Yupei nodded and said nothing else.

In his opinion, this is indeed a very normal thing.There was nothing lovable about those people, and the dogs on the side of the road were more pleasing to the eye than them.

Thinking of how they could attract bees and butterflies in school, Yupei was a little puzzled, feeling that they didn't have the slightest self-knowledge.

"Pfft." Hua Po couldn't help laughing.

"This team building will definitely be very interesting."

Yupei looked up at him, "It's more interesting without you."

"Yes, but Baiji also said they want to be together."

Until Hua Po left, Yupei didn't speak again, nor did he look at him again.


There were still a few days before Sunday, and this period of time had to be passed, so Liu Qing went to school with the other four the next day, only Bai Ji stayed at home, using the excuse of hospitality.

In the leisurely afternoon, the sun was just right, and the servants were busy with their own work, cleaning up the room and cleaning up the garbage.Bai Ji and Ke simply withdrew from the house and drank afternoon tea together in the yard.

"It's a clumsy excuse for Dilin to agree with you not to go to school." Ke looked at the bletilla striata lying on the table and said with a smile, "Look at you, you don't make alchemy anymore."

Alchemy?Yes, alchemy.

"This human villa can't bear it at all. I'll blow up the alchemy furnace once and it will be gone." Baiji raised his hand and waved it. "Besides, it's about raising children."

"They're not the reason for you to be bad, not to mention that I don't think you've bothered."

"How is it possible?!" Baiji raised his head, "I didn't find a reason, I'm really annoyed by them now."

"A servant cooks breakfast for them, lunch can be eaten at school, and they can cook dinner by themselves. The villa was bought by Dilin, and your current living expenses are paid by Dilin. We have also taught those boys for ten years. You What are you doing, not looking for a reason?"

Ming Guluo's voice sounded from the yard, and when Baiji turned around, she saw her staring at him with her arms crossed, her talking eyes were full of condemnation of Baiji, "You are not too young, you should know something ? Don’t just find all kinds of reasons.”

"Ah...my heart hurts so much." Baiji turned her head away, but refused to listen.

Ming Guluo frowned, looked at Ke who was smiling, and didn't say anything, which gave Baiji some face.

"Long time no see, Gu Luo." Ke put down the teacup in his hand and nodded to Ming Gu Luo.

Ming Guluo's complexion was a little relaxed. Spiritual creatures are more united than ghostly creatures, and they have no relationship with predators. Therefore, even though they are not of the same race, they are both spiritual creatures, and they will feel a little joy when they meet.

"Long time no see, Ke." Ming Guluo walked up to the two of them, pressed the back of Baiji's head to force her to lower her head, and then lowered her head himself, "Baiji, please take care of me."

Ke is considered a senior to Baiji, and he is also a senior to Ming Guluo.

"It's nothing serious, Baiji is very sensible." Ke raised his hand and said politely.

Minggu immediately continued: "If she can be more sensible, my husband and I won't have a headache anymore."

Bai Ji pulled Ming Guluo's hand away, "You two, please stop being polite, please?" He also sandwiched her in the middle, really speechless.

Ming Guluo withdrew his hand and didn't say any more polite words, but he glanced at Bai Ji, which meant clearly - "There are outsiders here, I don't want to trouble you now, you can wait and see later."

Bai Ji pouted with his back to Ming Gu Luo, stretched out his hand and pulled out the chair between the two of them, letting Ming Gu Luo sit down.

After Ming Guluo was seated, Bai Ji thought for a while, and hesitated to leave at this time.After all, when they are together, they will definitely talk about some serious matters that I can't get in the way of. Since I can't get involved in anything, why don't I just...

Ming Guluo's eyes came over, and Bai Ji silently lay back on the table.

"I have roughly heard what happened on your trip, but you also know that Mr. Di Lin won't tell me too much, so I'm here to find some details you want to know." Ming Guluo sat down After that, he immediately stated his purpose for coming here.

Bai Ji tilted his head, "So you didn't come to see us."

Ming Guluo ignored her at all, and continued: "How about that group of people? Strength, and methods."

Ke recalled how he felt when he played against Ba Lei, "It's just normal, nothing too special."

"They have equipment with space." The bored Baiji curled up a lock of his hair, "It can hold things in it, but it doesn't seem to be particularly good at it."

