Chapter 56 Firstblood
Lin Yuejian blinked her eyes, pure and innocent, and questioned her soul: "Xingyao...isn't it very simple?"

In her spare time, she just played Duan and came up.

Even though Chen Xingyu was of a high rank, he couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth when he heard this.

It seems that the little girl is really not ordinary modest.

Lin Yuejian was dragged into the room by Chen Xingyu, the receiver was automatically turned on, and Lu Chengjiang's familiar voice came out from the phone.

"Hey, who is this girl Yuge? Didn't you say that you don't like playing games with girls?"

In Chen Xingyu's words, the girl will only affect the speed of his sword.

Before Lin Yuejian could say who she was, Chen Xingyu's lazy voice sounded.

"Hurry up and start the game, there is so much nonsense."

With a bang, Lu Chengjiang started the game.

It may be that there are more players playing the game during the holidays, and it takes a few seconds to match the opponent, and the speed enters the hero selection process.

Lin Yuejian was on the fifth floor, and when it was her turn to ban a hero, she just banned one.

After banning the heroes, it is the general selection process.

She was the only girl in the whole team, and it happened that her common hero was hidden, so everyone didn't know what she was going to play.

It was still Lu Chengjiang's voice: "Miss on the fifth floor, what are you playing, I'll help you grab it."

Lin Yuejian turned on the microphone, "Well, I'm Lin Yuejian."

Lu Chengjiang suddenly realized, "Oh, it turned out to be Yue Jian, so I said why Brother Yu suddenly took his sister to play games."

Lin Yuejian: "..."

Chen Xingyu probably disliked his talkativeness, so he replied angrily, "Hurry up and choose a hero, it's a bunch of bullshit."

Lu Chengjiang was scolded a little innocently, "See you, Yue, what are you playing, I'll grab it for you."

Lin Yuejian's voice was soft, "You choose first, I haven't thought of anything fun yet."

Lu Chengjiang, "All right."

Then he really chose a mage that he was good at.

Lin Yuejian was still looking at her hero pool, thinking about what to play.

Next, the shooter was selected on the second floor. Chen Xingyu played a lot of games as a jungler, so everyone would reserve this position for him unless he didn't want to play.

The only positions that can be chosen are the side and the support.

To be honest, in the minds of their boys, they still subconsciously think that Lin Yue should play support when she sees a girl.

But after thinking about it, Xie Siyao felt that he should ask others for their opinions.

"See you, do you play support?"

Lin Yuejian looked at her assistant, frowning slightly.

Support doesn't hurt, she doesn't like it.

So he said directly: "Can I play on the side? I don't want to play support."

Not only to protect the output, but also to stand in front and resist beating.

She doesn't like being beaten.

Xie Siyao didn't say anything, and gave her the position on the side road, and then chose Liu Chan himself.

When it was Lin Yuejian's turn to choose a hero, she chose Hua Mulan.

Seeing this, Lu Chengjiang asked casually: "See you in the moon, do you still play Mulan?"

He can't even play this hero well.

Lin Yuejian, "A little bit."

Lu Chengjiang said oh, he believed it.

Seeing that she chose this hero, everyone didn't say anything, and didn't take it too seriously.

After all, with Chen Xingyu around, this kind of low-end game usually won't lose.

After the start of the game, Chen Xingyu said: "If you can't beat it, it's good to grow up by guarding the tower on the side. I'll help you later."

Lin Yuejian nodded: "Okay."

Then 1 minute into the game, when everyone was developing peacefully, the phrase "Firstblood" came from the phone.

In a restaurant as quiet as a chicken, it looks particularly abrupt.

(End of this chapter)

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