The mother and daughter spent more than 3000 taels of silver in Jinyuanfang.

Shopkeeper Hua smiled brightly, and personally sent them out enthusiastically. Xie Yunshu casually asked where to look for jewelry on this street?Shopkeeper Hua immediately smiled and said: "Of course only the Liuguang Pavilion is worthy of Mrs. Hou and Missy! Here, Missy, please take a look at the second intersection from here, turn left and walk more than ten Rice is it."

"Thank you, Shopkeeper Hua!"

It's easy now, just go there.

"Hey, miss, you are welcome!" Shopkeeper Hua smiled like a flower: "Mrs. Hou, miss, please go slowly, welcome to come again next time!"

Both Su Shi and Xie Yunshu agreed with a smile.

Grandma Liu feels so sorry for her wife that money is so painful that her heart bleeds. If you are not in charge of the family, you don't know how expensive the money is. This Su family and the young lady really dare to spend it!Can't see it, really can't see it!Don't they come from a remote village?Isn't it true that the family's income is not a few taels of silver a year?Wouldn't it be very distressing to spend three or five taels?

Why, why did thousands of taels rush out without even blinking?

I still have to go to Liuguang Pavilion!

In that place, two 3000 taels can't beat it!

Grandma Liu trembled violently.

Nanny Liu opened her mouth and closed it again, forget it, even if her words can coax Mrs. Su to listen, the eldest lady made it clear that she wanted to go against her on purpose. If she persuaded her not to go to Liuguang Pavilion, they would definitely won't listen.

Nanny Liu couldn't help feeling a little regretful, she should have turned down the job from the beginning if she knew that the mother and daughter were so tricky and difficult.

With today's situation like this, how can she deal with Madam when she goes back?Madam must be reprimanded.
Xie Yunshu and Su Shi were very happy, chatting and laughing, and soon arrived at Liuguang Pavilion.

Shopping in Liuguang Pavilion is much smoother, and of course the money spent is also much more.

Originally, fine jewelry is much more valuable than clothing materials.

Those finger-sized fine gemstones, longan-sized pearls, whole pieces of finely carved jadeite, as well as jade bracelets, jade pendants, golden hairpins, emerald jade, etc. Xie Yunshu and Su's didn't buy much. I bought two complete sets of hair masks, and I bought a dozen or so pieces each.

Of course, I didn’t forget to buy a pair of gold bracelets, two pairs of gold earrings, a two-inch-long solid longevity fairy made of gold, and a gold ruyi for my grandmother.

A total of more than 6000 taels was spent.

The jewelry was ready-made, and the shopkeeper packed it for them with a smile on his face, and took it back on the spot.

On the way back, Xie Yunshu deliberately inquired about a time-honored pastry shop, ordered the driver to turn around, and bought her grandmother's favorite jujube cake and mung bean cake. Brother Xie, Xie Yunqian and their mother and daughter all bought some.

When you go out for a trip, you must always show your filial piety and your heart!

As for whether Qi's mother and daughter accept it or not, it is not for them to consider.

After returning home, Xie Yunshu and Mrs. Su told Madam Liu to bring the snacks for Mrs. Qi, and they went directly to Songhetang.

Mrs. Xie was very happy to see them coming. Hearing what they were talking about outside, Xie Yunshu smiled and said that she would go shopping together when she was better. Mrs. Xie was even more happy.

I heard that the two bought these things, and bought them for themselves. Looking at the golden things and the snacks that I specially turned around to buy, the old lady Xie laughed so hard that she couldn't see her teeth, and kept praising her. Yunniang and Shu'er are filial.

Her precious granddaughter really knows what she likes best.

The old lady Xie smiled and said: "Our Shu'er, you should cut more beautiful clothes and precious jewelry, this is the real Miss of the Hou Mansion! And Yunniang too! I think you didn't buy too much today. That's enough, I'll add more later!"

It was also Xie Yunshu's idea that Xie Yunshu and Su's mother and daughter came to Songhe Hall as soon as they came back. I was afraid that the old lady would be unhappy if she found out from Qi that they had spent so much money after living a hard life in the country. I didn't expect the old lady to have such an attitude.

Surprised and touched.

"Yes, mother, listen to mother!"

"Grandma is so kind. Grandma is right. When the family buys more clothes and jewellery, we will buy more!"

Xie Yunshu was startled, subconsciously turned her head slightly and looked up at Nanny Ling, her eyes met, and she understood.

Sure enough, Madam Ling said something to Grandma.

Madam Ling met Xie Yunshu's eyes and understood that she had thought of it, and she secretly praised: "What a smart lady!"
The old lady took care of her very well and treated her very well, and gave her great power. Now, no one in the Songhe Hall dare not listen to her.

All of this was given to her by the young lady, so she naturally turned to the young lady and the eldest madam.

In fact, she didn't do anything, but she just explained to the old lady the consumption and importance, hidden rules and etiquette of the rich and powerful women's families in the capital along the topic of buying clothes and jewelry. The clothes on the second lady and the second lady are so expensive
The old lady loved to hear these things very much, she listened with great interest, and asked a lot of questions, so she was more than happy to talk.

Therefore, now that Mrs. Xie heard that Xie Yunshu and Su's purchased so many things and spent so much money, she would feel that they were too wronged!The Qi family and the second girl can spend it well, why can't they spend it?
The old lady Xie laughed, and asked again: "By the way, you are not short of silver flowers, right? I asked, Yunniang's monthly silver is 50 taels a month, Shu'er is 20 taels. I have a full 200 taels What! If you are in need, just come to me to get it, half of my things have to be left to Shu'er!"

The other half is given to another pair of grandchildren. They have gotten too much over the years, and they can no longer compete with Shu'er.

Su nodded and smiled: "Don't worry, mother, we are not short of money. We should be filial to mother, how can we ask for mother!"

"Hey, we don't want to be so clear haha!"

Songhe Hall was full of excitement, and Qi's and Xie Yunqian were going crazy with anger at Mingse Hall.

Xie Yunqian screamed: "Mother Liu! What's the matter with you! Why didn't you look at them! Why did they spend so much money! They, are they worthy!"

Qi also gritted her teeth in heartache: "There are so many shops, why did you go to these two places? Why didn't you stop me! Those two country sluts are so lavish, really, really."

Nanny Liu said bitterly, "Madam, Second Miss, the old slave can't do anything about it, the eldest lady is very tricky and cunning, who knows that she has taken a fancy to Jinyuanfang at a glance and insists on going in. How can the old slave stop it?" Ah! Later, she asked shopkeeper Hua where the jewelry was good, and shopkeeper Hua told Liuguang Pavilion, so that's it. "

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