Only then did Ming Guluo look straight at her, "Spatial equipment? It's about the same as yours, or..."

"It's different from me. It feels like it's the kind of carry-on. It shouldn't be obvious from the outside. It may be jewelry, or it may be just a package." Her space is the system space, as long as it is something she touches, it can be put away directly , and it is stored according to the grid, it should be different from them.

Unless they are bound to the system too.

"Host! As far as I know, there is no magic weapon of space in this world of yours." The system also kept listening, "The other party has space, and it must have a lot of background!"

Baiji sneered when he heard the words, "That's right, you also have a system space, do you think you have any relationship? After all, you didn't have these things before you appeared."

Then he said to Ming Guluo: "Oh yes, they still have a 'god', it seems to be their boss."

"God?" Ming Guluo was surprised.

Ke on the side nodded his index finger, "Yes, I also know this, the conversation between them mentioned 'God'."

Ming Guluo's expression was even weirder, "A magical beast, a spiritual creature, what follows is not a master, but a god?"

Baiji nodded vigorously, "That's to say, it's ridiculous." Although there are spiritual powers and different races in the world, everyone knows that there is no god.

The darling of heaven, the treasure of the world, and the child of God, but these are all metaphors used in praise. Whoever believes that there is a god is the fool.

The only two things that everyone avoids are the "law of heaven" pursued by all beings and the "consciousness" of the world itself.

But what about God?
Let alone whether it is true or not, the Dao of Heaven and the consciousness of the world are not merciful, they will let this kind of guy disturb the order.

"Do they really believe it?" Ming Guluo still thinks it's impossible, and thinks about it in a place where if someone comes to her and tells her that she is a god, she can directly send him to a mental hospital.

These people would actually believe it, and still do things for him?
"I don't know the specific situation, but there is indeed a 'god' behind them, and their target is me. Among the two people who came this time, one is the one who attacked me ten years ago." He leaned back, folded his hands in front of his chest, with a dull expression on his face.

"That spiritual creature doesn't know the specific race, but his talent is to disguise himself as someone else, and he can even affect their memory to a certain extent during the disguise period."

Ming Guluo nodded, the talent of the spiritual object is basically linked to his own ability, as long as the opponent is stronger than him, the influence of this talent can be ignored or even not at all.

This is the case with the black flame of Baiji. Although it can devour and corrode everything, she can control the speed by herself, and if the opponent is stronger than her, it is an ordinary flame, or it is just a flame that is relatively awkward for the opponent. .

"I see." Ming Guluo took out the work tablet that he always carried with him, wrote down one by one in his notes, and planned to find them through the network.

Even if you can't find the real person, at least you can know the other party's race and habits.

Bai Ji put one hand on the table to support his chin, tilted his head and glanced at Ming Guluo's handwritten notes, thought for a while and said, "They seem to be very concerned about my adoption of these children."

After the words fell, Ke who was drinking tea and Ming Guluo who was writing on the opposite side all paused.

Ke didn't speak, Ming Guluo glanced at him indistinctly, then turned to Bai Ji and said, "You don't have to worry about that."

Bai Ji raised his eyebrows, "Why?"

Ming Guluo didn't go into details with Bai Ji, but simply expressed what Di Lin meant.

"If you really want them to be well, you should pay more attention to them in your life and protect them well."

Baiji said flatly: "But I figured everything out, and directly captured the thief and the king, wouldn't it be better for them?"

Ming Guluo frowned, looking at Bai Ji like looking at his own stubborn and disobedient child who has been playing with his temper, "I have already conveyed my meaning, if you insist on going, I have nothing to say."

Before Baiji could speak, Ming Guluo continued: "Besides, you think the question is too simple, right? The process of pursuing the truth is generally long. If you don't even understand the primary and secondary during this period of time, and in the end the gain outweighs the loss, then you will It’s really ridiculous.”

Baiji opened his mouth, and under Ming Guluo's condensed gaze, he didn't say anything to refute.

Ming Guluo, who didn't care much about those children, actually asked her to protect them this time instead of pursuing the truth?
After understanding the basics, Ming Guluo got up and walked to the side, took out his mobile phone and directed the tablet to give instructions to his subordinates.

Bai Ji picked up a strand of her hair again, feeling that after coming back this time, the quality of her hair has deteriorated a lot.

