His little darling is sweet and tugging

Chapter 54 His Name Written in the Textbook

Chapter 54 His Name Written in the Textbook

After Lu Chengjiang hung up the phone, he turned his head and joked with his companions: "I'll go, Brother Yu is actually cooking for the first time? I've known him for so many years and I haven't seen him do housework."

"And it's still a novelty to cook that stinky snail powder."

Xie Siyao beside him manipulated the mouse and keyboard skillfully, and replied calmly: "It should be cooked for Yuejian, doesn't she like it?"

When I was in school, I could see Lin Yuejian and Ye Yingying playing this game every now and then.

It stinks up the group of people who don't like to eat this.

"Should be, Yue Jian answered the phone from the beginning." After a pause, Lu Chengjiang said again, "But then again, do you guys think Brother Yu is very special to Yue Jian?"

Xie Siyao thought about Chen Xingyu's usual behavior, then nodded: "It's a bit."

At this time, Zhou Yu, who was sitting opposite, poked his head and said, "It's not just a little bit, it's so special that I wonder if brother Yu is interested in Yue Jian."

For example, when a group of people went to eat, Chen Xingyu would always take care of Lin Yuejian.

He always looks like he doesn't answer everyone, but he can chat and laugh with Lin Yue, and often helps others carry their schoolbags.

In the past, after school, Chen Xingyu would go to the Internet cafe to play games with everyone, but now it is rare.

Sometimes when he was playing Wangwang Pesticide through the screen, he would slap the name and see no one, and when he asked, it was because Lin Yuejian was busy.

Zhou Yu hit Lu Chengjiang's point in one sentence.

"Don't talk about you, I doubt it too! Otherwise, Brother Yu, why is he so nice to Yue Jian?"

Xie Siyao curled his lips into a smile, and said in a nonsensical way: "Did you forget about that meeting in junior high school?"

"Junior high school?" Lu Chengjiang frowned and thought for a while, but he finally remembered something.

Lin Yuejian went to other places with her parents after graduating from the sixth grade, and has never been back since then.

At that time, everyone was still young, and they didn't play much on the Internet, and they didn't keep any contact information.

When Lin Yuejian left, she lost contact with Chen Xingyu and her good friends.

With that handsome face, Chen Xingyu was crushed by many girls when he was in junior high school.

At that time, the girls in his class chased him like crazy, everyone thought he was so handsome, and he didn't have a girlfriend yet.

They scrambled to give him gifts and handed small essays, and it was obvious that they wanted to chase him.

But Chen Xingyu didn't pay much attention to those girls, a little timid, and was persuaded by his coldness from the beginning.

Some brave ones gradually gave up after being rejected.

Only one person persistently chased him for a long time.

At that time, there was a handsome guy in the first class that everyone knew and had countless suitors.

Some girls would even stealthily flip through Chen Xingyu's things when he wasn't around.

It's not spying on him, just looking at his textbooks and notes.

So the name he wrote in the textbook was seen...everyone knew it.


the other side.

Seeing someone looking for Chen Xingyu, Lin Yuejian took the initiative to say: "Brother Xingyu, if you have something to do, you can do it first, and leave the rest to me."

Although she didn't want to move, she was embarrassed to ask Chen Xingyu to put aside her own affairs and help her.

Chen Xingyu, "It's okay, I don't like to give up halfway."

The implication is that he cooked half of the snail noodles.

"Okay." Chen Xingyu had already said that, and Lin Yuejian couldn't say anything more.

And he really has nothing to do.

Lu Chengjiang called him just to ask him to play games.

(End of this chapter)

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