Xie Yunshu asked someone to come forward to help Xie Liu up, and at the same time told An Tong to run to tell the housekeeper Xie to ask for a doctor and invite the housekeeper to come, and at the same time ordered Xu Yan to look for Su Shi. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw that she wanted to escape. The four women immediately shouted: "Stop! Who gave you permission to leave!"

A woman smiled and said: "Miss, old servants are no match for Missy, old slaves are just passing by, now it's time to go to work! Let's resign, resign, haha."

They haven't had time to make a move, and they haven't even approached Xie Liu, so there is plenty of room to turn around!

The other three people also came back to their senses and defended themselves one after another.

"Yes, yes, we are passing by, we are passing by!"

"Miss can't wrong the old slave!"

"That's right, we didn't do anything!"

Xie Yunshu said lightly: "You didn't do anything, so don't worry about leaving, stay and help."

The woman who spoke first said with a smile: "Second Madam, the rules are strict. If the old servant misses an errand, he will be punished. Miss, please forgive me, and the old slave must leave quickly!"

While talking about the woman, she was about to leave quickly.The other three shouted to leave.

Stay to help?Only fools stay!Of course, at this moment, I hurried to clear up the relationship.

Xie Yunshu hurried over but got a reminder from the eating melon system, saying that her little sister who was born to a little mother was tricked by someone. The rough envoy, the little girl, and the two servants who came across on the road and called to follow.

An Tong and Xu Yan have been sent to call for help, and now only the two little girls and two maids are left. These four people are probably unreliable!
Xie Yunshu simply didn't call them, rushed up and slapped the woman who was leading to leave, and sternly reprimanded: "Presumptuous! You ignore what my lady says? No distinction is made between superiority and inferiority, disrespect to the master, and don't take this lady seriously. You guys are so brave! Who is joking with you? Do you dare to do this in front of the old lady and Lord Hou?"

Xie Yunshu just waited for their disobedience to take action, otherwise it would appear that she, a young lady, is too domineering, and it would be a bad word to spread the word.

The woman got slapped and was angry and anxious, "Missy wronged this old slave! Why doesn't this old slave take Missy seriously?"

"I told you to stay, why are you running away? Could it be that you are guilty? Hmph, don't talk about my second mother. I have something to ask you, but I missed your errand for a while. You explained it clearly, don't you?" My second mother will blame you for this? What kind of errand do you have that is so important? Tell me about it, come, talk about it!"

The four women all held back.

Although the second lady hated the eldest lady, mother and daughter to death, she definitely couldn't say it out loud, and she definitely had to give the eldest lady some face.

Xie Yunshu sneered: "I want to see who dares to leave!"

Mrs. Su came soon. I heard what Xu Yan said was serious. Xie Liu was a man, and he was called into the inner house. If something happened, Mrs. Su was frightened to death, and sent people to the Songhe Hall in a hurry Report to the old lady
As soon as Mrs. Su came, Xie Yunshu breathed a sigh of relief, and she didn't care to talk to her mother about it. On the one hand, Ming people guarded the four women, and on the other hand, she and Mrs. Su guarded the entrance of the flower hall. Everyone was outside, and no one was allowed. go in.

Xie Liu was lying on the ground, already unconscious.

Xie Yunshu didn't allow anyone to touch him.

If you want to move, you have to wait for Butler Xie to come.

The Qi family came first.

When Xie Yunqian plotted against Xie Liu, she was full of resentment, gloated and waited to see the excitement. She originally planned to tell the four wives to take Xie Liu to a nearby room, push a maid to help him accomplish good deeds, and then send someone to catch him.At that time, Xie Liu would be unable to argue at all.

He must marry that maid!Can't wait to kill him and Xie Yunshu!

Her father couldn't tolerate such things the most, Xie Liu would fall out of favor completely in front of her father, and maybe he would be kicked out of the Marquis Mansion.In short, there will be no chance of getting ahead.

It also told everyone in the house to look at it. Those who followed Xie Yunshu's mother and daughter would definitely not end well!
She confessed that her maid, Xiangtao, was staring at her, and told her back.

Don't want to wait for something completely different!
That bitch Xie Yunshu rushed over as if she had received the news, and the four wives fell into Xie Yunshu's hands.

Xie Yunqian panicked and hurried to tell her mother.

After hearing this, Qi's eyes went dark, and she almost slapped her in the face, and hurried over with someone.

Why can't this damn girl know how to teach?Are you really spoiling yourself?
Even if she wanted to plot, she should plot against Xie Yunshu!Doesn't she find it shabby for the master to plot against two servants like this?

What is this!
Is this what Miss Hou Fu's wife did!

Qi came here with a murderous look, and immediately asked Nanny Qi to take the four women away, "Still lazy here! Why don't you hurry up and tell me about your errands? Are you able to watch the excitement of the master?"

The four women were relieved, "Yes, yes, Second Madam!", "Second Madam, forgive me, this old slave will leave now!"

Su hurriedly scolded: "Don't leave! Stop!"

Qi said coldly: "What are you still doing?"


Xie Yunshu simply led Xuyan, Cuixia, and Baixiang to block the four women. Two Xie Yunshu and the little girls in Su's yard hesitated for a moment, and stood over to help.

Qi's face was very ugly: "What do you mean, miss!"

Xie Yunshu: "When I brought people over, they looked strange, but it just so happens that they are here at this moment, I suspect that this matter has something to do with them, they can't leave."

Qi sneered: "Miss thinks too much, they are just passing by!"

"They have doubts, shouldn't they make it clear? Erniang's butler is really lenient!"


Mrs. Qi winked at Nanny Qi.

Aunt Qi smiled and brought five or six servant girls forward, "Miss, don't be self-willed, the second madam really needs them to do something important. Could it be that the eldest miss is deliberately against the second madam? "

Qi Shi whispered something to Xie Yunqian again.

Xie Yunqian's eyes lit up, and she yelled angrily: "Sister, what do you mean by disrespecting my mother like this! You are clearly deliberately provoking trouble and bullying my mother!" She rushed towards Xie Yunshu while angrily accusing her, and she was about to drag and beat Xie Yunshu.

Seeing this, Xiangtao and Bichun yelled "Second Miss!" and rushed forward.

"Shu'er!" Su Shi was in a hurry, but Qi Shi stopped her first, and sneered contemptuously: "Sister Su, what happened today is just a misunderstanding, I think it's better to make it a trivial matter, everyone is taking advantage of each other, what do you think?"

"You! You deceive people too much!"

Qi sneered, not paying attention to her at all.

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