After Mingguluo's work was over, she walked back in a few steps——after finishing business, she could deal with private affairs.

The quite leisurely Bai Ji watched these two steps, and his eyelids twitched subconsciously, so he preemptively said, "Oh, by the way, where is Pingha? Doesn't it mean that I can see him this time when I come back?"

Ming Guluo sat down before returning: "At Mr.'s place, I will be able to come to you in two days."

Bai Ji nodded, but to be honest, the matter dragged on for so long, even if she was still angry, she didn't feel the same way as before, so she was a little bit panicked and very uncomfortable.

Mingguluo chatted with Ke for a while and then left. Before leaving, he did not forget to tell Baiji: "The point is those children, don't do stupid things, and go to school honestly next week."

It's okay to say anything else, but when it comes to going to school, Bai Ji is as speechless as if someone has choked her throat, "Oh... good."

When Ming Guluo left, Ke looked at Baiji's obviously listless look, and said with a smile, "You don't like going to school so much?"

"Of course I don't like it." Baiji lay on the table with a muffled voice, "Who would like to go to school? Or high school courses, do you know how difficult high school courses are?"

Ke Wenyan was taken aback for a moment, he thought that Di Lin asked Bai Ji to go to school just to go through a process, so that she would have something to do every day, "Di Lin and the others still ask for your grades?"

"...That's not true." The six-day class in a week can save a few days. With this condition, Bai Ji is too embarrassed to speak ill of Di Lin and the others. "But if you do poorly in the exam, you will criticize me."

That was the case in junior high school, but at least you can hold your feet temporarily.

Classes in high school are too difficult, cramming is simply not going to work, especially that math!Even if the class of the soul master is different from that of ordinary students, this class is not easy.

"It's good to learn more, knowledge can change your destiny." Ke comforted with a smile, but that smile was gloating in Baiji's eyes.

"Of course everyone knows the truth." Even though they have only been in school for a few days, the outstanding spiritual masters in the class will apply the knowledge they have learned, such as physical chemistry, to spiritual power reactions, which is very powerful in the eyes of Baiji.

Although she didn't respond to this herself, and those methods were not worth mentioning in her opinion.

But this flexible use is worth advocating!

So it is still useful to learn, but she has lived for more than 300 years and has not engaged in systematic teaching so regularly, and she is really uncomfortable in all aspects.

"Di Lin has provided you with the conditions, and he didn't ask too much of you. You can learn as much as you want. Serious life is also an attitude." After a pause, Ke suddenly thought of something, and Ke looked at it and didn't realize it. Bletilla striata arrived, and continued, "In the end, knowledge is something, and what you learn is yours."

Baiji scratched his head and did not refute. Instead, he talked to Ke about this Sunday's team building.

Although Ke knows a lot of people, he has always lived by himself, and rarely does group building or other activities, but it is not against him, but he likes these activities very much.

"That's good." Ke nodded. The "old monster" who has lived for a long time can get a general understanding of their personalities and the relationship between them just through their daily conversations.

Seeing that Baiji didn't seem to be aware of it, Ke also pressed his tongue badly.

Some things, if you don't let it explode, you will never know how powerful it will be.

Of course, Ke didn't want to harm them, but he also hoped that through this kind of outbreak, Baiji and these children would realize the problem.

All before, through observation, those boys obviously knew that they had certain problems, but they not only failed to find a solution, but ignored it, even the bletilla striata.

It can only be said that if you are not a family, you will not enter a family.

So how will they deal with the problem when they have been avoiding it, subconsciously ignoring it, and pretending not to know it because they don't want to deal with it at all?
Baiji mentioned team building to Ke mainly because he wanted to know what suggestions he had, but since he had mentioned it, he also asked if he wanted to join them, but was rejected by the latter.

"Juniors go out to play, why am I an elder to make trouble? It will also make you unhappy."

Baiji was about to say it’s okay, but she stopped when she was on the verge of speaking—thinking of Ke Pingli’s old-fashioned demeanor, and thinking about the information she collected, young people nowadays like exciting things, it’s true too match.

"That's fine, I'll tell you when I come back, and you can help me see how it goes."

Things are changing quickly. Although the team building on Sunday is going on normally, the number of people has increased.

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