Chapter 89

The reason is also very simple.

Ming Guluo and others were very busy, and Bai Ji didn't go to class, so the task of taking Ke out to show his kindness to the landlord fell on Bai Ji.

Although Pingha, who was already free, could do it, but after the boy came to the house to say hello to Baiji, he ran off to no one knows where.

This was not the first time that this happened. Bai Ji thought that he was too busy some time ago and wanted to relax, so she didn't care about him too much, but she was a little embarrassed in her heart. After all, when she was angry before, she had treated Ming Guluo and the two of them. They had all done it before, but when it came to Pingha, who was more aggressive, it took so long that he had no mood to deal with him anymore.

I led Ke around the magic city and met an acquaintance after only two days of wandering.

"Bletilla?" The woman was tall and wearing black tights. The muscles on her arms were bulging. The eyes of other passers-by fell on her inadvertently and quickly looked away the next second.

Baiji heard the sound and looked at the woman. She was unfamiliar but looked familiar.

Ke, who was playing with his mobile phone to scan her face to pay, also took a look at the woman. Seeing that although the woman had an extraordinary bearing and aura that was not weak, she was not dangerous to the two of them, he stopped caring about her.

"It's Baiji." The woman confirmed Baiji's identity, slightly possessed her and extended her left hand to Baiji. Could it be that she wanted to shake hands?
Bai Ji tilted his head. Although he felt confused, he was brave enough to be an expert and immediately reached out his hand to shake hands with the woman.

The handshake lasted only a second or two. Bai Ji raised her right eyebrow slightly, realizing that this strange woman who suddenly appeared and knew her name was actually testing her strength.

Of course, Bai Ji would not suggest other people's provocations, because she was strong and would fight back one by one. Over time, it became a kind of fun.

The woman retracted her hand, curled her fingers in the air a few times, and then held it openly in front of the two of them, "It's amazing. Baiji, you haven't changed at all."

"No, not really. It seems a little stronger? But it doesn't seem to have grown at all." The woman put down her hand and cast a fierce gaze on Bai Ji, "This is really strange."

"Strange?" Bai Ji crossed his hands on his chest and turned his head to look at the woman.

She is over 1.7 meters tall, and the shoes she wore this time are somewhat heeled, but you still need to look up to see a woman. This strange woman is at least 1.8 meters tall.

"Yes." The woman nodded, "After all, ten years have passed."

Bai Ji carefully observed the woman's facial features, and a name suddenly popped into his head. He said it without thinking, "Huangfu Yan?"

The woman did not respond directly. She looked at Bai Ji's face slowly and carefully, then nodded, "Long time no see, Bai Ji."

Back then, Bai Ji suddenly left without saying goodbye, and the boy who was with her was immediately picked up. Neither of them waited for the final result of the Gong Ling Sect competition, and it was not time for the exchange students at all. This always made Huangfu Homura was very concerned.

After asking people within the Gong Ling Sect, including those close to the two of them, they didn't know why the two suddenly left.When the exchange student's time came, Huangfu Yan immediately went home and asked the elders in his family to find someone. He found nothing but someone finally came to ask them to stop this move.

In the past ten years, she only knew that Bai Ji had a background. She had transferred to the No. [-] Junior High School from nowhere, but not long after attending the school, she came to Gong Ling Sect as an exchange student, and she heard nothing from him after that.

Why did you leave suddenly without saying goodbye?Why no more news?
Huangfu Yan's beast-like intuition made her realize something was wrong immediately, especially when she first returned to the Magic City. The entire Magic City made her feel very depressed.

From the initial doubts and trying to find answers to the later period when other things attracted his attention and suppressed the matter in his heart, Huangfu Yan would always think of Baiji from time to time in the past ten years.

In the end, Huangfu Yan would even wonder if Bai Ji had a very heavy mission and had enemies that were so difficult to deal with that she needed to leave the noisy world incognito and let her family here help her hide her identity and erase the information.

Of course, she was just thinking about it, and now that she saw Bai Ji, she had no intention of expressing her thoughts, so as not to cause trouble and make people laugh.

"I thought you had been practicing in the past ten years." Huangfu Yan spoke concisely and said with a smile, "But now it seems that you have not grown much, but your original strength has solidified a lot."

What a perceptive human being.

Before they knew each other's identity, Bai Ji and Ke paid no attention to the woman. After knowing each other's identity, Bai Ji just nodded indifferently.

Maybe ten years have passed in Huangfuyan's eyes, but to Baiji, whose life itself is too long to just sleep and recuperate, it's just a matter of one nap, and the feeling is completely different.

What's more, Bai Ji didn't have any deep feelings for Huangfu Yan. The two of them were just familiar passers-by.

