Xie Yunshu smiled and said, "It's not relatives, it's friends? Miss Guan, forgive me, such open-mouthed friends, be cautious when dealing with them! Maybe someday you will be implicated by them!"

Sister Guan Yunfang and Mrs. Mao were very upset.

Although Guan Yunfang's father is only a fifth-rank Shaoqing of Honghe Temple, and a small shrimp in the huge bureaucratic and powerful system in the capital, the Mao family is a merchant. If it weren't for their filial piety, Guan Yunfang would He didn't bother to talk to them at all.

Even if they take advantage, the Guan family still has a superior attitude towards the Mao family, friend?Guan Yunfang really didn't want to admit it.

Mrs. Mao, mother and daughter knew that their status was low, and felt embarrassed, but they didn't dare to blame Guan Yunfang at all.

Xie Yunshu smiled: "Miss Guan, let's leave this nosy business alone! Mrs. Mao, Miss Mao, please apologize."

Mrs. Mao and Mao Zhaorong's faces were red and white, and they gritted their teeth and refused.

Su said indifferently: "It seems that the two really don't take our Pingbeihou Mansion seriously!"

Xie Yunshu: "It's easy to handle, let's tell dad when we get back! I want to see who they are using to deliberately provoke trouble."

Madam Mao, mother and daughter, Guan Yunfang and Guan Yunxiu all changed their faces.

In fact, the real power of the Mao family is the Pingbei Hou Mansion!They are attached to the Qi family, and the Pingbei Hou Mansion is the Yue family of the Qi family. Mao Keshou often reveals his relationship with the Pingbei Hou Mansion intentionally or unintentionally to make profits in the business field.

Madam Mao didn't dare to be stubborn any more, so she could only grit her teeth and said awkwardly, "I'm sorry, Xie, Mrs. Xie, Miss Xie, it was us who didn't know Taishan with our eyes, and offended you, please forgive me."

The Su family is not unreasonable, and they don't want to get a reputation for being bullying, "Since Madam Mao has apologized, then forget it. Please be more careful when Madam Mao speaks in the future."

Madam Mao's face turned greener and whiter: "Thank you, Madam!"

Xie Yunshu smiled, and turned to look at shopkeeper Hua: "Treasurer Hua, please continue to choose suitable materials for my mother."

Shopkeeper Hua smiled and nodded: "Yes, Miss Xie, Madam, please!"

She thought that she would have to come forward to deal with it, but she was a little crazy when she thought about it, but she didn't expect Miss Xie to be so powerful, she beat the Mao family's mother and daughter and Miss Guan's family back in a few words.

Tell her to watch the excitement!

As expected of the eldest daughter of the Hou family, even if she grew up in the countryside, she should not be underestimated
Mrs. Mao and the others were originally here to find fault, but now they are ashamed and have no arrogance. It can be said that they have lost a complete defeat since they were dismounted. What is the follow-up?
Could it be that knowing the identities of Xie Yunshu's mother and daughter Mrs. Pingbeihou and Miss Houfu, they still dare to steal their things?

"Convenient and convenient" Liu Mama, who disappeared for a while, finally came back now.

As soon as she saw the two young ladies of the Guan family, Mammy Liu exclaimed "Ah!" and hurriedly saluted: "Miss Guan, Miss Guan, what a coincidence, haha."

Xie Yunshu and Mrs. Su were listening to shopkeeper Hua's introduction of the clothing materials with a smile, and they didn't even raise their eyelids.

Guan Yunfang and Guan Yunxiu, as the nieces of the second wife of the Qi family, naturally have contacts with the Pingbei Hou Mansion, so it is not surprising that Mammy Liu knows them.

The sisters were also relieved to see their acquaintances.

"Grandma Liu!"

"Mother Liu, why did you come here!"

Guan Yunxiu and Xie Yunqian are about the same age, less than fourteen years old, even if they say the wrong thing, or act willfully and coquettishly, it is justifiable.

Could adults still argue with her?

Her tone made her complain, "My sister and I were almost bullied!"

"Oh, who dares to bully the two ladies! Second Miss Guan must have misunderstood!"

Guan Yunxiu glanced at Xie Yunshu and Su Shi, and snorted.

Seeing that the mother and daughter were still choosing clothes, Madam Liu ignored them, so she went over by herself, and said with a smile: "Madam, Miss, these are the two young ladies of the Guan family, and their aunts are from the second lady's natal family. Second sister-in-law, the theory is that we are still relatives in our family! Master Hou has always had a very good relationship with the Guan family masters and old masters, and he also loves the juniors of these relatives, why don't you go over and say hello?"

Shopkeeper Hua raised his eyelids and glanced at Madam Liu when he heard this, with a calm face and joy in his heart: I'm afraid this old man doesn't know what happened just now?If she knew, she probably wouldn't talk like that.Really, here comes another murderer
Xie Yunshu immediately put down the Ruyi Brocade with Passiflora Cloud Pattern in her hand, raised her head and said to Nanny Liu, "I see, so they are very familiar with our Pingbeihou Mansion?"

Nanny Liu was proud: "That's natural!"

Lord Hou values ​​the relatives of the Second Madam's natal family!
"Oh!" Xie Yunshu sneered: "Really? My mother and I don't know them, after all, we have never seen them. But my mother and I just reported ourselves, and the two ladies of the Guan family acted as if nothing happened. I thought They have nothing to do with our Pingbeihou Mansion, and they don't even know about our Pingbeihou Mansion!"

Grandma Liu was stunned: "This—"

Guan Yunfang blushed, Guan Yunxiu didn't know what to think, and blurted out: "Who knows if you are lying? We only know that Aunt Qi is the wife of the Pingbei Houfu! How dare you trust others!"

Xie Yunshu laughed and said, "Did someone else dare to impersonate Mrs. Pingbei Houfu? Does Second Miss Guan think that there is no law in this world? Or, the news of the Guan family is also very unclear!"

Sister Guan Yunxiu is going to die of anger!

Xie Yunshu gave Liu Nanny a cold look again: "My mother is Mrs. Hou, and Miss Guan is a junior. No matter how much my father values ​​relatives, there is no reason why a majestic Mrs. Hou should take the initiative to greet juniors! Liu Nanny Is it because you have never learned manners and don't understand anything, or did you deliberately humiliate my mother?"

Mother Liu was taken aback: "Miss, don't wrong this old slave! This old slave didn't, didn't think about it that much! Relatives are all from our own family, so how can we be so particular about it?"

The Su family said indifferently: "Even relatives, you can't miss the etiquette. Master Hou has repeatedly explained it, but Madam Liu probably forgot!"

Now that they were relatives, if Su Shi and Xie Yunshu really coaxed her to turn around and take the initiative to make friends with the Guan sisters, she might be teased and laughed at.

In a place like the capital, there are aristocratic families and high-ranking families, who has no rules and no distinction between superiority and inferiority?
Grandma Liu laughed and laughed, not daring to say anything more.

Guan Yunfang couldn't stay any longer, took her sister's hand and sneered, turned around and left angrily.

Seeing this, Mrs. Mao's mother and daughter also hurried away.

They were originally tool people, since they are useless, should they be left as cannon fodder?
Well, the world is quiet.

Xie Yunshu and Su's had a lot of fun choosing a lot of clothing materials, and then picked out styles, so they ordered all of them here.

The two also selected a few for Mrs. Xie, which is considered filial piety.

Ask for a monthly ticket, it’s the end of the month, there is a monthly ticket to vote for 11, if there is no more, remember to save the next month’s ticket for 11~~~

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