This uneasiness and anxiety followed them all afternoon, especially after they discovered that Baiji was really into the game and didn't take their matter to heart at all.

Liu Qing secretly gave Yu Pei a wink, and only he could do it at this time.Not because of how good his relationship with Bai Ji is, but because this is where he cares most.

Sure enough, Yupei happened to turn around and didn't see Liu Qing's hint at all, but he had a clear purpose and walked straight towards Baiji.

At this moment, the entire amusement park has played most of the activities, and Baiji is in a very good mood. Even if she had a bad idea that she was the only one happy about this team building at the beginning, she quickly forgot about it and devoted herself to it wholeheartedly.

As for how she felt that she was the only one who was happy, it was of course because Huangfu Yan didn't participate much in the whole process, and the uneasiness of the other five teenagers was almost written on their faces.

"Bletilla." Yupei called Baiji. When the latter looked at him, he didn't know what to say. He opened his mouth without spitting out the last word.

Give Baiji a smile.

"I'm not that angry either. Besides, it's your business that you like wolfish competition. I won't get too involved in this. What I care about is that you didn't tell me in advance."

She was more concerned about the teenagers disappearing without leaving a word than the private fights between several teenagers.

This is not a good habit, so today the system knew it was wrong and didn't dare to say anything. If it were left in the past, the system would most likely grind her to death.

When Yupei heard this, his eyes lit up and he immediately responded.

"No matter what I do in the future, I will tell Baiji."

Baiji: "...That's not necessary." He's a nice young man, but why does he feel like a mama's boy now?
Baiji, who felt that Yupei's current behavior was not right, added to Yupei: "You have to distinguish the priorities. Just talk to me about big things. You can control your own level." Don't tell her everything, she is nothing Wonderful tree hole.

Baiji, who had missed the teenagers for ten years, at this moment rarely realized the responsibility of raising children because of Yupei's outspoken words.

Seeing Bai Ji's expression of fear that he would say something mean, Yu Pei rolled his eyes and responded in a low voice.

Even though this incident was over, everyone once again felt that Baiji had a volatile temperament, good and bad at times, but she didn't seem to be so vindictive (?).

Hua Po secretly gave Yu Pei a thumbs up, and when Yu Pei saw it, his eyebrows were filled with pride.

He said that Bletilla striata is the best in the world.


At around six o'clock in the evening, a group of people came out of the amusement park.

Bai Ji invited everyone to have a hot pot meal again, and this time he had the foresight to pay after ordering the meal, leaving Huangfu Yan useless.

After the latter found out, he kept scanning Bai Ji with sad eyes, but Bai Ji turned a blind eye.

Just kidding, if Huangfu Yan pays again, what will become of Bai Ji?

Bai Ji, who considers herself the oldest and the elder of Dunnian and others, subconsciously puts herself in a high position and will never let her juniors pay for herself again!What's more, if Huangfu Yan pays for it, it shouldn't feel too weird to bring a few people from Dunnian with him.

In particular, she always talks about marrying Bai Ji. Seeing that Bai Ji was in a good mood this afternoon, she came up to mention the matter to Bai Ji several times, but Bai Ji flatly rejected her.

If she hadn't known that this person wasn't too enlightened, Bai Ji would have thought that she wanted to be a mother without pain and directly took over this group of people.

As the parting approached, Huangfu Yan's face showed a hint of disappointment. She once again proposed a marriage contract, but Bai Ji once again simply rejected it.

No way, she could only retreat and ask Baiji what she did on weekdays and when she could go out alone with her.

Bai Ji had a beeping expression on her face, and replied without crying: "No chance, I'm going to start class." And this time she returned to school, she couldn't skip classes anymore, and she had to keep up with the perfect little attic she had tidied up. Say goodbye.

Thinking of this, Bai Ji felt that her heart was about to break.

I don't know who told Di Lin about her skipping classes, which caused Di Lin to directly change the conditions. From now on, she would only be allowed to skip one day a week, and she was not allowed to skip classes while in school.

It literally killed her.

But Huangfu Yan was stunned after hearing this. After all, in her opinion, Bai Ji was already in her 20s and should have graduated from college... Could it be that Bai Ji had also taken the postgraduate examination? !

Is this the boss!

Huangfu Yan's expression turned serious instantly.

Not only was he unfathomably strong at such a young age, he didn't expect that he was also equally outstanding intellectually.

The university was a complete fool. After graduation, Huangfuyan returned to the family and became the heir. He subconsciously respected Baiji more and wanted to marry Baiji more firmly. After all, her father also said that it would be best for her to find an educated person in the future. Be a companion.

