After coming out of the haunted house, the sun was still a bit dazzling. It was almost one o'clock in the afternoon, which was about to be the hottest time of the day.

Bai Ji stood at the exit of the haunted house and waited for 5 minutes before Huangfu Yan came out.

Her attire had not changed, but there was some dust on her clothes.Because the weather was hot, she took off her coat and folded it on her arms. Underneath was a simple white shirt, with the muscles of her entire upper body clearly outlined.

At first, Bai Ji thought she wouldn't need too much time. After all, the ghost light inside was chasing her. She could say that she had watched every staff member throughout the scene.

As for Huangfu Yan, with her height and figure, if nothing else goes wrong, no one would want to provoke her, right?If she was the type who would hit someone when frightened, she would beat him half to death with another punch.

There is no need to worry about medical expenses, but you are the only one who suffers.

Although everything was in Bai Ji's mind and he didn't ask aloud, Huangfu Yan still explained it himself, "The scenery in many places is good, and some of them look like real ones, so I took a closer look."

Then, Huangfu Yan clenched his fist to his mouth and coughed lightly, "To be honest, some places even scared me. Wasn't Baiji scared?"

Bai Ji had a dull look on his face and was trying to extract key words from her words.

"She was watching the scenery all the way so she was slow", "some parts scared her".

It turned out that no one was looking for her.

"It's okay." Baiji curled her lips and replied, "I just avoided those ghosts along the way. I didn't pay much attention to the scenery or anything." If you weren't being chased by ghosts, you wouldn't pay attention to these!
Although Bletilla striata grows fiercely,
Huangfu Yan realized something and opened his mouth, but seeing that Bai Ji's expression was not good, the words suddenly turned to other questions, "Isn't - am I curious about them?"

Bai Ji's expression became even worse, and there was a chill all over his body, "Who knows? He won't be scared by ghosts and won't be able to come out, right?"

Although Huangfu Yan didn't have much impression of the five people and had never paid much attention to them, he could also tell that the five teenagers were not simple people and would be frightened by the ghost played by this person.

But before she could say anything, she saw five people walking out of the haunted house.

Some had stains on their faces; some were limping; some clothes were dirty and had a few small tears torn; some had weak legs and almost knelt in front of them.

Huangfu Yan:...?No, you are actually afraid of this?

"——Look, let me tell you." Bai Ji twitched the corner of her mouth, "They are afraid of ghosts." After returning home today, they will still be afraid of me.

It was time for them to recall the fear of being dominated by her.


Pinha counted the photos in his hand and felt that these were enough.

He once mentioned to Baiji not to underestimate those boys. Even if they look at the stupid Jiang Zhu and the wooden Yupei, they can be as clever as most of Baiji.

And even if Bai Ji wins, it's just because she has lived so long and has certain experience and skills.

"If she continues like this, she will definitely fall hard on those boys." Pinha put away the phone and muttered softly.

"Then you can help her, as her good friend, and give her a heads up?"

Pinha turned around and found that it was Ke.

The two of them had not seen each other for a while, it must have been about 50 years.Pingha thought about it and realized that actually the relationship between the two of them was not that good. It was only because of Di Lin that they had contact with him before.

Ke - an old friend of the employer, a cheap elder of relatives and friends.

He can joke with you, but you can't joke with him and make fun of him.

Thinking of this, Pingha raised a smile and replied enthusiastically: "Hai, that's for sure. Baiji is my friend. Of course I have to be with Baiji."

Ke was noncommittal, smiled at Pingha, and said nothing more.

The two of them turned their backs to each other, cursing inwardly, this old/little fox.

But no matter what the two of them were thinking in their hearts, at least on the surface nothing was leaked.Dry pestle is not an option here either. Pingha points to the other side of the playground, where Bai Ji and his group will go.

"Then I'll go and stay there first."

"Don't forget to tell Baiji what happened."

Pinha paused as he left, then raised his hand and waved.

Ke Xin knew that he would most likely not tell Bai Ji, just as the other party knew that he would not tell Bai Ji about it.The reason why he mentioned this matter again just now was just to make trouble.

After all, foxes are more cunning as they get older.


Bai Ji over there paused and looked up in the direction Pingha left.

Actually speaking, the breath of Pingha and Baisu was most familiar to Baiji, so she had noticed the presence of Pingha and Baisu as early as in the hotel, but the two people did not come over, and now they are both. There is a distance from yourself.

