Because Huang Feiqiu felt that the other party was humiliating her, she waited for Huangfu Yan to think about the opportunity and quickly attacked Huangfu Yan.

She wanted to strike first. She didn't believe that the woman who humiliated her would stop there, so she wanted to get rid of the woman before she took action to seize the treasure.

But at that time, Huang Feiqiu was not Huangfu Yan's opponent. He immediately counterattacked after the opponent discovered his murderous intention. As a result, Huang Feiqiu was knocked to the ground and vomited blood.

Huangfu Yan frowned and looked at her, his feet just on the ground next to her face.

When Huang Feiqiu recovered from the dizziness and regained her sight, the moment the two met their eyes, Huangfu Yan seemed to have a little pity in his eyes, which made Huang Feiqiu feel tight in the chest and cough out blood.

In the end, Huangfu Yan didn't touch her again, didn't take advantage of her illness to kill her, didn't seize the treasure, and didn't call anyone to heal her.

But Huang Feiqiu remembered Huangfu Yan's face deeply. She wanted to make this woman who looked down on her pay the price, and she wanted her to know that her actions were tantamount to letting the tiger go home.

She will regret everything she did today, including not killing herself!
The latter systems did not tell Bletilla anymore. Even if it didn't know much about human emotions, it could probably guess that Bletilla would not like this development.

Now she only needs to know that Huangfu Yan attacked Huang Feiqiu out of self-defense, and in the end left directly without doing anything to regret Huang Feiqiu.

Maybe there is something wrong with this lucky girl?Is this what a girl of luck should look like?
Then it binds the wrong person, is the final result correct or wrong?
The system was rarely confused for a while, but seeing the fearless look on its host's face, it felt that the things he was thinking were meaningless.

After all, after selecting a host, unless the task is completed or fails, there is no third possibility to contact the binding. Failure of course also includes the death of the host, but Baiji's combat power... As long as she is not reckless, she does not have to worry about this in the long run. Woolen cloth.

After eating the melon, Baiji took back her phone with satisfaction and looked at Huangfu Yan with a "tenderness" she didn't even know she had in her eyes, leaving the latter stunned.

Ke was briefly distracted for a moment, but before he realized anything, he heard the big girl opposite talking crazy words with a very serious expression on her face.

"Is the matter settled?" Huangfuyan probably "understood" something from Baiji's eyes, "Then let's discuss our marriage?"


Because he was afraid that Bletilla striata would make a joke, he quickly came over and Ming Guluo said:?

Also, the client Baiji:?

A shadow fell on Bai Ji's face. She turned her head and saw Ming Guluo standing outside the glass window with a cold face.

The gaze slowly licked across Baiji's face like crumbs, causing goosebumps all over her body.


Later, Huangfu Yan left.

But she also joined the team building team.

Baiji was carried to the car by Ming Guluo like a chicken. Ke, who was confused, quickly followed, and the three of them returned to Baiji's villa.

"I have nothing to do with her." Bai Ji crossed her arms across her chest with an unhappy look on her face, "She has some feelings for Yu Pei to the end." After all, Yu Pei was indeed taken care of by her in the Gong Ling Sect before. a period of time.

Ming Guluo frowned when he heard this, but he didn't believe it completely, "Then why did she have a marriage contract with you?"

Bai Ji quickly retorted like Zha Mao: "No! I don't! I am very clean and self-sufficient!"

Because she was brought up by Di Lin and influenced by him, although Bai Ji has a bit of a rough-and-tumble temperament, she thinks she has a good handle on her private life!

Of course Ming Guluo also knows this. If Baiji really does something bad in this regard, without her having to worry about it, Mr. Dilin can personally teach this guy a lesson.

Does that mean the other party has some plot against Baiji?I discovered Bletilla's identity, so I wanted to do something with Bletilla...

Ming Guluo lowered his eyes and thought, but before he could figure out the reason, Bai Ji interrupted him.

"Also, why did you let her participate in our team building?" Seeing that Ming Guluo remained silent, Bai Ji became slightly embarrassed and tried to seriously express her dissatisfaction to the other party, "Those boys and I finally got together. You even called an outsider."

Only then did Ming Guluo raise his head and glance at Bai Ji. His cold snake eyes made the latter tremble, and he silently hid behind Ke.

"Since you don't have a close relationship with her, you don't need to worry too much, right?"

"I mean……"

"I know, you think it was you who brought up the team building, and now it's not good for those guys to call in outsiders, but since you two really have nothing to do with each other, you might as well take this opportunity to explain it clearly, then A few boys can help you keep an eye on her."

Before Bai Ji could speak, Ming Guluo continued, "You and those boys can get together next week, and the week after that."

Having said this, Bai Ji had a complicated expression - although the boys now were pretty good-looking and even taller than her, to be honest, her impression of them was actually lagging behind.