But Huangfu Yan felt that those educated people were too weak and talked in a roundabout way, which made her very unhappy... But Baiji didn't do that!Bai Ji is strong and smart, she likes her, and so does her brother, and it meets her father's requirements. If she can marry Bai Ji, she will be able to achieve multiple goals with one stone!
Huangfu Yan didn't express these inner thoughts. She concealed her inner thoughts, said goodbye to Bai Ji in a friendly and polite manner, and expressed her concern for her.

"Studying is a good thing, but don't make yourself too tired." She doesn't want Bai Ji to just read and ignore her every day after marrying Bai Ji back home. What's the difference between that and getting a mascot back home?
Bai Ji nodded, deeply agreeing with this statement, but she never tired herself out from studying.

After Huangfu Yan left, Bai Ji and others also took a taxi back to the villa.

As soon as she got home, Bai Ji slumped on the big sofa on the first floor.

As an Eldar, she would not feel too tired because her spiritual power was not exhausted. However, she was too high today and now she just wants to roll around on a soft place...


Bai Ji suddenly sat up again.

I was so comfortable just now that I almost changed back to my original shape and lost face in front of the teenagers.

Thinking of her true form, Bai Ji couldn't help but feel scared.If this is really done in front of the teenagers, how can she establish her authority in the future?
The teenagers went out to have a fight in the middle of the trip, and spent the second half of the day playing with Bai Ji. They were still feeling uneasy. It was inevitable that they would feel a little tired when they returned to a familiar home.

No one paid much attention to Baiji's actions. Now they just wanted to go back to the house to take a hot bath and then have a good sleep.

The five people greeted Bai Ji respectively and then went back to their respective houses.

Bai Ji stayed on the sofa for a while, then got up and went to Pingha's villa next door to find Pingha.

Since Pingha went with him today, he should know something, and with his temperament, he would probably record it.

Pingha's villa was bought with Baiji. The interior layout is actually not much different from Baiji's villa, but the decoration is very different.

Baiji's villa has a unique style because there are several teenagers living there. It is low-luxury but interesting at the same time. However, Pingha's villa overall looks very eerie, which is completely consistent with his identity as a monster.

Moreover, there is almost a prop every five steps and a mechanism every ten steps. It is more like a large mechanism house than a villa. The walls are all covered with messy graffiti.

Baiji stood admiring it for a while, but felt that it was not something she could understand.

"I came to see you for a photo."

Pinha was lying flat on the sofa on the first floor, with one leg raised and his right hand on his face.

"Don't pretend, I know you just came back."

Pingha smiled softly and sat up, "Since you have discovered me, why don't you call me out to have dinner with you?"

Baiji could hear the teasing in his words, so she rolled her eyes, which Pingha could clearly see, "And I asked you to come out to eat together? If you hadn't done well today, it would have been a good thing that I didn't drag you out to clean you up. Already." After saying this, Baiji thought of something else and looked at Pingha, "What did you do in the second half?"

Pinha blinked, "What do you think?"

Bletilla striata: ...

Before Bai Ji's anger was almost aroused, Pingha got up from the sofa, took a few steps to Bai Ji, leaned over slightly, and Bai Ji's appearance was reflected clearly in his light eyes.

"I just went to teach the disobedient junior a lesson."

Baiji frowned, thinking of another breath that had been following them before. It was a little familiar and a little turbid, but she couldn't remember who it was for the moment...

"...He Zhusha?" It's okay now. Looking back carefully, only He Zhusha has such a turbid aura.

Pingha flicked his fingers and twisted his earlobe, "Really? I don't care what her name is, I just saw her following you."

Bai Ji retreated without leaving a trace, widening the distance between the two of them, but Pingha raised his eyes and glanced lightly.

"what have you done?"

"You care about her?"

The two spoke almost at the same time, and Pingha had already anticipated what Baiji would say.

"I don't care that much." Bai Ji told the truth. After all, she didn't have a close relationship with He Zhusha, and she still had that kind of relationship with Ming Guluo... But he couldn't watch her get into trouble because of him, right?

"Just follow me,"

"Just following?" Pingha straightened up and smiled sarcastically, which made Bai Ji feel displeased.

"Our eldest lady, her temper seems to have improved?"

"Pingha, what did you do to her?" Bai Ji said in a serious tone, not wanting to harp on this matter with Pingha again.

Pinha raised his hands as if to admit defeat.

"It's just a simple lesson. Don't worry, I won't argue with a hybrid." At this moment, Pinha's tone contained deep malice.

"Who do you think it's attracted to? It's a spiritual creature."

Before Bai Ji could glean anything from his words, Pingha threw a camera into her arms.

The camera had been placed on the coffee table before. It seemed that Pinha knew that she would come to him to ask for it.

"Ke, what else did the old man say? Let me tell you. I didn't want to, but since the eldest lady found out and came here sincerely, of course I have to watch something exciting."

Bai Ji was stunned for a moment, pulled up the pictures in the camera, and looked at them one by one.

