His little darling is sweet and tugging

Chapter 98 Don't come cheer me on?

Lin Yuejian, who was reading the script, said, "A little bit."

The school prohibits puppy love, so Snow White won't have too many emotional dramas, so apart from falling in love with Prince Charming, the only thing left to watch is the queen poisoning Snow White.

"Huh?" Qian Tang felt a little hopeless, "I don't have a good memory."

Su Tingting smiled: "I believe you can be Tangtang!"

Qian Tang, "Send me the script for a look."

Su Tingting: "Okay, I'll send you later."

Then she said to Jiang Wanshu: "Shushu, can you play the magic mirror?"

Jiang Wanshu had no objections, and agreed easily.

Lin Yuejian gave Su Tingting some advice after reading the script, and the four girls got together to discuss the plot.

The morning passed in the blink of an eye.

Several people discussed the plot very happily.

"Thank you for your ideas. When I go back in the afternoon, I will write the script and arrange it sometime." Su Tingting said very politely.

"get out of class is coming to an end, in order to thank you for your ideas, shall I treat you to dinner?"

Lin Yuejian waved his hands and said, "No, we didn't do anything, and this is our class program, so we can be considered as contributing to the class."

Qian Tang also echoed: "Yes, you don't need to be so polite!"

But Su Tingting still insisted: "Although I said so, I still want to invite you to dinner, just as a friend."

Qian Tang, "We are all classmates. If you want to make friends, you don't need to treat someone to dinner."

Su Tingting: "Okay, I'll tell the truth, I just want to invite you to dinner, everything else is an excuse."

Qian Tang: "..."

Lin Yuejian: "..."

The three of you looked at me and I looked at you, and Su Tingting was left speechless.

Just at this time, the bell rang for the end of get out of class, and Su Tingting, regardless of whether everyone agreed or not, went to the middle, took Lin Yuejian in one hand and Qiantang in the other, and called Jiang Wanshu.

"Let's go, Wanshu, grab your things, let's go eat!"

In this way, Lin Yuejian and Qian Tang were "dragged" to the cafeteria.

Jiang Wanshu followed closely behind with everyone's belongings.

Su Tingting knew the ways of the world, and knew that if Lin Yuejian was taken away, the other two would follow.

The school cafeteria is divided into the first and second floors, and the second floor is a little more advanced, with self-service and so on.

Su Tingting directly invited everyone to the second floor.

"Take whatever you want, I'll pay for it!"

Qian Tang clicked his tongue because of Su Tingting's generosity.

But she is a gossip expert in the class, and everyone in the class has some basic information.

Going to Lin Yuejian's side, she said, "I heard that Su Tingting's family is in business, so she has a lot of pocket money. She is very generous to her friends and often treats guests to dinner."

Lin Yue said "ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh."

Su Tingting saw that they didn't move, so she said: "You guys take food, why are you standing there, when there are too many servants, there will be no seats."

Su Tingting insisted on a treat, but Lin Yue saw that the three of them couldn't shirk, so she ordered some food casually.

Then found a place to sit down.

"Oh, by the way, how about Yuejian asking you for help?"

Lin Yue was stunned for a moment before realizing what Su Tingting was referring to, and replied, "I gave it to him."

Su Tingting's eyes lit up, "He accepted it?"

Lin Yuejian nodded: "Yes."

It's just that the small envelope was not opened, and the chocolate went into her stomach.

The little girl didn't say anything, lest Su Tingting beat her to death later.

Su Tingting was overjoyed when she heard that, "Thank you for seeing you on the moon, I'll give you chicken legs to eat!"

Then he clipped the untouched chicken leg to Lin Yue.

Lin Yue was so flattered that she didn't do anything at all.

Qian Tang couldn't calm down, so he started to gossip when he heard the words: "Tingting, do you like Chen Xingyu?"

Su Tingting blushed, and nodded shyly: "Surely no one would dislike someone as outstanding as him?"

Qian Tang admitted that Chen Xingyu is indeed very good, especially because he is handsome and easy to make people fall in love with.


Su Tingting glanced at Lin Yue, and asked casually, "Yueyue, are you related to Chen Xingyu?"

Many people in the school are saying that the two are brother and sister.

Lin Yuejian shook her head, "No."

Su Tingting, "Then why do I seem to hear you calling him brother?"

Lin Yuejian, "Because he's older than me."

Out of politeness, she called brother, but after a while she got used to it.

Su Tingting oh oh twice.

Qian Tang said: "Not only Yue Jian, but Zhou Yu, Song Qing and the others all call Brother Chen Xingyu, it's just a title."

Su Tingting, "That's it."

Lin Yuejian hummed without explaining too much.

Later, during the meal, Su Tingting would occasionally chat for a few words, and Su Tingting would always turn the topic around to Chen Xingyu.

But it's all insignificant things, Lin Yue returned when she knew about it, and said she didn't know if she didn't know.

After dinner, after thanking Su Tingting for the treat, everyone parted.

Lin Yuejian, Qian Tang and Jiang Wanshu went back to the dormitory.

On the way back, Qian Tang said: "Why do I feel that Su Tingting invited us to dinner because the ulterior motives are not drinking?"

Jiang Wanshu nodded: "I think so too."

Qian Tang, "She always asks some questions about Chen Xingyu intentionally or unintentionally. At first, she asks about the relationship between Yuejian and Xingyu, and then asks what Chen Xingyu likes. Could it be that she wants to chase Chen through Yuejian? Xingyu, right?"

"I don't know." Jiang Wanshu didn't understand that Su Tingting couldn't make a conclusion.

Lin Yuejian didn't think too much about it, "Never mind her, even if she thinks so, it's probably useless. Chen Xing meets this person, he won't let oil and salt in."

"If it's really that easy to chase, the squad leader wouldn't have liked him for so many years, and it's been fruitless."

Qian Tang: "Yes!"

Everyone didn't pay attention to this little episode.

It's just that after this time, Su Tingting will always appear in front of Lin Yuejian, eating and going to and from school together.

But these are later stories.

During the first day and a half of the school sports meeting, everyone was just wandering around, but things got busy the next afternoon.

First, Qian Tang's race, and Chen Xingyu's 3000-meter long-distance race. A group of people ran in different venues.

Qian Tang's physical strength is really good. In the women's 800m preliminary competition, she ran first in group B and successfully entered the final.

After the girls ran, it was the boys' 3000-meter long-distance race. After saying hello to Qian Tang and Jiang Wanshu, Lin Yuejian went to find Chen Xingyu.

Junior is already on the runway getting ready.

The number of boys participating in the 3000-meter race is relatively large, one or two are wearing sportswear, showing half of their strong calves.

At first glance, among the contestants, Chen Xingyu was the thinnest and the tallest.

Stands out in the crowd.

Everyone is warming up before the game, and he is still lazily playing with his mobile phone.

Those who didn't know thought he was here to make up the numbers!

As this thought fell, Lin Yuejian's cell phone rang in her hand.

She picked it up and took a look.

WeChat notification.

Chen Xingyu: [won't you come cheer for me? 】

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