It's easy to guess Bai Su's thoughts, but Pingha, who has an unstable temperament and always has one thought, is not so easy to guess.

But now all five teenagers are here...

Want to watch the excitement?Then why hasn't he taken action yet?Or are you planning to leave it to the end?
there is always a solution to a problem.Bai Ji is confident in her own strength, especially in a place like this where there are many ordinary humans. Pingha won't act too randomly, so she can handle long as these few people around her don't hold them back.


Ignoring Huangfu Yan, in Bai Ji's view, the remaining five teenagers are very likely to fall into Pingha's trap. For example, when they were in the haunted house just now, these people ran out...

"How about we find a place to take a rest first." Huangfu Yan suggested, his eyes scanning the teenagers lightly, "They also need to rest now."

"The playground is always here and won't run away. You can come back after they have rested."

Logically speaking, the few teenagers should be grateful to Huangfu Yan for his suggestion, but they held it in again and again, and none of them could hold back a word of thanks.

Yupei was silent for a while, then strode calmly towards Baiji. The tall boy lowered his head and tugged on the corner of Baiji's clothes like an aggrieved daughter-in-law.

Bai Ji looked at him, but he didn't say anything, just pulled her.

"You have something to say." Bai Ji said impatiently.

Because of their stagnation, passers-by around them turned their attention to them, but few stayed. Most of them just glanced at them and then looked away.

"Sorry, Baiji." Yupei lowered his head and avoided his eyes. Because the distance between the two was so close, he couldn't help but want to look at Baiji's face, but he was afraid that Baiji would be angry.

Seeing him like this, Bai Ji, who had never raised children, remembered what the system once said, "Be nice to them."

But at what point can we truly treat them well?Bai Ji thought that he was pretty good to them now, but when he thought about how carefully Di Lin took care of him back then, he couldn't help but feel that it was not enough.

Especially since she had left the teenagers behind for ten years (although she didn't want to, she was indeed thankful for this because she didn't have to nurse the children), and now Yupei really looked like she was bullying him.

But the matter of them sneaking out must not be taken lightly!
Even if she has no experience, Bai Ji also knows that if you want to educate your child well, you must first make him listen to you.Not to completely kill all the other person's thoughts, but at least to be in awe of you and know that you are not that easy to mess with!

right!That's it!Bai Ji whispered softly, intending to show his authority on the spot, and then let them rest. As the saying goes, a slap in the face will reward a red date...

"Bletilla, don't be angry." Yupei gently pulled Baiji again.

He turned away from Baiji's face and kept staring at Baiji's white and pink ears.

Look at the contours, the lines, the pink earlobes...

I want to bite it in my mouth.

Yupei licked the tiger's teeth, and immediately betrayed all his teammates due to his beauty.

"Baiji is not angry, I will tell you what we did."

Because he wasn't afraid of Dunnian and others, and didn't care whether he was embarrassed or not, he didn't speak in a low voice, and everyone present listened attentively.

Liu Qing's eyelids twitched. Jiang Zhu, who had been offline for a long time, finally found his old feelings at this moment, and spoke before everyone else, almost as soon as Yu Pei finished speaking.

He didn't care whether Baiji would keep staring at him anymore.

"Yupei! Are you crazy?"

Liu Qing's eyelids twitched even more. As soon as these words came out, even if Bai Ji was stupid, he would definitely know that what they just did was wrong, and he almost put them on the fire!
If you can't speak, don't take the initiative!
After Jiang Zhu blurted out, he immediately realized that he had said the wrong thing. The next second, Bai Ji looked over with a slightly "murderous" gaze. The atmosphere condensed for a moment. Huangfu Yan reacted from the few words of several people, Something came to mind.

One, several teenagers just left the haunted house for a while.

Two, the injuries on their bodies were probably made when they left.

Third, what they did was completely behind Bai Ji's back. Bai Ji didn't know much at first.

Fourth, it seems that the secret is exposed now.

"Then I'll step back first." Huangfu Yan turned to look at Bai Ji, put his right hand on his left arm hanging with clothes and tapped it lightly, "I saw a cold drink shop over there before, I'll go to that shop Waiting for you." Huangfu Yan is still very clear about such a simple principle as no evil.

"Okay." Bai Ji smiled at Huangfu Yan. Although it was a bit sinister, Huangfu Yan knew that it was not meant for him.

"You go there for a while, we will find you soon." In comparison, Bai Ji's attitude toward Huangfu Yan was much better now, and Huangfu Yan lowered his eyelashes to cover all his thoughts.

