Monday is painful and long, but luckily Bai Ji has a mobile phone to play with and games to play.

As the so-called start of the week, basically most games will start their weekly benefits on Monday, which means that Baiji can be exchanged for many things.

Because of this, Bai Ji is quite looking forward to Monday - of course, she will be happier as long as she doesn't go to school.

Liu Qing saw Bai Ji sitting in the corner playing games with an unhappy expression as soon as he got in the car. Thinking of the rescue in the morning, Liu Qing kindly suggested to Bai Ji: "You can choose not to go on Monday."

"No, it's different." Bai Ji grimaced. It was more like going to the execution ground than going to school. "I have to go to this place. I might as well put it on Saturday, so I can have consecutive days off." Besides, Saturday is not the day off. It was a long class, and she really couldn't sit on the chair for that long.

"You are all amazing." Bai Ji raised his head and praised seriously.

Liu Qing was stunned by the sudden compliment, and the next second she immediately realized what Bai Ji was praising, and responded to the compliment with a smile, "Of course." There was one thing that he could do better than Bai Ji and others. .

Of course, it might just be better than Bletilla striata.

Arriving at the school gate, the appearance of Baiji once again aroused everyone's discussion.

Baiji had a cold face and said impatiently: "Do they have nothing else to care about but me?" A group of students, instead of thinking about their own grades, they thought about her.

What are you looking at? What are you looking at?Have you never seen beauties? Or have you never seen people returning from vacation?

When Baiji walked to the class, she could clearly feel the familiar malice - some young people had wrong views and very obvious likes and dislikes.

Especially when this group of young people have a certain degree of strength and the social status that comes with their strength, it may be difficult for them to learn how to use this ability to help others, but it is easy for them to use these abilities to make fun of themselves.

Baiji didn't want to worry too much about these little kids who were no more than a fraction of her age, but she wouldn't be merciful if they really got her in front of them.

After the first class, Baiji immediately collapsed on the desk as if exhausted.

Dun Nian received a message from his subordinates at this time. He Zhusha did not come to class today, but she did not ask for leave. Now her class teacher is looking for her. At the same time, her classmate Jiang Zihao also did not come to class, but He took a leave of absence.

Dun Nian read the message from beginning to end without any expression on his face. After reading it, he deleted the message as if he had never read it.

Ignoring Jiang Zihao, let’s just talk about He Zhusha...a hybrid of a spiritual creature and a strange creature. Every time I think of her, I feel that she is truly a magical being.

Does she have any special characteristics because of these two bloodlines?

The morning's classes passed quickly. After the last class in the morning, Bai Ji wanted to go back to her little bell tower, so she simply said hello to Dunnian, Jiang and Zhu, and then ran away. When she got there, she found that the bell tower was forbidden to enter. .

Bai Ji stretched out his hand and felt it a little.

Not only were things blocked and marked, the small bell tower was also enchanted by aliens.

The No. [-] junior high school is indeed Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

"Aren't you going in?" Baiji's leader and Baiji's short had been saying good things to Baiji before the system that repaired the relationship of one person and one person came out. Seeing that Baiji took back his hand and meant to leave, he couldn't help but feel confused.

As far as it knows, Baiji has a strong sense of territory. Since it has regarded the small bell tower as its own territory, how can it leave so easily now?


The weather today is good, but for some reason the area is foggy, as if to prevent anyone from peeking in, making it mysterious.

Baiji looked up, and saw a dark shadow flashing across the red brick wall on the top floor. It was very fast but could be seen very clearly, making people feel chills running down their spines.

"!" The system that followed Baiji's perspective immediately noticed, "Host! What is that?"

"Would you like to see it from a different angle?"

"No, no, no, if it's something weird...should we tell the school about this?"

"So who do you think put up this no-entry sign?" Unexpectedly, during the time she was away, someone actually came to the territory she marked to cause trouble.

At first, before she left, she thought that the strange thing in the bell tower room was caused by Hezhusha's brothers and sisters, because there was an obvious smell similar to Hezhusha and the others.

But now it seems that it may only mean that Hezhusha's brothers and sisters have been here, but the strangeness was not caused by them.

Thinking about it, that devilish thing can eliminate her black flame. It is either stronger than herself or has some special ability.

But when talking about He Zhusha, Bai Ji thought about how she accidentally transferred Meda's mark to Liu Qing, and how did Dunnian, who was also a hybrid, a creature and a human, smell it?Logically speaking, only spiritual beings should be able to see it.

"Looking back, none of this is easy and there are a lot of problems." Bai Ji touched her chin and couldn't help but feel distressed. After all, there were missions now, and she was afraid that these would be linked to the blackening value.

