His little darling is sweet and tugging

Chapter 97 I will pick up the mop and save you

"It's really nothing, just a little thing, I tell you, you are not allowed to tell others!"

Qian Tang nodded hurriedly: "Okay, don't worry, I have the strictest mouth, and I will never tell anyone."

Seeing her promise, Lin Yue couldn't believe it no matter how she looked at it.

But in the end, she still briefly told Qian Tang what happened.

Qian Tang's eyes were as wide as Tongling's, "Isn't it true that Song Yuanjia...would encounter such a thing?"

That's the deputy monitor of class one, a well-behaved student in the eyes of the teacher, with excellent grades.

And his mother is a teacher.

Who is so brave, dare to bully the teacher's child.

Lin Yuejian, "I'm not very clear either."

Qian Tang, "Okay, let me just say that you and Song Yuanjia don't know each other, so why are you together with him? It's been such a short while since we co-authored!"

Lin Yuejian nodded and said yes, but didn't say much.


Qian Tang agreed not to tell others, so he turned around and went to gossip with Zhou Yu.

Before that, she was still struggling in her heart.

Yuejian said not to tell others, Zhou Yu is not considered others, right?
Then she told Zhou Yu in the same way, and Zhou Yu turned around to find his good buddies.

"Brother Yu, Brother Yu, let me tell you, I found out! The reason Yuejian is with Song Yuanjia today is that Song Yuanjia was bullied in the toilet this morning, and Yuejian helped him, and then he asked Yuejian to drink water, With the scene we bumped into, things went like this, I asked it from Qian Tang, don't tell others Ang!"

A voice that lasted tens of seconds sounded in the silent restaurant, word for word from beginning to end, clear and clear.

Chen Xingyu clicked to pause the voice several times but failed.

After Zhou Yu's voice fell, the atmosphere fell into an eerie silence.

Chen Xingyu raised his eyes to look at Lin Yuejian who was sitting across from him, who was smacking noodles, and there was a sense of embarrassment in the air.

With noodles in her mouth, Lin Yuejian stared blankly at Chen Xingyu who was opposite her.

The two looked at each other, and neither of them spoke for a while.

Chen Xingyu didn't expect his first social death to be like this.

Especially when his phone volume was still loud just now.

For the first time, I felt ashamed and thrown into the Pacific Ocean.

Lin Yuejian also didn't expect to run into Chen Xingyu when she came down for a late-night snack, let alone such an embarrassing scene.

The atmosphere was quiet for a while, Chen Xingyu cleared his throat, and said awkwardly: "Cough, I didn't ask Zhou Yu to ask this."

Although he was also curious about why Lin Yuejian was with Song Yuanjia, he really didn't let Zhou Yu ask.

It was as if he cared a lot about who the little girl had contact with.

Especially when the other party is of the opposite sex.

It's somewhat misleading.

Lin Yuejian blinked her eyes twice and came back to her senses, and with a bang, there was no more to say.

It seems that the next time I have a little secret, I can't tell Qian Tang that big mouth.

This little girl can't hide anything!
As a result, Chen Xing didn't react when he met her. Instead, he put down his chopsticks, stared at her leisurely and asked, "Didn't you say today that Song Yuanjia accidentally fell, and then you helped him?"

Lin Yuejian: "..."

Help, do you know what it's like to be caught lying?

She wanted to find a gap to get in.

"Tsk, Lin Yue saw that you lied to me." The young man said lazily, and deliberately dragged out the tone, in a ruffian way.

"I..." The little girl was a little speechless, and she was too guilty to look at Chen Xingyu.

Organized the words in my mind, "I just thought that this is not something glorious, there is no need for everyone to know, if it gets out, it will have a bad influence on Song Yuanjia."

And Song Yuanjia doesn't look like someone who has been bullied all year round.

Chen Xingyu smiled, "You really think about him."

The young man's tone was calm, but if you taste it carefully, you will find that his words are a little sour.

"No, I just think that if it were me, I wouldn't want everyone to know about my embarrassing side." The little girl said in a frank and well-behaved tone.

Besides, this is Song Yuanjia's business and has nothing to do with her.

Since it doesn't matter, then pretend it never happened, why should everyone tell it.

"Okay." Chen Xingyu leaned back on the chair, and lazily raised his legs. He didn't know which muscle was wrong, and without thinking about it, he subconsciously blurted out: "If I were you, you would be like this." Think about me?"

"Ah..." The little girl was about to stuff her mouth with powder, but she was stunned when she heard Chen Xingyu's words, and then realized what he was asking.

The little girl thought for two seconds, and replied very seriously: "If it were you, I would help with tools."

Chen Xingyu:?

The lazy smile on the corner of the boy's mouth stopped, and he looked at her with a little surprise and doubt.

Seeing confusion in his eyes, Lin Yue explained: "Today I just called the teacher at the door and didn't help much. If it was you, I would definitely pick up the mop at the door and go in to save you. "

Chen Xingyu didn't know whether to be happy or what, the corners of his mouth twitched, he wanted to laugh but couldn't quite make it.

You must know that it is a toilet, what is the mop at the door of the toilet used for?

It must be dragging the toilet!

Chen Xingyu had already imagined in his mind how the little girl picked up the mop to save herself.

With a "poof", he couldn't help laughing.

Lin Yuejian's beautiful eyebrows were slightly frowned, and she didn't quite understand what Chen Xingyu was laughing at.

Chen Xingyu, "Don't worry, there won't be such a day."


The next day was still the day for the school sports meeting.

There is no need for class or morning reading. After arriving at school, go directly to the playground to gather. After 08:30, the competitions of various events will start one after another.

Lin Yuejian and Qian Tang walked around here and there for a while, and the time gradually passed.

After ten o'clock, the sun was a little hot, so we went back to the base camp to rest.

The location of the base camp of the first group is very good. It is next to the stage. There are steps where you can sit and rest on the spot, and the sun is out of the shade under the trees.

It's just that the atmosphere has started to drop recently, and although the sun is shining, it's still a bit cool.

"See you on the moon."

Suddenly someone shouted, and Lin Yue raised her head when she saw the sound.

It's Su Tingting.

She walked to Lin Yuejian and sat down, "I took the time to write the script yesterday, would you like to read it? Then we will find time to rehearse."

Lin Yue replied "Okay" with frowned eyebrows, since she has nothing to do now anyway.

Su Tingting took out her mobile phone and showed Lin Yuejian the script she had written.

Lin Yuejian looked at it and asked, "Oh, by the way, who will be the queen?"

In addition to Snow White, important figures include the magic mirror and the queen.

Su Tingting glanced at Qian Tang, "I kind of want Qian Tang to act."

Qian Tang:? ? ?
She looked confused: "Didn't I play the dwarf?"

Su Tingting: "The little dwarf is enough."

Qian Tang:? ? ?

Su Tingting read a few names, but Qian Tang knew them but not.

The little girl was discouraged all of a sudden: "Okay, does the Queen have many speeches?"

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