Seeing Qi Fanghui's expression, old lady Xie didn't feel embarrassed by a junior, but she really didn't like it. Before Qi could say anything else, she waved her hand and said, "Okay, you can take them down and make arrangements. Consider everything carefully, Don't lose Ah Zhong's face, and the Hou Mansion's face!"

These words are almost equivalent to beating the Qi family sisters clearly.

Qi Fanghui was too young to understand, but Qi Fangying was so embarrassed that she lowered her head and did not dare to raise her head.

"Yes, old lady, don't worry!"

Qi couldn't stay any longer, and left in despair with her two nieces and Xie Yunqian.

On the day of departure, it was very lively. There were countless soldiers standing guard on the street. When the carriage passed by, I heard the noise on both sides of the street.

Xie Yunshu couldn't help thinking to herself, even if it's like this at this moment, when the emperor's guard of honor passed by, he didn't know how lively the sky was, and the prince
Thinking of the prince, I don't know if he is accompanying the emperor at the moment, or with the princes?She couldn't wait to see him.

Lord Xie Houye was not with Xie Yunshu and the others, he was valued by Emperor Yuanxi, and now he rode his horse and accompanied the royal driver to a place quite close behind, while Xie Yunshu and the others were in the carriage with the female family members behind.

The Marquis of Pingbei is an upstart, and their carriage is considered to be in the front position.

The Hou Mansion prepared a total of three carriages, Xie Yunshu and Qi Fangying took one, Xie Yunshu brought Biqiao and Qingqing with them, Du Li was driving the carriage.Qi Fangying only brought Qiu Shuang with her.

Xie Yunqian and Qi Fanghui were in the same car, Xie Yunqian brought Xiangtao and Qi Nanny, Qi Fanghui brought Shuangtong.

In addition to the master and servant, some luggage was piled up, and the carriage seemed a bit crowded.

The other carriage was full of luggage for the four of them and Bi Qiao and others who followed. Xie Yunshu arranged for Xie Liu to drive the carriage first.

It's not that the Hou Mansion can't afford a carriage, but that there is a definite number for accompanying the carriage.

The Hou Mansion can only arrange three carriages at most, except for the coachman, maidservants, servants and guards, no one is allowed to bring more.

The Qi family forced the Qi family sisters in, so they had no choice but to make do with it.

The ridiculous thing is that Qi Fanghui originally felt that bringing only one maid was not enough, so he insisted on adding more people, and thought that there was not enough luggage, so he wanted to bring more, so he naturally asked Xie Yunshu not to bring anyone, and to bring less luggage, so as to make room for her. .

"Cousin wants to order people, but who does it matter? Besides, there are ready-made people to serve at the palace in the paddock of Da Cangshan."

"My cousin's luggage can also be less. After all, my cousin has never been there. If I want to come back here, I am just familiar with the familiar place, and the things I need are limited."

Xie Yunshu was speechless, what made them feel that they could dominate the Pingbei Hou Mansion?Because the second lady Qi is their aunt?

Xie Yunshu directly and tactfully complained in front of her grandmother.

The old lady Xie was so angry that her seven orifices were filled with smoke, and angrily called Mrs. Qi to curse him.

Those two cousins ​​from her natal family's bad reputation didn't count as rubbing against her own carriage, but she still wanted her precious granddaughter to give them up for their convenience?
Qi was so angry that she didn't dare to tell. Didn't the repeated compensation mean that she didn't know, it was a discussion between their cousins, and the old lady might have misunderstood.

She smiled and said kindly to Xie Yunshu: "You cousins ​​should discuss it carefully, and make it clear if it's good or not, the children's families, what a big deal, there is really no need to alarm the old lady, and let the old lady misunderstand."

Xie Yunshu said with a smile: "The two cousins ​​are guests after all. How could I have the nerve to argue with them? Otherwise, it would appear that I am bullying others. I have to ask the elders for advice and let the elders decide. Besides, I am going out this time to accompany the driver. What is the matter? It's not a trivial matter, and I don't dare to make decisions."

Mrs. Xie was also on Xie Yunshu's side at the time: "Shu'er is right, Qi, you have to discipline your natal family yourself! If you always have such a temperament of patronizing yourself and disregarding others, then don't go. Wan Once you offend someone, wouldn't it be a disaster for Ah Zhong!"

Qi's heart trembled, and she quickly laughed: "Don't worry, old lady, my daughter-in-law will definitely discipline them well, and there won't be such misunderstandings again!"

I don't know how the Qi family told the Qi family sisters, but they stopped making trouble.

It's just that she naturally doesn't have a good look at Xie Yunshu.

If possible, Xie Yunshu didn't want to share a carriage with Qi Fangying.

Isn't there no choice?

Qi Fangying lowered her eyes and remained silent. The master and servant did not talk to Xie Yunshu, and neither did Xie Yunshu.

Qingqing can't stand it, she can't stop whispering and laughing with Biqiao, Xie Yunshu has always been very tolerant to them and will not stop them.Qi Fangying's master and servant couldn't understand it very much.

Qiu Shuang endured it and couldn't help scolding, thinking that Qingqing and Biqiao were too noisy.

However, Qingqing and Biqiao are not soft-tempered. Just looking at Biqiao's perseverance in fighting wits and courage with his father in order to persist in cooking for so many years, it can be seen that the two immediately gave Qiu Shuang back.

"Our eldest lady didn't say anything!"

"that is!"

Qiu Shuang was furious, and before she could sneer back, Xie Yunshu glanced over coldly, she didn't dare to say anything, and looked at her master aggrieved.

Qi Fangying was also angry, but she was not Qi Fanghui, and she knew that the present was not what it used to be, so she held back and said nothing.

What is she arguing with Xie Yunshu?This is the carriage of the Hou Mansion, there is no way Xie Yunshu will let her go.Even if she opened her mouth, she was just humiliating herself.

Since Xie Yunshu's mother and daughter entered the Hou's Mansion, the Hou's Mansion is no longer the old Hou's Mansion that is inseparable from the Qi family and is intimate with each other.
A faint hatred grew in Qi Fangying's heart. She hated Xie Yunshu and wanted to destroy the Hou Mansion.

From the capital city to the Dacangshan paddock outside the Great Wall, the guard of honor lined up at a steady pace and took seven days.

The Daxuan Dynasty and the three major tribes outside the Great Wall and the three small tribes will meet in the palace at the foot of Da Cang Mountain to have friendly exchanges and discussions, hunt together and enhance their relationship.

Because this activity has not stopped since the founding of the Xuan Dynasty, the arrangements along the way have been perfected.Where to stay overnight every day has been clearly arranged.

As early as January, people had been sent over to make preparations. A few days before the departure of the emperor and all the people, the Jingwei Commander Si Fang, the Imperial Forest Army, and the troops from the Xishan Camp had already deployed their defenses in advance.

When the sun was setting towards the west that day, Xie Yunshu and his party arrived at the place where they stayed.

The emperor, members of the royal family, and favored ministers and relatives of the emperor lived in the core of the palace, while the Pingbei Hou's Mansion was located on the outside, and the outermost houses were occupied by people who were worse than the Hou's Mansion.

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