"What do you mean those guys are helping me keep an eye on her? Just those guys?" Them?She had sorted everything out for them before!
Now Ming Guluo's words put their status above hers!

Can this be tolerated? !
Ming Guluo was silent. She didn't expect Bai Ji to be more concerned about this, but she was not surprised. In short, "This matter is settled."

In addition to asking those boys to keep an eye on Bai Ji and Huangfu Yan, they actually asked the two of them to keep an eye on those boys. After all, Ming Guluo didn't believe that those boys could really have such a good relationship and even get a date. Going out to play?
Heh, probably you want to do something, right?

We don't recommend wolfish competition, but if you trick Baiji in front of her, don't blame her for chopping off her paws.

Ke, who had been silent, looked at Ming Guluo, who seemed thoughtful, and then at Bai Ji, who was obviously still dissatisfied, and wisely chose to remain silent.

These young people are quite interesting.

Time flies and Sunday is coming soon, but Bai Ji is more worried about next week starting tomorrow, she has to go to class!
Several teenagers had the habit of getting up early because they had classes on weekdays. Among those who wanted to go out to play, Bai Ji got up the latest, and was still woken up by Huangfu Yan's call.

Looking up at the time, Baiji scratched his head and reluctantly got out of bed to wash up. It was almost ten o'clock.

After changing into suitable clothes and arriving at the lobby on the first floor, everyone was already there except her. Even Huangfu Yan was there, sitting a little further away from the teenagers and looking at his mobile phone.

Seeing Bai Ji coming down, Huangfu Yan stood up before Yu Pei could say anything, "Sorry, I came to your home without your consent, but the gentleman named Ping Ha said that I can come in first and wait."

"Pingha?" Bai Ji raised his right eyebrow. This guy really comes out every day to make his presence felt.

"Do you have a bag? I can help you carry it." Seeing that Bai Ji's face was slightly unhappy, Huangfu Yan quickly changed the subject, fearing that she would really care about him, "Of course, if you see anything along the way, You can also let me carry the things you carry."

Yu Pei opened and closed his mouth, and Hua Po beside him turned to look at Bai Ji and the two of them, not knowing what the sudden appearance of the woman meant.

——No, is she sick?

Jiang Zhu's eyes widened, and Liu Qing couldn't see it, so he simply hit him with his elbow, but Dunnian gave him a disapproving look.Baiji was silent and said: "No, I usually don't carry a backpack." In the past, she didn't carry a backpack much when she didn't have system space. She basically put medicinal materials here and there, and there were several Ming Guluo people around her. It won't make her worry too much.

Thinking of this, Bai Ji paused. She always felt like she was the one who was always being pampered?
Hmm... It's an illusion. Not to mention the others, Ming Guluo got angry and punished himself!

Huangfu Yan, who was opposite him, felt a little nervous when he saw that Bai Ji didn't speak after saying something.

Because she regarded this outing as a date (she completely ignored the five striking teenagers), she deliberately read many books on how to please her girlfriends in the past few days (she never thought that she would be the one being The favored party), you can say that you are fully prepared!
Even today’s outfit was done by a stylist who I specially found after washing up after training in the morning!
I just don't know why, but her parents and brother are always staring at her, feeling like their eyes are about to pop out.

At this time, Bai Ji also noticed Huangfu Yan's attire. It was... very detailed. It could be seen that it was done with care. It didn't feel like he was just out for fun, but like he was going to walk on the red carpet to shoot for a magazine?
A high-end custom-made outfit, although it's as good as a dress, is still pretty much the same. It can only be said that it's more convenient to move around than a dress, and it's a lot more grand than regular clothes.

and!She even had her hair waxed!

Bai Ji, wearing a white shirt, blue jeans and white sneakers, with her hair tied up casually, stared at the other person's exquisite hairstyle, and then looked at the teenagers on the sofa who were also wearing regular clothes. For a moment, she wondered if she had expressed the wrong meaning that day. , making the other party think they are going to a banquet.

"Bai Ji, you look so good today." Yu Pei intervened at this moment. He was closer to Bai Ji than Huangfu Yan. At this time, in order to let Bai Ji notice him, he even walked up to Bai Ji.

"Bletilla, I like you." Yupei stretched out his hand and naturally took Baiji.

Bai Ji, who has returned to her original appearance, is of course beautiful. She is the kind of beauty that even if she is wearing beggar's clothes and plastering her face, she has a unique temperament. Even a plastic bag for curtains can make her look high-end. Come.

Baiji, who was somewhat narcissistic, was satisfied with Yupei's praise, but did not take his liking seriously. After all, the child had been very attached to himself before, "Of course, I am the prettiest."

"Yes, Baiji is beautiful. He is the most beautiful person I have ever seen." As he spoke, Yupei lowered his head slightly. After coming out of Baiji, his eyes only glanced at Huangfu Yan just now, and then stayed on Baiji.

