His little darling is sweet and tugging

Chapter 55 Because, You Are Fine

Chapter 55 Because, You Are Fine

After a while, a bowl of delicious snail noodles came out of the pot.

Lin Yuejian smacked her lips twice when she was so fragrant.

Chen Xingyu brought it in front of her with a hoarse voice: "Try it."

"Thank you, Brother Xingyu!" The little girl picked up the chopsticks and took a bite impatiently, then retracted as soon as it touched her lips because it was too hot.

Chen Xingyu laughed, "Slow down, no one will grab you."

Lin Yuejian raised her head and said in a cute voice, "Brother Xingyu, don't you want to eat?"

Chen Xingyu opened a chair opposite her and sat down, took out his mobile phone and replied, "I don't have the habit of eating late at night."

Also, he doesn't eat this.

"Okay." Lin Yuejian didn't force it.

Chen Xingyu hummed, and said nothing more, and the atmosphere became quiet.

Only the sound of his typing was left.

I don't know how long this silence lasted, but Lin Yuejian who was sitting opposite suddenly spoke.

With a soft voice: "Thank you, Brother Xingyu."

Chen Xingyu raised his eyes to meet her gaze, with no expression on his face.

"Thank you again?"

It feels like he heard Lin Yuejian say thank you the most, does he have to be so polite?
He was a little displeased.

Lin Yuejian, "Because, you are fine, so thank you."

Chen Xingyu: "..."

He was speechless.

Withdrawing his gaze, he clicked on his phone and opened the game.

Lin Yue saw the silent fan sitting opposite him.

Then there was endless silence again. Chen Xingyu was playing games with headphones on, and he could occasionally hear him say a few words.

"Come over in the middle and make a group."


"Don't touch my blue."


"I can't make it through, you're dead, it's worthless anyway."


The young man's tone was indifferent, and he was lazy and careless.

Lin Yuejian occasionally looked up at him, and occasionally looked at her mobile phone.

Quietly, without any news or notice.

She knew that Chen Xingyu was playing King of Glory.

This game is on her mobile phone.

So she struggled for a while, and when Chen Xingyu finished the game, put down her phone, went to the refrigerator to get a bottle of soda and came back, she asked, "Brother Xingyu, you play games, can you take me with you?"

He raised his eyelids too much, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes: "You can still play games?"

The little girl looked so good.

I remember that in the past, the boys liked to play games, and the girls always had something fun to play.

Lin Yuejian nodded: "A little bit, but not very powerful."

Chen Xingyu, "Then come on."

Hearing this, Lin Yuejian happily picked up her phone and logged into the game.

"Well, can I be from the Q area?"

Chen Xingyu nodded, "Well, we are also playing in the Q area."

"it is good."

Lin Yuejian has not played online for a while and needs to be updated.

Chen Xingyu originally thought that Lin Yuejian would speak a little bit, it was the kind of rank that he had played but was not familiar with, and if he was exhausted, he would be gold and silver.

As a result, the little girl was in the rank of Xingyao as soon as she went online, and she was the kind of king who was two away.

The two became friends with each other, and after seeing the little girl's rank, Chen Xingyu asked, "This is your own number?"

Lin Yuejian nodded: "Well, but I seldom play, and I will play a few games with my classmates when I have time."

Chen Xingyu: "..."

Didn't you say yes, only a little bit?

If it wasn't for the innocent look in the little girl's eyes, he would have wanted to ask if someone else had helped her score.

After a while, he chuckled lightly: "Tsk, it's quite modest."

"Huh?" Lin Yuejian opened her big eyes, not quite understanding what Chen Xingyu said.

"The season's highest ranking king, six marks... Tsk, you know a little bit, you have a bit too much."

(End of this chapter)

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