do you think, at the beginning of human beings, are people inherently good or inherently evil?"

Si Yueqing was resting his eyes with his eyes closed, but he didn't really rest, and kept paying attention to the movements around him.At this time, when he heard Ge Yaqi's inexplicable question, he was slightly stunned for a second, and wanted to answer, but suddenly felt that he couldn't be so hasty, so he remained silent and lowered his eyes to think.

Ge Yaqi didn't seem to care whether he would answer or not. After waiting for a few seconds and seeing that Si Yueqing didn't speak, she continued to speak. At this time, she seemed to be talking to herself, and also seemed to be confiding to someone, " I have never thought about these issues before. What do these issues have to do with me? Even if I really want to understand, nothing will change."

Nature is good, of course, is a great thing.But what if nature is inherently evil?Does she want to find out those bad guys one by one and correct them?Or simply use strength to crush him, and treat him in his own way?

It's all meaningless, and it's a waste of time not to say, but to do it.

Justice is actually a luxury for them.

Ge Yaqi got up and walked towards Si Yueqing, this sudden action caused Si Yueqing to look up at her.His eyes were peaceful, and looking at these eyelids, Ge Yaqi felt that no matter how dirty he was, he was willing to put on a show in these eyes, at least to make the owner of these eyes happy.

"Then I now realize that everyone is not much different. People like you, brother, are a minority. Why not define normal people as bad people, so that good people can stand out more." While speaking, Ge Yaqi took a step He walked towards Si Yueqing step by step, and kept looking at Si Yueqing's eyes.

Out of trust, Si Yueqing didn't take any action.

Ge Yaqi's movements were not fast, but they were not slow, almost lost his word, and he was only three or two steps away from Si Yueqing.

Si Yueqing still didn't move.

"Since everyone is generally a bad person, then they are inherently evil." Ge Yaqi tilted her head slightly, and at this moment, she finally turned her attention to Huang Feiqiu, who had been neglected by her all this time.

"She is also an ordinary person with an inherently evil nature."

(End of this chapter)

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