Mrs. Xie's hot heart was poured clean by their mother and daughter with a basin of cold water, and her heart felt stuffy and uncomfortable.

She doesn't know the rules of the capital, but she knows good and bad.

The old lady Xie smiled faintly: "So if you say a few nice things in front of me and make me happy, what kind of flattery is that?"

Qi froze: "."

"Auntie!" Xie Yunshu threw herself into the arms of Old Madam Xie, hugged her and patted her lightly, then giggled and said, "If you say that, Shu'er is willing to flatter and flatter grandma for the rest of her life, as long as grandma is happy! "

The old lady Xie laughed happily, and hugged her affectionately: "Grandma's sweet girl, Grandma really didn't love you for nothing!"

Xie Yunqian was so jealous, she bit her lip and glared at Xie Yunshu viciously.

The old lady Xie didn't even want to look at Qi Shi again, "Go and do your work, I don't need to come here except to ask for peace."

Qi was taken aback, "Old lady—"

Think she wants to come?She doesn't want to either!But if Master Hou knew about it, he would definitely be dissatisfied with her.


Old Madam Xie also has a temper, especially now that she is respected and held up in this house, how can she be angry with Qi?If you are not happy, of course let her go.

Qi could only forcefully apologize: "Since that's the case, my daughter-in-law will leave first, and my daughter-in-law will come to see you later."

Naturally, Xie Yunqian would not stay alone, she got up and saluted, and left with her mother.

The Qi family really wanted Xie Yunqian to stay and "do filial piety" for her, but she knew Xie Yunqian's temper very well, and the mother and daughter of the Su family were cunning and insidious. Angered at the old lady, he had no choice but to take her away with her.

As soon as her mother and daughter walked out of the yard, Xie Yunshu also followed, smiling and calling, "Second Mother!"

Xie Yunqian turned around abruptly and stared at her fiercely: "What are you doing here? Are you reading a joke? Bah!"

"Looking at a joke?" Xie Yunshu was taken aback, and said in surprise, "What joke? Does my sister have any jokes to read?"


"Qian'er!" Qi stopped her daughter, and said with a sneer, "Qian'er is not as scheming as the eldest lady, so please stop teasing her, is there something wrong with the eldest lady?"

"Of course," Xie Yunshu walked over and said with a smile, "It's not good for Erniang to annoy grandma. By the way, Erniang, grandma likes gold very much. She likes gold ingots or things made of gold! Erniang might as well give them away Come here and make grandma happy!"

Qi: "."

Xie Yunqian also opened her eyes wide, "Do you want to be shameless?"

"Speaking of which, it's not you? The grandma I coaxed is happy, but you want to make the old man unhappy! Old children, old children, you want to coax, don't sister want to see grandma happy and happy every day? Is it? Anyway, I told Erniang how to do it, do you need to follow Erniang!"

After Xie Yunshu finished speaking, she saluted with a slight smile and turned back to Songhe Hall.

I'm going to have dinner with grandma here today.

Xie Yunqian was about to explode with anger: "She is really interesting! She can daydream in broad daylight!"

Qi's eyes flickered, and she looked at Nanny Qi aggrievedly.

Back in Mingsetang, Mrs. Qi told Nanny Qi: "Tell Aunt Jiang to go back, don't come here anymore. Let her control her mouth. If she dares to talk nonsense, hmph, tell her to be careful! Find some gold pieces. Ornament, I will send it to the old woman later!"


Xie Yunqian became anxious when she heard it: "Mother, do you really want to listen to that little bitch? Why!"

Qi sneered: "We annoyed the old lady, that little bastard 'good intentions' gave me a solution, if we ignore it and let your father know, what will he think?"

Xie Yunqian was at a loss for words.

Qi just wanted to teach her, and said coldly: "You also know that you are not reconciled? Then learn to be smarter in the future, and don't let that little bitch just say a few words and be fooled!"

Xie Yunqian: "."

Xie Yunqian's eyes were watery, and she looked at her mother complaining of grievance.Doesn't even her mother love her?Why did mother say that about her!

Qi's heart softened, and he hugged her into his arms with a soft sigh, "Qian'er, listen to what mother said."

In the tea room, Aunt Jiang was squatting on the ground fanning the small stove to boil tea.

The charcoal is so damp that it must be fanned constantly to keep it burning.

A little girl was lazily sitting against the wall, nibbling melon seeds, while monitoring Aunt Jiang.

When Nanny Qi came in, Aunt Jiang shook her fanning hand and nearly fell to the ground.

"Go out!" Qi Mama dismissed the little girl, cast a contemptuous glance at Aunt Jiang and said, "Madam has something to say, please go back, unless Madam calls again, you don't have to come here again. Tomorrow and Hou'er Same."

When Aunt Jiang heard it, she immediately thought that the Da Furen must be back, and was so moved that she almost shed tears of excitement, "Yes, I understand, thank you Madam for your kindness!"

"It's good for Auntie to know that it's Madam's grace. Auntie has to control her mouth. Don't make mistakes about what to say and what not to say. If there is a word, disaster comes from the mouth. Auntie, don't you think so?"

"What Mammy Qi said is true, thank you Mammy for reminding me."

In Songhetang, Mrs. Su and Xie Yunshu told Mrs. Xie something about Weiziling Zhuangzi. Mrs. Xie listened with great interest, and happily promised Xie Yunshu that she would go and see it in a while.

The old lady kept the mother and daughter for dinner, and asked someone to send these fresh vegetables to the kitchen for cooking at night.

Su Shi and Xie Yunshu naturally stayed happily.

Master Xie came over to pay his respects after he was on duty, and also met Mrs. Su and Xie Yunshu.

Xie Yunshu's adoring eyes and words made Master Xie very happy, and he also asked about Weiziling Zhuangzi.

He didn't think that the mother and daughter knew how to manage a Zhuangzi, and he didn't think that they could do anything in just a few days. Being a Zhuangzi is not so easy."

In formal dialogue, the status must first be equal.

Xie Yunshu glanced at her mother.

Su Shi laughed and said: "Master Hou, there are many problems in Zhuangzi. Fortunately, they are all resolved. I wonder if Master Hou will be free tomorrow? Why don't you call Sister Qi and the housekeeper today, let's talk about it together."

Xie Houye was very surprised: "Then there is something wrong with Zhuangzi? If it's something trivial, then there's no need to talk about it!"

He didn't have time to listen to this either.

Xie Yunshu couldn't listen anymore, how much does her father look down on their mother and daughter?
"Father, there is an important matter. The manager of Zhuangzi is very greedy and full of money!"

"How is this possible?" Lord Xie Hou was a little surprised, but he still didn't believe it, "Shu'er, what can that poor man do? Even if he is greedy for ink, he can't be greedy for a few taels of silver! Well, but this is not a good thing after all. Thank you, the steward, to go and take him down, and just change the steward."

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