"Those children of yours are not simple~"

Baiji looked at the picture with an unclear expression.


A new day is a new beginning. No matter how much Baiji resists, she will go to class conscientiously on Monday.

——Because Ming Guluo and Di Lin came to call her in person.

But the face with a unified aesthetic seems to be a fictitious existence. It is the ultimate preference of the Creator. Although Baiji has lived with this face for hundreds of years, he will be severely stunned when he sees it now.

Holding the clothes on her chest tightly, Bai Ji held onto the stairs and told herself - there is no bottom line in being a spiritual creature. This old guy has been alive for who knows how long. You don't want him just because he looks good!
That's your "dad"!Your reborn father!

Di Lin, who was always busy on weekdays, didn't know how he had time to come here today. Bai Ji was full of complaints and complaints, but when she saw Di Lin, even though he was smiling with curved lips, Bai Ji was as good as a naughty boy.

"Why are you here?" Bai Ji sat on the side of the sofa obediently, looking gentle and ladylike.

Di Lin closed the philosophy book in his hand and raised his eyes to look at her, "I miss Xiaobai, so I came to see you." This action was simply amazing.

Baiji secretly glanced at Mingguluo who was standing aside, probably asking her if she had said anything bad about him, but Mingguluo ignored her at all.

In the end, Ke came down from upstairs and rescued Bai Ji.

"My old man! It's so hard to see you once." Ke clapped his hands and smiled until his eyes narrowed into slits, showing that he was really happy, "Well, you tell me what you want to eat, and I will give it to you right away. Do it! It just so happens that my hands are itchy too."

Bai Ji secretly rolled his eyes, "I haven't seen your hands itching in the past few days. You are alive now that Di Lin is here."

"The visitor is a guest, how can I trouble you, a guest?" Di Lin put the book in his hand on the coffee table. As soon as he appeared, everyone present changed their mood, "But you, if you have any request Just mention it and I will satisfy you."

Then why don't you let him stay in a high-end hotel?You can't even arrange this?

"How do you feel about living here in Xiaobai these days? I told you that you should stay in a hotel." Di Lin seemed to have noticed Baiji's inner criticism. While talking to Ke, his peripheral vision swept over Baiji's body, almost causing Baiji to explode. hair.

Several teenagers came downstairs just now, and immediately noticed the four people in the living room, especially Di Lin, who could not be ignored and had a strong sense of presence.

When everyone looks over, their first sight will be on Di Lin. This beauty does not allow anyone to ignore it.

"Sir." Hua Po was stunned, his face turned pale, and he quickly pulled Yu Pei to say hello to Di Lin.

Bai Ji was not blind and wanted to avoid Di Lin, so he saw Hua Po's entire face change.


Why did Di Lin mistreat him?Did Di Lin still abuse others?
Yu Pei pursed his lips, his mood was obviously bad, but he was still pulled over by Hua Po and saluted Di Lin, and the remaining three people followed suit.

This morning, the atmosphere suddenly became strange. Bai Ji endured it again and again, but felt uncomfortable being blocked. She simply couldn't bear it any more and slapped the table and stood up. Everyone who made a loud voice looked at her.

Bai Ji's face was as steady as an old dog's, but his right hand that was carrying everyone behind his back was shaking terribly. Afraid of showing his cowardice, he made a trembling sound when he opened his mouth, and deliberately slowed down before speaking.

"Okay, hurry up when it's time to eat and go to school. If you two want to get together, go outside and don't push us around in my house."

Liu Qing and Hua Po almost couldn't help but stare out their eyes at this moment.

Is this the real girl?Only a dear girl dares to speak like this, right?
The next second, Di Lin spoke with a smooth but powerful voice, "This is the house I bought for you."

Baiji froze, almost breaking her guard. After secretly encouraging herself, she raised her eyes and looked back coldly, her lips softly voicing: "So?" Let me go, let me go, let me go!I'm going to disappear into this city now!I want my Erling back!

Several others, especially the five teenagers, thought Bai Ji was crazy for daring to provoke Di Lin like this.Hua Po noticed that Yu Pei wanted to move and quickly held him down.

It's enough to be crazy. Besides, their status is different from ours!
Sure enough, Di Lin was not angry, but laughed.

"So... I'm very sorry for this. It was obviously me who dragged Xiaobai out of her nest and forced her to move to the villa I bought for her, but yet I am still domineering here. It's really too much. I don’t take Xiaobai seriously, so what do I need to do to get Xiaobai’s forgiveness?”

Bai Ji's mouth trembled, and she suppressed a sentence: "Don't treat me like a child in the future." More than 200 years have passed!Do you think I am not very old at all?Even when we first met, I wasn't a naive child, right?
Please, when you remember my birthday when you grow old, can you also remember my age?

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