Xie Yunshu almost made him laugh angrily!

Her father is really interesting.

To be developed is to be rich and powerful, and everything is worthless—at least, in his eyes, he and his mother, a rural mother and daughter, can no longer keep up with him.So the important things in their eyes, the money they think is a lot of money must be their fuss and fuss in his eyes.

"Father, you will know after listening to us! My mother and I have already dealt with this matter, why don't we invite Erniang and the housekeeper over now? It will save you having to go back and talk about it again."

Master Xie Hou saw that this girl didn't know good or bad at all, and became a little impatient, "Okay, okay, you should discuss this matter with your second mother and housekeeper Xie tomorrow. Managing Zhuangzi is not that easy, you guys Ask Steward Xie for more advice and listen to his opinions more!"

How many important things does he have to manage every day?How many human relations need to be entertained?You have to deal with the emperor and the princes, how can you care about such trivial matters?

"Yes, dad." Xie Yunshu was speechless, but it was okay to think about it, so she didn't say much about it, but Xie Liu and others happened to be talking together at the moment, so she smiled again: "There is more I beg you, please listen to me and say a few more words. From now on we have to go to Zhuangzi. Xie Liu and the others are pretty good. Can Dad allocate Xie Liu and the others to my mother and me? What? Daddy has many capable and capable people under his command, so I dare to say that, otherwise I wouldn’t dare to embarrass Daddy.”

"Xie Liu," Xie Houye murmured.

Xie Liu is his personal soldier, he is very clever and clever, which is quite popular with him.

He understood what Xie Yunshu meant, so he hesitated.

The old lady Xie didn't quite understand this, so she couldn't help staring: "Ah Zhong, isn't it just a few servants, just listen to Shu'er. Shu'er and the others will go to Zhuangzi often in the future, and get to know the people better. Okay!"

Lord Xie Hou laughed and said, "Since Mother said so, then listen to Mother!"

"Hey, that's good!"

Xie old lady smiled.

Xie Yunshu hugged the old lady's arm and smiled affectionately: "Thank you grandma! Thank you dad!"


Early the next morning, Aunt Jiang went to Cuiwei Hall to pay her respects to Mrs. Su.

Aunt Jiang looked at Su Shi as if she was looking at the savior, and she was more respectful to Su Shi than before.

With comparison, I realized how lucky it is to have a mistress like Da Furen!If there is no Da Furen in this Hou's mansion, even if she enters the mansion early, she does not know how much she will suffer.

Thanks to Da Madam!

Today, Mrs. Su and Xie Yunshu told Mrs. Qi and Mr. Xie everything about Weiziling Zhuangzi in detail.

Focusing on the matter of greed for ink, Xie Yunshu only briefly said that he would grow fruit trees, mushrooms, and other crops, and raise fish, sheep, chickens and ducks in the follow-up development.

But this corruption of ink has made Qi's face shameful.

After all, she was in charge of the house before, and the chief steward of the Zhuangzi came to the Hou Mansion every year to pay money and goods and hand over the account books. She had to meet them in person, ask about the situation of the Zhuangzi, and encourage them by the way.

But she didn't look down on Weiziling Zhuangzi, and she didn't see the stewards there at all, only Mammy Qi saw them.

I didn't expect such a big mistake to happen.

She doesn't suspect that this matter is fake, as long as she checks, what can't be found out?
"I didn't expect Tang Guanshi to be so cruel! I don't know how Sister Su will deal with it?"

"There is nothing wrong with anyone. Guanshi Tang is capable, and Guan Zhuangzi has experience, so I will let him continue to take care of it. There will be a second time, and both crimes will be punished."

"Sister Su is kind!"

Qi felt ashamed and hated Guanshi Tang to death, but wanted to punish him severely. After Su said this, it was difficult for her to use it, otherwise it would appear that she was not as magnanimous as Su.

Qi smiled vainly: "Sister Su, let's take good care of that village with all my heart. After a year, I can earn a lot of money!"

Xie Yunshu smiled and said, "What does Er Niang think about my mother's management of Weiziling Manor?"

Qi's choked, with a subterranean smile: "Of course it's good."

They caught out all her faults, set things right, can she say it's not good?

"Er Niang also agrees, that's fine, thank you, Housekeeper, what do you think?"

Housekeeper Xie: "I don't dare to talk nonsense, but as far as the matter is concerned, the eldest lady has handled this matter very well."

"That's good! Then I ask Er Niang to fulfill her promise."


"Erniang said earlier that my mother would take care of Zhuangzi and practice hand-holding first. Now Erniang and housekeeper Xie agree with my mother. It can be seen that my mother does not need to practice hands anymore. May I ask when Erniang will give half of the housekeeping power to my mother? Woolen cloth?"


Qi couldn't hold her breath, turned her head and smiled at Su Shi: "Does Sister Su think the same way?"

Su Shi nodded: "Sister Qi, shouldn't this be the right thing to do?"

Well one should be!

Qi glanced at Xie Yunshu, and said with a sneer: "I think the eldest lady is more friendly! Which family has such rules? The younger generation meddles in the affairs of the elders and is aggressive. I really don't understand the rules at all."

Su was unhappy: "Sister Qi's words are too much! Shu'er will also be a housekeeper when she gets married in the future, and now she helps me to practice, what's wrong? Which sentence of Shu'er is aggressive? And where is the wrong rule? Sister Qi It's better to make it clear!"

Qi gasped, okay, are the mother and daughter's wings stiff?One by one, they dared to confront her face to face!
Steward Xie lowered his head, trying to minimize his presence.

Su Shi: "Sister Qi, does it mean that I don't deserve to be a housekeeper?"

Xie Yunshu added: "Mom, if this is the case, we can't bother Dad with housework, after all, Dad is doing big things. Let's ask grandma to comment!"

"it is good!"

What's so good!Qi screamed in her heart.

That damn old woman's mind is turned to the back of her head, what's the point?In her eyes, whatever her Shu'er did was right!
Qi sneered: "Sister Su, why should you be so serious? The younger generation shouldn't interrupt when we two discuss things, shouldn't it? There is no such rule. Even if Sister Su wants to let the young lady practice, don't miss it." measure."

Su Shi: "Don't bother my sister, it's about the housekeeper."

What Shu'er said is correct, there must be no compromise on the housekeeper's affairs.In any case, today I need a correct word.

Qi Shi was extremely reluctant, and knew that the pushing and shoving would not be able to pass, this Su Shi's food was too ugly, so chasing after him for the housekeeping power was really disregarding face.

In addition, there is Mrs. Xie.

she doesn't make sense
"I'll go back and think about it, and I'll give Sister Su an answer soon."

"I thought sister Qi had already thought about it! How about two days?"

"it is good"

never mind!

Qi sneered, even if she wants to be the housekeeper, it's still up to her whether she can manage it well.I really thought it would be great if I was lucky enough to discover the tricks on Zhuangzi?Hmph, dreaming!
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