Chapter 83
Huang Feiqiu is an ordinary person with an inherently evil nature.

She is not special.

Faintly aware of the meaning of Ge Yaqi's words, Si Yueqing frowned puzzled, then looked at Ge Yaqi, and sure enough, he bumped into the other's eyes full of murderous intent.

In the simulated scene in the inheritance, after they left, the remaining Ge Yaqi must have experienced something.

Si Yueqing boldly speculated that maybe the situation at that time forced the three of them to face each other, so judging from the current results, the remaining disciple probably lost his life, not passed to another place.

"What happened at that time?" Si Yueqing asked in a flat tone, softly and tentatively.

Ge Yaqi pursed her lips, her murderous eyes scraped across Huang Feiqiu's body inch by inch like knives, and for the first time refused to answer the question from Si Yueqing, "I don't know."

Perhaps because the answer was a bit blunt, Ge Yaqi added, but threw the question to Huang Feiqiu who was still unconscious, "You might as well ask her when she wakes up, I think she has a lot of work .”

After she finished speaking, Si Yueqing suddenly smiled, "I thought you didn't intend to let her answer my question."

Ge Yaqi's leaning body paused, and the expression with his back turned to Si Yueqing flashed a struggle, but soon, it was replaced by another expression.

"I did this for you."

Hearing this, Si Yueqing immediately said seriously, "I don't need anyone to do anything for me."

Ge Yaqi felt bitter again, and the atmosphere between the two became stiff and weird again because of this sentence, "No, senior brother. There is no turning back when this matter is started. It is not you and I who can stop the matter from developing to this point. It's gone."

Holding back the teardrops that she wanted to vent again, Ge Yaqi tried her best to control her voice, so as not to let Si Yueqing notice that she was wrong and see through her fragility at this moment.

"We are so small in front of this world."

How do you say these words?If Si Yueqing hadn't known Ge Yaqi for many years, he would only be ignorant of the situation in the second half of this inheritance, or else he really had to think that Ge Yaqi was brainwashed by some cult to say these words.

Just, it's not the same style as the usual Ge Yaqi, not to mention, I always feel that it's weird.

Because of his own status, although he takes care of others more on weekdays, Si Yueqing is essentially a straight man with a single mother and fetus. After a few seconds of silence, he tentatively asked: "In front of this galaxy, is our planet so small?"

He still knows this knowledge.

Ge Yaqi choked up, not knowing whether to cry or laugh.

She hated Si Yueqing for being a piece of wood, but the two had known each other for a long time, and Si Yueqing had always been like this, so she didn't know what to say.

"It's my fault." Ge Yaqi sighed, and with this sigh, the atmosphere between the two suddenly eased, and it was no longer so stagnant.

If you let it go at this point, you will feel very uncomfortable if you can't get up and down, but Ge Yaqi also knows what is enough is enough, and it is good for everyone to let the topic end here.

After a while, when Ge Yaqi was about to feel bored, Huang Feiqiu finally woke up.

At first, there was a tile-blue sky, and then the eyes rolled, and the surrounding scenery was slowly reflected into Huang Feiqiu's pupils.

Tree branches swaying with the wind, leaves falling with the wind, clouds moving slowly, thick trunks and birds singing on the trees.

At this time, the voice was still a little hazy, and it felt like something was being transmitted on different floors.

Huang Feiqiu took a few deep breaths slowly to calm down her mood and breath.Then, the five senses slowly returned, and everything became clear.

The chirping of insects and birds, the smell of earth in the air and the feeling of the grass touching the body, and...

"Are you awake? Get up when you wake up, we have been here long enough because of you."

Instead of all the pictures in front of me, that face belongs to Go Yaqi.

Huang Feiqiu: ...

Subconsciously, she reached out her pocket and touched the familiar jade pendant, Huang Feiqiu's face remained unchanged, but she breathed a sigh of relief.

This jade pendant, she also learned in the inheritance, not only can be used to refresh the mind and remove all negative influences on the spirit, it can also be used to hold back breath. Hiding one's strength from high-ranking people is a necessary prop for pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!
The most important thing is that this jade pendant also has a storage space that can be continuously upgraded with the improvement of the bound person's level to expand the usable area!
After she got out of the secret realm, she went to look for materials, and she would wear this jade around her neck in the future, so she couldn't just put it in her pocket anymore.

"Didn't you hear? I told you to get up, we should get out of here." Seeing that she would rather be in a daze than respond to himself, Ge Yaqi felt angry and kicked her.

Concerned about Si Yueqing who was behind her, Ge Yaqi didn't kick Huang Feiqiu in the face, but simply pushed her waist and abdomen, but he secretly exerted force, which made Huang Feiqiu subconsciously cry out in pain.