Seeing Baiji's proud appearance because of his praise, he felt happy inside. The tail of his eyes was slightly red, and the grooves at the tail of his eyes made his eyes look particularly deep. How could he still have the aloof and cold look he usually had?
"He's just like a male fox, look at his smile."

Jiang Zhu, who felt that Yu Pei suddenly looked strange, heard Liu Qing on the side say this first before he could find the right adjective to express it.

"Yes! That's how it feels!" Although he didn't say it himself, the meaning was the same.

Hua Po glanced at the two of them and felt that they were just watching the excitement and it was not a big deal. If Ming Guluo and the others saw this... Hua Po stood up quickly, just wanting to separate the two of them as soon as possible.

But someone was one step ahead of him.

"First come, first served, understand?" Huangfu Yan stepped forward and tried to slap Yu Pei's hand away. He used a lot of force, but Yu Pei quickly dodged it.

Their eyes met. Yupei was a little shorter than her, but he was no less imposing. He stared at each other as viciously as a wolf cub.

Just write "who are you" on your face.

Yu Pei didn't recognize Huangfu Yan. After all, she had changed a lot over the years. She had only glanced at a few teenagers since she entered the house - well, her aura was weaker than his own.He never gave them a glance or opened his mouth to introduce himself.

Huangfu Yan didn't recognize Yu Pei at first. He just felt that the other person looked familiar. After getting closer, he recognized the person based on his breath.

It was mentioned in books on how to chase girlfriends that such people were competitors, but she thought she had proposed the engagement to Bai Ji first, and there was no way this guy should have gotten ahead of her.

"Believe it or not, I will peel off your eyes?" How dare you look at yourself like this?Huangfu Yan frowned, she was a bit taller than the teenagers present, and their faces turned pale as soon as she showed a little pressure.

Baiji waved his hand, and the teenagers recovered.

"She is just sick." The grumpy Jiang Zhu almost rushed over to hit Huangfu Yan, but Dunnian held him down.

"What are you doing?!" Jiang Zhu glared at him.

Waiting means waiting. Without using all his strength, it is easy for Dun Nian, a high-level green dan, to suppress Jiang Zhu, a middle-level green dan.

"She is a guest." Dunnian explained.

Liu Qing couldn't hold it back and sneered from the side, "Guest? A guest who wants to treat the host?"

"This is Baiji's thing." Dunnian didn't feel offended. He was used to Liu Qing stabbing him at every turn over the years. After all, compared to when he sneaked into his room and tried to kill himself, his verbal sarcasm was much better now. .

Liu Qing straightened up, "But she touched us."

As soon as the words fell, Dunnian clearly noticed that Jiang Zhu's aura had become more dangerous. He agreed with Liu Qing's words and asked Huangfu Yan to pay a certain price for it.

Hua Po, who was stuck between the two sides, didn't know which side he wanted to take care of first. He always felt that there was a risk that both sides would start fighting.

The employees of the family were all hiding at this time. When working in such a strange family, one must abide by the principle of "see less, listen less, and do more".

"What time is it? You haven't left yet." Ke, who wanted to go downstairs to find something to eat, stuck his head out on the second floor platform and looked at the two groups of people. One group was standing at the entrance of the stairs, and the other group was sitting there. That sofa.


"What time do you plan to go?" Ke looked back, held the handrail and went downstairs, looking at each one strangely, "What's wrong?" The problem is about to break out so soon?
Bai Ji also felt confused. She only felt that the atmosphere was weird and she didn't understand what the point of Huangfu Yan and Yu Pei was.

Wen Yan looked at Ke who had already walked down, "We are leaving now. Do you need us to bring you anything?"

Ke thought about it, and an idea actually came to his mind, that is, he wanted to watch the video of their journey, but it seemed that no one could do this, right?Besides, there is no one in the video.

"There's nothing I want, but if you don't leave, forget about bringing me anything, I'm afraid not everyone will be asleep when you come back."

Bai Ji looked at the watch and saw that it was already past ten o'clock. At this time, he could take them to have a meal first and then go for a walk.

"Okay, let's set off now." After Bai Ji said this, he ignored the two people around him and looked at the four people over there, "Let's go eat first, and then go to the amusement park together in the afternoon." Young people nowadays should like this ?

Liu Qing and the others paused, their expressions unclear whether they were expecting or not, but they did not refute.

"Then let's go to the amusement park." Bai Ji made the final decision. After a while, they packed up and set off. No one mentioned what happened just now.

Ke, who was holding the food, stood at the door and watched them go away. Then he turned around and went back to the house, but saw his next door neighbor Pinha walking out.

The two people's eyes happened to meet, and the latter smiled slightly, which was indescribably evil, and then followed the few people in front of him quietly.

Ke: ...

It seems that this trip is more interesting. What should I do? It makes him want to go there too... How about he go too?

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