"Host, don't panic, we can take our time!" Seeing Bai Ji thinking about the mission, the system hurriedly comforted her, fearing that she would be angry again, "We still have a long time! After all, luck is the key to success. The girl is just 14 years old this year!"

In the normal timeline development, when the Sons of Destiny killed all the villains, each other would be almost a hundred years old, so in terms of time, it was indeed a rush.

But Bai Ji is in a hurry!

Just like when the game card pool is updated, as long as there is something to draw in her hand, she must draw it first and get it first. If she can't draw it, she will get it!You can't wait too long, save resources bit by bit and wait until the end to get it.

She wished she could finish the ten-year mission line in ten days.

Baiji glanced gloomily at the bell tower wrapped in mist, and left.She had a hunch that even if she went up today, she wouldn't find anything, especially since the black shadow just now looked like it was trying to lure her up.

Pooh!She's not stupid!

Bai Ji turned around and left. On the top floor of the clock tower, the light red brick wall turned into dark red at some point. A black shadow was placed on the edge of the wall. He was scratching the wall to watch Bai Ji's retreating figure.

In the small room where Baiji had stayed before, the missing mattress and sheets appeared on the ground at some point, but they seemed to have been attacked by some ferocious beast. Not only were they scratched and torn, but the mattress was also stuffed. On the dirt.

On the white wall, the black characters are neat and sharp, and there are three words written clearly, "I'll give it back to you".

But at this time, another layer of red paint was applied in an attempt to cover up these three words.

Bai Ji didn't know anything about this. Before she left, she just wanted to test what was in the bell tower. Later, she thought it was He Zhusha's brothers and sisters and didn't pay attention anymore. This time she came to see it but didn't go up, so what happened behind the scenes? She missed all the people's careful preparations. She didn't know what the people behind the scenes would think if they knew about it.Before I had gone very far, I saw the first time in the world.

Bai Ji thought he came here because of something. She said hello to him and was about to leave, but was held back by the latter.

"Why are you leaving? I'm here to find you."

Since she and Liu Qing came back and went through team building at the playground, the attitude of the others towards her was no longer as unfamiliar as when she first came back, as if they were trying to put her up on a pedestal.

It's not like Baiji has never been praised by others over the years, so as long as they don't go too far, Baiji can accept it, and has never made any demands on them in terms of attitude.

But now when she first heard this, she almost thought it was Pinha talking to her. She couldn't control her expression and looked up at him in surprise.

Dun Nian pulled Bai Ji, and almost as soon as he finished speaking, he immediately realized that he was quick to talk.

In fact, it was because of Baiji's rescue of them this morning and Baiji's attitude towards them at the playground that he felt that maybe Baiji would be good to them without having to please Baiji, so he subconsciously changed his attitude.

"Sorry." Dunnian let go of Bai Ji's hand.

But Baiji felt strange, "It's okay, isn't this good?" Although he has lived for more than 300 years, he is basically either escaping or semi-escaping from the world. Baiji's character is not that old.

Dun Nian pursed her lips, skipped the topic, and spoke directly about her purpose.

"I see that you didn't ask the chef to bring us food today, nor did you ask us to come to the Bell Tower for dinner, but you didn't go to the canteen to find us, so I wondered if you came to the Bell Tower on your own."

Bai Ji had said before that she wanted them to go to the Bell Tower for dinner with her, but when she came back, Bai Ji probably forgot about it and did not mention it.

"So what's the matter?" He even called the clock tower.

Immediately, he moved his eyes away from Baiji and landed on the bell tower not far away. The fog made the bell tower look a bit evil.

"I was trying to stop you from going to the Bell Tower." Dunnian looked away, suppressing the discomfort in his heart, "I didn't know you left with Liu Qing some time ago, but there was a murder in the Bell Tower." That's why the Bell Tower now prohibits people. enter.

"Murder case? Has the murderer been caught?"

"The murderer was caught. He was from another school. He somehow managed to sneak in and kidnapped an ordinary student to the bell tower. Because there were so many people at the time, we don't know what happened in the end. He pushed the student down from the top floor and fell to death on the spot. The murderer lost his hostage and was immediately restrained by the security guards."

I didn't expect that such a big thing would happen in the school during her absence!
"Also," Dunnian paused and looked at Baiji with complicated eyes, "Later, when the police came here to investigate, they found a mattress and sheets in the small room where you were staying before, and there was writing on one of the walls. With three words, 'I'll give you back'."