"Oh? Junior sister, you can't do this. Do you want to leave us with some self-knowledge? Your physique will probably only hold us back?" Relying on Si Yueqing's ignorance of her strength, Ge Yaqi first opened his mouth to hold Huang Fei Qiu's words were all blocked, anyway, the two of them are now torn apart, she doesn't want to make false claims with Huang Feiqiu anymore.

At this time Si Yueqing also walked to the two of them, Huang Feiqiu didn't want to suffer such a dull loss, so she shook her body and helped her back up, her face was pale, but not too weak.

"Senior sister, I was injured inside, please be considerate." Huang Feiqiu said, smiling weakly, "But senior sister and brother, don't worry, although I was injured, it will not be too serious, as long as there is no secondary injury, It will definitely not hold back."

Ge Yaqi grumbled, "Junior Sister, we are in a secret realm now, plus there are only three of us, so it's okay to meet other sects, but I'm afraid that if you meet a foreign race, then no one can guarantee that you will avoid being hit twice." harm."

Hearing this, Huang Feiqiu glanced at Si Yueqing, and happened to meet the other person's eyes, and quickly withdrew her gaze, "That's okay, I'm afraid it was caused by human targeting."

Both of them hated each other, although Si Yueqing was worried that Si Yueqing wouldn't make too much trouble, but they didn't have any sympathy and started to fight each other.

Si Yueqing sighed, and simply stood between the two of them.

He inexplicably felt as if he was being used as a gun, but this place was not suitable for them to quarrel.

He found the healing elixir from the bag and handed it to Huang Feiqiu, then looked at Ge Yaqi, although he didn't speak, but everyone understood the meaning, so Ge ​​Yaqi didn't say anything else.

Huang Feiqiu held the elixir and turned it around in her hand, her expression was unclear, then she raised her hand and swallowed the elixir in one gulp.

Some abrasions on the body were recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. Turning sideways to pick up the shirt, the bruises on the waist and abdomen that were kicked out by Goyaqi also recovered.

Senior brother in the sect has a lot of good things.

Before Huang Feiqiu could thank you, Si Yueqing asked, "Junior Sister Huang, do you know what happened in the second half of the inheritance? Or, can you tell me what you experienced in the second half?"

Huang Feiqiu's body froze, first she inadvertently cast a glance at Ge Yaqi who was obviously looking for a good show, and then looked at Si Yueqing who was asking the question.

The other party's expression was the same as usual, either the emotions were hidden deeply, or they really didn't know anything.

Huang Feiqiu is more inclined to the latter. After all, even Ge Yaqi may not know what she did without saying anything. With her brief understanding of Si Yueqing, she also knows what Si Yueqing really knows. kind of attitude.

Just and polite teenagers are sometimes very easy to understand.

"I don't know where to start, is the so-called second half of the brother?"

"Those 'revolts' of the populace appeared to begin."

Huang Feiqiu was taken aback, then seemed to be lost in memory, and after thinking for a while, she said, "Those people made a lot of noise, but I was in the Prince's Mansion at the time, so at first I only heard the noise, but I don't know what happened .”

"Later, those people broke into the Prince's Mansion. Because I didn't know their purpose and I didn't want to get too involved with them, I fled there with the maid. The senior sister knew about it, and she led people to catch up. After chasing me and my maid."

Ge Yaqi, who was called, raised her eyelids, neither admitted nor denied, Si Yueqing knew that this was her acquiescence, and Huang Feiqiu was not lying here.

"Later, my senior sister and I parted ways and kept wandering around the city. Because of our low strength, we didn't dare to take the lead, and we always avoided people."

Although this sentence is simple, it can cover up too many things.For example, what did the two experience when they were together, and why did they separate?Huang Feiqiu covered it all in one sentence, but she added more descriptions of her actions in the second half, which made Si Yueqing subconsciously feel that she was covering up something here, but Ge Yaqi didn't mention it or open her shouldn't be What's the big deal?Otherwise, their attitudes would not be so simple.

"Because I have been hiding and did not show up, I am not very clear about what happened in the city. It's just that the people seem to have occupied the palace in the end, and after that, I don't know..."

That is to say, Huang Feiqiu has been dissociated from all the incidents?

Si Yueqing subconsciously felt disbelief, but felt that his emotion was somewhat targeted, so he didn't say anything.Ge Yaqi at the side smiled, and gave Huang Feiqiu a vague look.

"So, Junior Sister Huang, have you seen Junior Sister Sun?" Based on Si Yueqing's understanding of Ge Yaqi, since she hates Huang Feiqiu, it is likely that she will cause Huang Feiqiu all kinds of troubles, but now she has nothing. Said, it should be nothing special, and now the matter of Miss Sun is unclear.