Do you want to... in the future?

When Huangfu Yan walked away, Bai Ji led the five teenagers to a secluded place with a cold face. Only one or two people would pass by in more than ten minutes. Even if she couldn't control her spewing here, she wouldn't let a few teenagers get away from her. Falling face.

Ha... Really, even now she still cares about the feelings of the teenagers. She is so great.

After finishing her daily narcissism, Bai Ji slowly turned her attention to the five teenagers.

"Everyone else shut up, Yu Pei speaks first." Bai Ji looked at the four people except Yu Pei and said clearly one word at a time, "No one else should speak."

Then, she looked at Yupei, "Tell me everything you know, and don't leave anything behind."

Liu Qing put her hand on her forehead, knowing that she couldn't avoid this.

If the others are okay, Yupei will definitely explain everything.

Hua Po landed at the back of everyone, looking at this and that, and finally closed his eyes.

Yupei lived up to the nickname they usually gave him, "Jili Li". He immediately explained all the ins and outs of the matter. Even the fact that they were forced to change the name to team building because of Bletilla ji was not related to the nickname. Baiji said.

In the end, he even showed off, saying that he was the second person among the five who had grabbed the most things.

"Are you second?" Bai Ji raised his eyebrows. Yu Pei, who was in the top green segment, should obviously be the strongest here, but he was ranked second?
"Yes." Yupei nodded and told Baiji the ranking, "The first is Hua Po, the second is me, the third is Dunnian, the fourth is Jiang Zhu, and the last is Liu Qing."


Bai Ji looked at Hua Po with a half-smile, "I didn't know that Hua Po had such ability." No wonder he was the cleanest among them.

In comparison, Yupei's condition can be regarded as the second best, but the other players are really not as good as they want. It feels more like they are just pretending to be serious, and they are all secretly poking at each other.

Hua Po raised his face and smiled, very modestly, "I just performed better this time."

Bletilla striata just listened and laughed without saying a word.

The higher the level, the more energy and investment is required, and the greater the harvest, that is, the greater the difference between high levels.

Even in one-on-one situations, Hua Po, a mid-level green player, could actually defeat several others...

Baiji didn't think about it. Everyone has some secrets, and it's not a good habit to ask others for details.

"What about Liu Qing?" Bai Ji looked at Liu Qing again, "Why would a person who already has a lot of things join this fight?"

Liu Qing put down the hand covering her face and said with a smile: "Haha, who would dislike having too many things in their hands?"

"There are some things you can't use."

"... Then you can keep it for other things, and it's not like I didn't get much."

Bai Ji raised his eyebrows, don't think she didn't know, this Liu Qing had never beaten any of them, otherwise he would definitely not have swallowed this little thing.

But it's not bad, after all, he has a rich family background.

Seeing that Baiji had no intention of continuing one-on-one, the teenagers began to speculate in their minds Baiji's next actions.Should we ask them to hand over everything and redistribute it reasonably, or should we just distribute it this way, but everyone will be punished?

Unexpectedly, Bai Ji tapped his chin with his index finger. He didn't want to look angry, but at least his face looked much better than before.

"So you like wolfish competition and grow like a gu?"

The five teenagers had a meal. Unexpectedly, Baiji had been holding it in for a long time and could only come up with such a question.They all thought she was about to squirt or get started.

It's better than expected...but the problem is a bit difficult to solve.

Wolf-like competition is actually okay, but the growth method of raising gu is not suitable, right?They haven't reached the point of taking each other's lives yet.

Dun Nian nodded and shook his head, taking the lead in answering this question as a representative, "Not entirely. I just want to have more chips in my hand." These words sounded familiar, and Liu Qing's face darkened. Wasn't this what he said before? Have you passed?
Bai Ji nodded, not sure whether he believed it or not.The five teenagers were all unsure, and everyone felt a little uneasy because of Baiji's delay in demonstrating.

Extend your head and cut your head, then shrink your head and cut your head, come down with this knife quickly!
But it's not like Bai Ji just stretched out his hand and nodded at a few of them, "Okay, I probably know everything. I have some new clothes here. You should pack yourself up here before going out. Don't look like a group of beggars."

——This knife did not fall.

The five teenagers choked, each holding the clothes Bai Ji handed them. They felt mixed emotions in their hearts, especially after Bai Ji turned around and left.

Just...feels a little strange?

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