The system went through the future overview narrated from the perspective of the Daughter of Luck. Huangfu Yan was indeed a more stylish "obstacle" that the Daughter of Luck encountered after coming to the Magic City in the later period, and because it itself was a more difficult one, A large, family-like boss with higher rewards. Although the Daughter of Luck won the victory in the end and obtained a lot of treasures, she was still almost killed by the opponent in the process.

What a great leader!
After reading these systems, I didn't tell Bai Ji. This summary of the future, which is like a novel, Bai Ji probably forgot about it long ago. For Bai Ji, the text has always been just a reference, not to mention that it has almost no reference value now.

At this time, Bai Ji became interested because of Huangfu Yan's words. He took a closer look at Huangfu Yan and found that he was just a middle-aged man now, which was indeed a good talent among humans.

Ranking is generally not very stupid. It rises quickly in the early stage and slowly in the later stage.But even so, Huangfu Yan's talent is not the best, and he is still among the top people.

Bai Ji was curious and poked at the system, "Does she have some identity?" Even though she is the descendant of an outstanding senior brother, this talent is too skewed, right?
The descendant of a top pharmacist is actually a talented spiritual practitioner?
The system had no choice but to tell Bai Ji the identity of the other party, "Boss?" Such an outstanding young man, even if he is a bit strange, would not be reduced to a "boss" kind of existence, right?

"How did she end up having sex with that girl of fortune?"

[ was at the Ling Yuan Zha's auction. Both parties took a fancy to the same treasure, but Huangfu Yan was accompanied by Yu Yan at the time, so the treasure finally fell into the hands of the girl of luck, and Huangfu Yan got rid of it afterwards. Yu Yan went to find the Girl of Luck, and then the two, um... um. 】

You...well, you are very spiritual.

"Is there a problem with the handling method? There is a conflict of interest between the two?" Based on Bai Ji's brief contact with the girl of luck, she can tell that she is arrogant at first glance. If Huangfu Yan handles it improperly, the two of them will definitely fight!
The system was silent for a while, and then turned over the plot again. Because it was a small climax, it was all described in detail.

[…It’s because the two of them were talking about something completely different. 】

Bletilla striata:?
Ah, if you think about it carefully, it’s not impossible?

It feels like these two humans are really capable of doing something like this.

"Explain?" Bai Ji raised his hand in the same manner as a student would do in class, and said seriously to Huangfu Yan, "Wait a minute, I have something to do."

If you want to listen to the story, it will of course take a long time.

After talking to Huangfu Yan, Bai Ji sat at the table opposite, planning to finish the melon seriously.In order to pretend that she was really busy, she pretended to take out her mobile phone and put it in front of her eyes. She swiped it a few times and typed carelessly, as if she was really dealing with something.

Since the phone is facing away from them, they won’t know what they are doing!
Huangfu Yan, who was just left alone, was silent. He didn't really argue with Bai Ji. He consciously sat down opposite Bai Ji, who happened to be opposite Ke.

Before sitting down, Huangfu Yan glanced at Ke without any trace.

Of course Ke noticed it, but he didn't say anything. He pretended that he didn't see it and continued to think about his phone, actually wiping his face in his heart.

Look, look!It's because of these people that Baiji is so used to it!You should just tell her that you can't wait any longer and let her finish talking to you first before talking about anything else. Is there anything you have to do now?That little girl is not really dealing with things at first glance!

There’s no point in pretending!

Ke Zai, who considered himself an elder and could not let his juniors embarrass themselves in front of others, couldn't expose Bai Ji, murmured in his heart.

The three of them sat on each side, two of them were looking at their mobile phones, and one of them had his eyes closed and was concentrating. There was a sense of peace and quiet in the years.

Outside the glass window was the road. Ming Guluo, who was passing by on business, noticed this strange combination at a glance. Two muscular men and women were sitting on both sides, surrounded by a beautiful girl. However, neither of the muscular men and women looked at her. Instead, they looked at her. Face to face.

Ming Guluo:?She asked Bai Ji to receive Ke as a landlord. Is she setting up a blind date for Ke?

Bai Ji, who was listening to the gossip with his eyes lowered, had no idea about the psychological activities of these people. He was poking at the system in his head like crazy, asking it to tell him a story quickly. The system he was poking at was spinning like a wheel.

【this!This is what you need to hear! ] Don’t say it’s boring after listening to it!

"Speak quickly, don't be verbose." Bai Ji poked the system again, quite hard, knocking the system over.

The system cursed in its heart, regretting for the 870th time how it had bound such a host. Even if it bound those villains, it was better than Baiji!
[That’s right, cough.The auction ended, and as soon as I came out of the auction venue, I noticed many people looking at me furtively...]


[This is because No. 1 is called perspective. 】

"It's too weird. I can't bring it in. I don't know how to talk to people, so you speak from a third-person perspective."