Did you encounter any danger?At that time, except for the three of them, no one else was left in the simulated scene, and that Junior Sister Sun also had a lot of treasures in her hands, so she should not be hurt by those virtual characters.

"Junior Sister Sun?" Huang Feiqiu was taken aback, with one hand in her pocket, her expression blank, "Ah... sorry, I don't know many people, what's wrong with this Junior Sister Sun?"

There were so many people when they went in, but only three of them were left when they came out.Si Yueqing didn't ask anyone else, but only asked Junior Sister Sun, it was quite normal for Huang Feiqiu to have such a reaction.

"...No, it's nothing." Staring at Huang Feiqiu's face for a moment, Si Yueqing pursed her lips and looked away.

"Sorry." After apologizing for his rude behavior, Si Yueqing looked at the two of them, "Is everything fixed? It's time for us to leave here."

It's really strange, since Huang Feiqiu was out of all the incidents and Ge Yaqi didn't deny it, why did Ge Yaqi have that attitude when she just woke up?

But she said that Huang Feiqiu did a lot of things...


"Ah... If you don't go hunting for treasure, is it really okay to follow us?" Seeing Liu Qing rushing towards the herd of beasts, Bai Ji endured it for a moment, but did not hold back, and turned to question Ke who had been following them since the inheritance.

"If I follow you, you can have better harvest." Ke has no intention of leaving at all, "I stay by your side, isn't the harvest along the way very good?"

This is true, since following Ke, Bai Ji has thrown many treasures into the system space.

"...No, baby, of course I'm very grateful for this, but people can't be too greedy, how about we stop when enough is enough?" Bai Ji scratched her head, mainly because when Ke followed them, the sight that swept across them made her very uncomfortable .

"As an elder, I think I have the right to supervise my friend's child to prevent her from falling in love early." Ke spoke solemnly, with a very firm attitude.

Baiji was even more speechless, but fortunately Liu Qing was far away from them and didn't hear these words, "What's the matter with puppy love? I'm already an adult, okay? Besides, I'm a 300-year-old person. If I really want to be with Liu Qing, I won't be so old Grass? I could be his grandmother."

Ke was taken aback by what he said, and turned to look at Baiji, "What are you talking about? You don't know, do you? How can the age of our spiritual beings be compared with that of human beings?"

"...Then, then I've passed my infancy too, so I'm an adult spirit now, okay? This isn't puppy love at all." Baiji argued for herself.

Ke was even more speechless, "Normal spiritual beings are fine, but spiritual beings like yours with racial inheritance, as long as they don't accept the inheritance, they are not considered real adults." Now that the topic is about inheritance, Ke sized up Baiji's expression , Seeing that there was nothing unusual about her, I decided to take this opportunity to say a few more words. It is best to let Bai Ji accept the inheritance.

"You also said that you are old, so why don't you hurry up and accept the inheritance so that you can become a truly mature spiritual creature. Di Lin has always been worried about you." written on the face.

Baiji: ...In the eyes of this group of people, how willful is she?

But accept the inheritance?forget it.

"I don't deserve it." Baiji said softly, "The inheritance of the Shiling clan should not be passed on to a spiritual thing like me."

It is a hopeful inheritance, with full expectations for the younger generation, which is not suitable for a person like her who lives day by day.

Ke sighed, this topic was dropped in silence, only the sound of the wind in the woods rang beside the two of them from time to time.

When Liu Qing came back after dealing with the beast, she happened to see the silence of the two of them.

in argument?It doesn't feel like it.

Liu Qing was thinking in her heart, but she didn't stop moving. She took a few steps to Bai Ji's side, and inserted herself between the two, "I'm fine."

Seeing that he was uninjured, Baiji glanced at the corpses of the monsters. They were not of a very strong level, but because of group activities, they were a bit difficult to fight against.

Because the level is not high, all the things on the body are actually not very useful, but the advantage lies in the large number, and you will get a considerable amount of money if you sell them to those associations. "Shouldn't you clean up those monster corpses?"

Liu Qing raised his eyes slightly. He has earned a lot of money in the past few years. Even if he doesn't rely on Di Lin and the others, he can achieve self-sufficiency, so he doesn't value this money very much.

"It's too dirty, let's go." Liu Qing didn't find any reason, and simply said something.For a considerable amount of money that is not very necessary, it is too much of a waste of energy to clean up the corpses and clean the things you get, right?And the process is also troublesome.

"Wouldn't you do it if Baiji was in it?"

(End of this chapter)

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