Many royal family members and dignitaries of aristocratic families have bought houses near this palace, and they have already sent their servants to tidy them up, and they live in their own courtyards. It is spacious and comfortable, isn't it better than being crowded in the palace?

The servants and servants serving in the palace are well-organized, busy but not chaotic, after all, they have already accumulated experience over the years.

It's just that there were too many people, and by the time dinner was over, it was already dark.

Xie Yunshu and the four of them shared the same courtyard with Liu Xuezhi's mother and daughter.

Xie's family didn't have a mistress with him, so Master Xie deliberately went to Liu Yushi with a mentality of giving it a try, and said that Mrs. Liu agreed, and Master Xie was very happy.

It's not easy to talk to a scholar like Liu Yushi and build a relationship with him!

In fact, Mrs. Liu and Liu Xuezhi were only doing it for Xie Yunshu.

Fang Muliu's father is one of the main persons in charge of the defense and patrolling. Mrs. Fang is not weak in martial arts and is her husband's good helper. Fang Muting didn't come this time and stayed in the capital to preside over the patrol, defense and security. Fang Muliu had to be by his mother's side , to help out.

Moreover, the Fang family has a special status, so it is not good for Xie Yunshu to be with Fang Muliu on such occasions.

Mrs. Liu and Liu Xuezhi sympathized with Xie Yunshu, and naturally they would not refuse if they could take care of her.

Mrs. Liu and Liu Xuezhi lived in the main room, Xie Yunshu and Qi Fangying lived in the east wing, Xie Yunqian and Qi Fanghui lived in the west wing.

Because of Mrs. Liu's presence, Xie Yunqian and Qi Fanghui, who suffocated and wanted to find fault on the road, had to stop.

Behind closed doors, they can make trouble no matter what, they are not afraid of embarrassment, as long as they make Xie Yunshu unhappy, as long as they can deceive Xie Yunshu.

But to the outside world, especially if there are elders around, they are also the wives of Zuodu Yushi's family, they also have to face.

What really happened, this reputation is not only bad, but also stinky.

Because of this, Xie Yunshu lived quite comfortably along the way.

There were many people on the road, and every day when they got settled in their place of residence and had dinner, it was dark, and the group of people didn't go anywhere, they simply washed up and rested.

Although Xie Yunshu would miss the crown prince from time to time, she never got to meet him.

But the prince is still a bit capable after all. There are countless pairs of eyes around him staring at what people cannot avoid. He still sent Su Ming to steal a food box for Xie Yunshu every night, and gave her refreshments and snacks to relieve boredom. There is also a cup of stewed bird's nest and lotus seed soup every time.

Xie Yunshu was confident, so when she took the carriage the next day, she brought snacks along with her, and politely invited Qi Fangying to taste them.

Where would Qi Fangying eat her food?She refused lukewarmly, and after that, Xie Yunshu was very "tactful" and never invited again.

But Qi Fangying regretted it later, especially seeing that Xie Yunshu's master and servant ate so deliciously, and those pastries and snacks looked delicious, both master and servant couldn't help salivating secretly.

Unfortunately, Xie Yunshu no longer invited, so she was naturally too embarrassed to ask again.

Qiu Shuang asked Qingqing in private where did the things come from?Qingqing replied, "Miss bought it!" That's all.

As for the channel through which the eldest lady bought it?She doesn't know either!

But the eldest lady is rich, as long as she can afford the price, what is it worth buying some pastries and snacks?

These words almost made Qiu Shuang die of anger: Who doesn't know that your young lady is rich!

Even though the official road is flat and wide, after seven days, it is still a bit overwhelming.

When they finally arrived, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Mrs. Liu and Liu Xuezhi still live with them. Both families are of considerable status, and the yards they are allocated are quite large. I don't have to live with Qi Fangying in my own room.

The whole autumn hunt will basically last about twenty days, and the living time is very long, so the residence must be carefully arranged.

As usual, after arriving at the place, two days of rest and free activities will be given. Two days later, the Daxuan Dynasty will hold a dinner in the name of the emperor to entertain distinguished guests from the three major tribes and the three minor tribes.

After waking up the next day, after breakfast, Liu Xuezhi took Xie Yunshu, Xie Yunqian, and Qi's sisters out for a casual stroll.

No matter how unwilling they are to be sisters, at least the first day they go out, they have to be tidy.

The Cangshan Palace occupies an extremely vast area, including palace areas, forest areas, grassland areas, and lake areas. Outside the gate, there is a stretch of prairie, and in the distance to the east is a large forest. Soft silhouette.

Where the sky is high and the earth is wide, no matter where you go when you go out, what you see is clear and open-minded.

The noble ladies and gentlemen of the capital are extremely excited to have fun when they come to the Cangshan hunting ground every year, and it is the same this time.

Xie Yunshu, Liu Xuezhi and the others went out for a casual walk around the lake, and after a while, they met many noble ladies and gentlemen who went out for a stroll.

There are a lot of people out there, no matter what grievances and discords there were before, at least everyone is on the surface.

Xie Yunshu suddenly saw Xiaolan hiding behind a bush not far away and beckoning to herself, her heart moved, she watched the crowd chatting and laughing, she quietly withdrew from the crowd, and took Qingqing with her.

Xiaolan led Xie Yunshu to a small courtyard in the forest. The brown-yellow courtyard wall was hidden among green bamboos.

Xiaolan and Qingqing sat in the yard by the rocks basking in the sun and talking in a tacit understanding. Xie Yunshu opened the door and entered the small hall, and looked up to meet the prince's eyes.

Looking at each other with a smile, the prince spread his arms, and she stepped forward quickly, but hesitated when she reached him, not knowing whether she should throw herself into his arms.

The prince smiled lightly and stepped forward to embrace her in his arms.

"Finally I see you!" The prince looked down at her while holding her arms, and gently stroked her face with one hand: "You look pretty good!"

Xie Yunshu nodded and smiled, "Of course it's not bad, otherwise, how can you feel sorry for the prince who sent people to deliver soup and snacks along the way?"

The crown prince also laughed: "As long as Shu'er likes it, Gu is worried that Shu'er won't like it!"

Xie Yunshu's face was slightly hot, and she pursed her lips and said softly: "I don't like what the prince gave you."

As long as it is a gift from him, and it comes with an 88-meter filter, no matter what is good in her eyes.

The crown prince's deep eyes were full of smiles, and it was obvious that he took advantage of her words.

"Really? Then, it's not too much to ask for a gift in return, right?"

Xie Yunshu was naturally very happy to return the gift, and said seriously: "Of course not too much! However, I am not good at cooking, so I can ask Biqiao to make some snacks, okay?"

"Not good!" The crown prince smiled lowly: "I only want a gift from Shu'er in return, and I want it now."

Ask for a monthly ticket!Take a bow and thank you!

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