[...] There are quite a lot of things, and you have no idea whether the conversation you are talking to is appropriate?
[I... cough, Qi Yun and Huang Feiqiu turned around and turned into an alley, using the terrain to easily get rid of these people who wanted to chase me, Huang Feiqiu. 】

Baiji was silent.

[But soon, before Huang Feiqiu could go far, another tall and strong woman came out from the corner. I, Huang Feiqiu, had met this woman before. It was the same woman who met Huang Feiqiu at the previous auction. Women competing for the nine-petaled lotus lamp!At this moment, she stood in front of Huang Feiqiu and said that she was a woman...]

"Skip the description of appearance and aura, can you just talk about the dry stuff?" Bai Ji interrupted impatiently. This was a stumbling statement. It would be better not to change the perspective and give it back to me, Huang Feiqiu.

The system paused and pulled down a few times. [Huangfu Yan said coldly, "Give me the thing. You don't know how to use it at all." 】

[I——Huang Feiqiu was dissatisfied and immediately retorted, how do you know I don’t know how to use it? 】

[You can set the price as you like. How much can you give me the things for?Huangfu Yan didn't care what happened to Huang Feiqiu. She only wanted the nine-petal lotus cup for this woman! 】

[Huang Feiqiu pulled into the strap of her backpack and said in a deep voice, I spent money to take the nine-petal lotus lamp based on my ability. Even if I don't know how to use it, it has nothing to do with you. 】

[Huangfu Yan frowned, his gaze was like me - Huang Feiqiu is just an ant. What Huang Feiqiu said seemed to be an ant's last struggle before death. It's a waste for you to do this. 】

[Huang Feiqiu pursed her lips, feeling grievances welling up in her heart. She thought to herself, what should I do so that I won’t be looked down upon like this again?All living beings are obviously equal, but do they want to look down on those of us who work hard on our own just because they are born well? 】

When Baiji heard this, he started snapping at the system like he was having a seizure.

[Why are you still fighting against the unification while listening to this?This is what you need to hear! 】The system was shaken hard by the first few shots, and the screen in front of me was blurred. I quickly rolled left and right to get out of the way.

Baiji just patted one place mechanically, and there was no big problem with the system. He just hugged himself and felt so pitiful.

"I'm sorry, I wanted you to stop immediately." Baiji reacted and quickly apologized to the system, "This is my fault, but I really felt a little disgusted when I heard this and couldn't hold it back."

This conversation can be said to be wrong, but in fact it is not that exaggerated. It’s just that the idea of ​​​​the girl of luck is too...?
"No, does she have a persecution delusion?" I don't know if the daughter of luck has left a bad impression on Bai Ji. In addition, Huangfu Yan has a better relationship with her. Anyway, she only felt that this plot Most of the mistakes in it are Huang Feiqiu's fault, Huangfu Yan only accounts for [-] or [-]%.

Although I don’t know what this nine-petal lotus cup is, Huangfu Yan’s intention is to tell you clearly that if this thing is wasted in the hands of someone who knows nothing about you, you might as well pay to sell it to me. It's just there, why not let me put it to better use.

Although Huangfu Yan's actions are considered moral kidnapping in a serious sense, after all, this thing belongs to Huang Feiqiu now, and she can do whatever she wants. It will really make people feel uncomfortable if an outsider like you, who has never fought before, comes to speak righteously.

But, why did Huang Feiqiu feel that Huangfu Yan was humiliating her? !

There are treasures in this world that are of no use to those who don’t understand them. If you teach them, they can only produce [-]% or [-]% of the effect. Then someone who can play a better role comes to you and says that you can give whatever price you want. -Is this humiliation?look down?
"What about the end?" Bai Ji asked, "I want to know if Huangfu Yan took action against Huang Feiqiu." When she heard that the problem seemed more like it was on Huang Feiqiu, there was something wrong with her thinking, but this kind of cause and effect In fact, they are all important.

As mentioned just now, Huangfu Yan's words were blunt and unpleasant. Although he didn't necessarily mean that, he did say such ambiguous words. And in the end, if Huangfu Yan couldn't get the money to take action against Huang Feiqiu, then Huangfu Yan would Flame will take full responsibility.

It's just a discussion without taking action. It's a business. What the other party thinks badly is the other party's business. Huangfu Yan is somewhat reasonable, but if she really takes action against Huang Feiqiu, then this matter will be very bad.

Bai Ji thought that he was not a good person and would get what he wanted no matter what. But sitting next to Huangfu Yan, looking at the woman's resolute face, he couldn't help but have some expectations for the system's answer.

[She takes action. 】The system spoke, and before Bai Ji, who was stunned by the answer, could recover, he continued——

[Because Huang Feiqiu took action first. 】

 After looking for inspiration, I quietly came back

(End of this chapter)

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