"The shopkeeper Hua saw that money was open, but he was full of energy and introduced valuable things to them, and they took them all without any politeness. This old slave has never seen such a greedy person!"

Qi sneered: "Businessmen can't wait to scrape off three layers of soil. It's so easy to be taken advantage of, so there's no reason to let it go!"

She breathed a sigh of relief, secretly annoyed.

If I had known about her earlier, I would have taken Qian'er along with me!With her here, she would not believe that she hinted a few words, that shopkeeper Hua dared to act like a demon.

Xie Yunqian was still angrily chattering and refusing to give up, pestering Qi, saying, "Why did they spend so much money? I want to spend it too! Mom, I want new clothes and jewelry too!"

Although she only made new clothes last month, she still needs them.It's better to spend it yourself than to make it cheaper for others.

Qi also thought so, and said with a petting smile: "Okay, okay, mother will take you to pick it after the ancestor worship! Didn't you take a fancy to Biyuxuan's emerald headdress a while ago? Mother bought it for you! "

The set of emerald heads was 3 taels of silver. There were [-] pieces in total, big and small. The most expensive piece was a piece of jadeite inlaid with gold, golden butterfly tassels and tassels. It was exquisite, but it was too expensive.

Saying this now, Xie Yunqian was overjoyed, she hugged Qi with a wide smile and cheered coquettishly: "Really? Thank you, mother! You are so kind, mother! I also want the fragrant satin and Liuyun satin from Xiangyunfang! "

"Good good!"

Only then did Xie Yunqian feel truly satisfied.

Nanny Liu hesitated for a while, but finally told the story of the two young ladies of the Guan family and the mother and daughter of the Mao family being ridiculed by Xie Yunshu and her daughter.

She couldn't hear everything, but with the little girl present, she had already asked clearly.

Qi Shi and Xie Yunqian became angry again when they heard this.

"I can't tell, but Xie Yunshu's dead girl is a tongue-in-cheek! She's just a country idiot, how can she have such a big face to show the majesty of the Marquis's house!"

Qi scolded, feeling bored too.

Even if it's a country idiot, it's the first wife and eldest daughter of Lord Hou. As long as the majestic family of the Hou Mansion wants to show off, no one can stop it.

"Things that have never been seen in the world! When a villain succeeds, he will be rampant!"

Xie Yunqian also couldn't help but sneer and said with a sneer: "Aren't the Guan family sisters also eloquent? The Mao family girl is not very dignified, so they are being bluffed? What a mess! What's the matter?" You won't even make a fuss!"

Anyway, they don't care about face.

Grandma Liu accompanied her with a smile: "They, they are also afraid of the Hou Mansion."

The eldest lady and the eldest lady open their mouths to say that they are Pingbeihou's mansion. What confidence does a petty official family like the Guan family and a merchant family like the Mao family have?
Xie Yunqian sneered, "They are really disgusting!"

Qi said coldly: "Okay, Qian'er, don't talk about this matter, but I underestimated them, I didn't expect them to really regard themselves as the wives and young ladies of the rich and powerful! Come on, Yunfang, Yunxiu and the others naturally have nothing to do."

Xie Yunqian bit her lips, disgusted: "Mother, I feel disgusted when I see them! The Hou Mansion is our home, not theirs! Why should we let them stay? Can't they stay in the country for a lifetime! The worst thing is to make Dad more Just send them a few taels of silver!"

Speaking of this, Qi also felt as if he vomited blood.

If she had known this, she would have tried every means to prevent them from entering Beijing.But it's too late to say anything now!

It is easy to ask God to send God away, especially since Xie Yunshu has reached the age of marriage again, it is even more impossible to leave.

"There will always be a way," Qi sneered, "Don't worry. Even if they stay, so what? If your father hates it, can they still have a good life?"

Xie Yunqian finally felt more comfortable, and nodded slowly, "Mother is right."

"Okay, you can go back and rest. Nanny Liu, you go down too. Nanny Qi, I have something to discuss with you."

On that side, Xie Yunshu's mother and daughter came out of Songhe Hall and went back to their own residence, and even dealt with the two maidservants who followed out today, Cuizhi by Su Shi's side, and Li Rui by Xie Yunshu's side.

The reason was that these two girls were too stupid, and they didn't know the situation of the protector when they were out today. The two cried and begged for mercy, and Xie Yunshu didn't have a soft heart.

They don't need to make up for them for the time being, they can choose after they are spotted, as long as they have someone to serve them right now.

In fact, these two people didn't even have a guardian, and even stood there with a blank face like outsiders watching the fun.

Heh, who do they think they deserve to watch?

Since they believe that the Hou Mansion is the head of the Qi family, and they don't pay attention to their mother and daughter at all, can they still be tolerated?

This can be regarded as killing chickens to warn monkeys, so that other servants who always pretend to have nothing to do with them will grow their minds!
No matter how bad their mother and daughter are, they are still the eldest lady and eldest lady of the Hou Mansion. Even if they can't do anything to the Qi family now, it's no problem to clean up and deal with a few servants!isn't it?
What's more, both Lirui and Cuizhi have parents and family members in the Hou's mansion. Such people, even if they are not Qi's confidants at the moment, can easily be threatened and controlled by Qi.

Xie Yunshu and Niangqin have already discussed that they will slowly kick out all those who have family members in the Hou Mansion in their respective yards, leaving those who are single and of good character, which is safer.

Of course, this is only the first step.

The reason why Jin Yun is not kicked away is precisely because Jin Yun is a nail specially placed by Qi in Cuiwei Hall, and An Qi's heart must be kept.

Sure enough, when Qi heard that their mother and daughter had kicked Li Rui and Cui Zhi away, she just sneered and didn't take it seriously.

Xie Yunshu smiled again and said to her mother: "The one that is watering flowers and sweeping in my mother's yard is not bad. Besides Jin Yun, mother can also order her around."

Su Shi nodded in agreement.

As for her own wisteria garden, An Tong is not bad, she made an excuse yesterday and was promoted to serve by her side.

Perhaps at the beginning, Qi Shi didn't take her as a country girl seriously at all, so he didn't deliberately plant his confidantes in the Wisteria Garden, most of them were vulgar, clumsy, or tricky and lazy, but it didn't matter.

Back at the Wisteria Garden, Xie Yunshu said she wanted to rest, so she went back to her room and lay down. While lying down, she closed her eyes and fell asleep while pulling the melon eating system out to chat.

"Guagua, who are the mother and daughter of the Mao family? How is the Mao family?"

She knew about the Guan family, after all, they were the in-laws of the Qi family, and she had asked a few questions about the eating melon system, but the Mao family really hadn't.

As soon as the eating melon system heard the host calling me to gossip, it became energetic, and immediately smiled and said: "Shu Shu, you don't know, this Mao family also has big melons! Come, come, listen to me carefully with you." break down"

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