"Then it's settled. Sister Qi keeps her word, so I'll wait for good news from Sister Qi. By the way," Su said again: "I brought two maidservants back from Zhuangzi, and I will tell Sister Qi Also, six people, Xie Liu, Xie Chang, Xie Fang, Zhao Fei, Zhao Lian, and Li Mo, have been assigned to us by the Marquis, butler. In the future, there is no need to give them individual rewards for the guards of the Marquis. Yes, we will give it here."

"Yes, Madam."

Qi's face became even more ugly, and he walked away with a sneer.

She doesn't care about the number of guards, after all, she has no shortage of manpower and guards, as many as she wants.

It's just that Hou Ye gave them everything like this, which really made her feel uncomfortable.

Butler Xie also got up and left.

Su smiled and said: "Our mother and daughter are newcomers, so we know very little. Even Lord Hou said that we should ask the big housekeeper for more advice. After that, we will ask the big housekeeper for more help."

Steward Xie quickly responded with a smile: "Ma'am, you are just joking. Just tell me what Madam has to say. This old slave will definitely do her duty."

"Then I will thank the butler in advance!"

"Don't dare, don't dare."

Butler Xie only took it as a polite remark, a polite remark that made people feel comfortable listening to it.He didn't expect that the eldest lady was not joking.
Weiziling Zhuangzi needs the guidance of experienced leaders in all aspects of farming work, planting and breeding. After chatting with the melon system, Xie Yunshu knew that there were such people, but decided to ask Steward Xie for help.

She can't act like she knows everything. After a long time, it makes people suspicious, but it's not good.

More importantly, you can take this opportunity to get closer to the housekeeper Xie, why not do it?
Xie Yunshu discussed with her mother, in order to prevent the Qi family from inquiring and making trouble, they would not directly tell the housekeeper Xie, but pass the message through Xie Liu.

So soon, Xie Liu approached Mrs. Xie with a smile, and conveyed the meaning of Mrs. and Miss.

Butler Xie thought about what the lady said, and realized that it was not a fake politeness, so he smiled and agreed happily.

For the Tangtang Hou Mansion, this is a piece of cake.

It's easy to do.

Xie Yunshu knew through the eating melon system that this matter was already underway, and there would be results soon, so she was relieved.

Xie Yunqian knew that her father allocated Xie Liu's six personal guards to Xie Yunshu's mother and daughter, she was very jealous and unwilling, so she also went to her biological father, and she asked him to give her and her mother some personal guards.

Xie Yunshu has six, and she wants eight.

Xie Hou Ye felt a little distressed and regretted giving Xie Liu and the others away, but he couldn't do anything to regret it.Xie Yunqian also came to ask him if he wanted someone, and he wanted it without asking. Qian'er saw that her sister had it, so she wanted it too.

After all, could Qi's have fewer people to use?Why did Qian'er ask herself to be a guard?
Xie Houye was a little unhappy, and felt that the child's temperament was really not very good.

He rejected Xie Yunqian, and taught a few words: "Don't compare everything with your sister, she doesn't have many things you have, right? You are sisters, get along well and help each other. You have something to do, How can there be less people to order? Unlike her, you are still a bit willful!"

Xie Yunqian was ashamed and angry, stomped her feet and ran away crying.

Lord Xie sighed and shook his head, but he didn't take it seriously. The little girl is spoiled and self-willed. She has a big temper and is normal. She will be fine after a while.

Seeing the sadness of his precious daughter, he actually couldn't bear it, and even couldn't help thinking, if he had known that Mrs. Su and the others would disturb the mansion when they came to Beijing, then he would not have let them come.

However, if they are not allowed to come, it is impossible to just let the mother come.There's really no better way to do this.

I wish I could be more sensible in the future
Xie Yunqian cried out of breath in her mother's arms.

"What does that bitch compare to me? Is it normal that she doesn't have what I have? My mother is the head of the county, and my grandfather and two uncles are both great generals. What is she!"

"Father never treated me like this before, but now—"

"Mom, I hate them to death, woo woo woo"

Qi patted her daughter softly and comforted her, feeling extremely angry in her heart.

This matter is indeed too unfair, but there is really nothing to argue about.

"They have shallow eyelids and have nothing, let's not care about them, be good."

Xie Yunqian couldn't get angry after all, so she went to Xie Liu and ordered him to tell her father that she didn't want to follow Su Shi and Xie Yunshu anymore.

Xie Liu was speechless, people like them are most afraid of betraying the Lord.The eldest lady asked Master Hou to ask them, which is an aboveboard thing, but if he, Xie Liu, went to find Master Hou privately to beg to repent, he would betray the Lord and be despised by others.

Xie Liu didn't want to be that kind of person.None of the six of them wanted to be like that.

Xie Yunqian became angry from embarrassment, but within two days, she plotted against Xie Liu, pretending to be Xie Yunshu, passing Xie Liu into the inner courtyard for questioning, Xie Liu did not suspect him, and as a result, the tea he drank while waiting in the flower hall was drugged .

People like them have experienced a lot of things, drugging, poisoning, assassination, etc., they survived the brutal killing.

He noticed something was wrong when the tea entered his mouth, but he couldn't believe it!
Because this is Hou Mansion!

Someone actually poured sweat medicine on him in the Hou's mansion, what a joke in the world!
Because he didn't expect such a thing to happen and neglected it, Xie Liu realized something was wrong and got up immediately when he was about to leave. He was already hit by the trick, and he became dizzy and staggered after walking too far.

Seeing the four women with round waists and thick arms approaching him with unfriendly expressions, Xie Liu secretly groaned!What is this called!
Xie Liuxin knew clearly that once it fell into their hands, what awaited him would not be a good result!He bit the tip of his tongue hard, and the bloody sting made him regain some clarity. He was about to fight hard when he suddenly heard Xie Yunshu's voice!

"Xie Liu! Why are you here? You guys, what are you doing?"

Xie Liuyi looked up and saw Xie Yunshu standing there with a cold expression surrounded by maids and servants, and felt that the eldest lady was really the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva descended from heaven to save suffering and suffering!
He immediately shouted: "Miss, someone sent a message to my subordinate that you want to see me, and my subordinate was brought to this flower hall to wait, but I didn't expect that the tea was poured with sweat medicine! Please make the decision for your subordinate!"

Xie Liuben tried his best to hold on with this breath, but now seeing Xie Yunshu, he was relieved, and this breath was also vented. Just after he finished speaking, his body swayed, and he fell to his knees on the ground.

Seeing this, the four women who wanted to kidnap someone knew that they couldn't get it right, they looked at each other, winked, and wanted to leave quietly.

group hug~
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