Baiji touched her nose and said, "Ah, this, I really didn't expect this. Didn't it scare those policemen?"

"That's not true. The police probably thought that some student's prank was left there. They looked at it and found nothing unusual and didn't take care of it. However, this matter spread around the school and has been added to the school's collection of strange incidents. He said that the reason why the person from the foreign school was able to sneak in was because he had been hiding in that small room before, and the mattress and sheets were all his."

Otherwise, there were so many buildings in the school, why did he find the abandoned bell tower?

"The school released the police investigation results. The mattress and sheets were new and no one's DNA was on them, which put a stop to these rumors."

Baiji also didn't expect that his swallowed mattress and sheets would be returned so easily and with such clever timing.

"What then?"

After thinking about it for a while, I realized that this incident actually happened when Bai Ji and the two left, and it had been some time since then.

Because it was the famous No. [-] junior high school in Shanghai, the murderer was caught on the spot, so the whole process was handled with transparency. The murderer was sentenced to death just a few days ago, but the whole incident was full of suspense from beginning to end.

How did the murderer sneak in?How did he find the bell tower?You must know that many students in No. [-] Junior High School are not aware of the existence of this bell tower.

"Humans can only control elemental power, or some simple spiritual power for their own use, so when facing these gangsters with hostages, they will still be restrained." Dun Nian lowered his eyes, seeming to lament that there are many spiritual people in the first junior high school. , so many people surrounded him at that time, but they failed to save the deceased. "Now that I think about it, it is actually a bit sad."

When the incident happened, Dun Nian was handling documents in the student union. He didn't know about it until it was already halfway through, and it was too late to rush to the bell tower.

He didn't know where the remaining three people were, but he thought they were not nearby. Otherwise, with their strength, how could they let the murderer be so rampant and push someone to jump off the building in front of everyone?
"My condolences." Baiji patted Dunnian's shoulder, not knowing what to say.

She has seen too many deaths, and she was not there at the time, so it is difficult for her to have any emotions. But as a student union officer next year, it would be a little uncomfortable for ordinary human classmates under her to be hurt like this, right?

"Actually, it's okay." Dunnian noticed Baiji's comfort and looked at her seriously, "I know it's not my fault, so I don't have too many emotions, just a little sigh."

In fact, after Tian Dunnian learned about this incident, he realized that he could not make it over, and even the victim had been pushed downstairs and fell to death on the spot. Even if he appeared, he would not be of much use, so he continued to deal with it. file.

He didn't tell Baiji this, after all, he felt it was a bit bad to say it, it would make him seem cold and cold, and the words he just said were just like pretentiousness.

"No one has been to the Bell Tower since then?" Bai Ji said silently, dismissing this somewhat heavy topic and returning the protagonist to the Bell Tower itself.

Dun Nian nodded, "Yes, after the police investigation, the school sealed the bell tower. No one will go there again."

So, is the barrier really created by the school? Are they afraid that the location of the murder will scare the students?What about the dark shadow trying to seduce her?

Bai Ji, who lowered his eyes in thought, immediately noticed that Youdao's gaze fell on the two of them. There was a probing and appraising look in his gaze, and there was also a hint of malice hidden in it... He looked back and saw that it was a thin young man with a familiar face. .

The other party was standing on the third floor of the building not far away, in a room on the right.Because of the distance and angle of view, Bai Ji, who was mostly blocked by Dunnian, could clearly see him from there, but he didn't know that Bai Ji was also looking at him, so he had no intention of constricting his eyes.

This was outside the range of Dunnian's perception, but he had been looking at Baiji seriously, so he immediately noticed what Baiji was looking at. Just as he was about to turn around, Baiji stopped him. From there, it seemed that the two of them were hugging each other. .

"Don't move, someone is watching us." Bai Ji almost hid in Dunnian's arms with most of her body, but she didn't realize it at all and was still staring at him, trying to remember who he was.

Immediately being held by this fragrant and soft body, Nian stiffened subconsciously, but seeing that Bai Ji had no intention of doing so, he quickly relaxed himself.

When Bai Ji didn't pay attention to him, Dun Nian stretched out his big hand and made a few gestures. He found that Bai Ji really looked a bit petite compared to himself...

The waist is also very thin, are all girls like this?
Realizing what he was thinking, Dunnian quickly turned his head and looked aside, scorning his own thoughts in his heart.

It's just... it seems like he has never had similar thoughts about women other than Bai Ji?
A trace of confusion flashed in Nian's eyes. Before he could think about what this meant, Bai Ji screamed in his ear.

"I remember! Is your name Jiang Zihao?"

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