What is he afraid of?

The emperor only comes here to enjoy the scenery, sing and dance, appreciate the beauties, listen to the poems and compliments of literati and poets, and then pretend to walk around in so-called private visits in private. What else will he do?

Yong Xi showed no restraint at all.

In fact, even if he restrained himself, it would be useless.

Qian Zhonghe, the captain of the Hangzhou military camp, was suppressed by him in many ways and kept silent. However, he took advantage of the emperor's southern tour to find an opportunity to confront the emperor and report him.

Unexpectedly, the news about Qian Zhonghe leaked out. The eldest prince made a quick decision and ordered his people to kill Qian Zhonghe. He thought that the ghost was unnoticed, but he planned to teach Yong Xi a lesson later.

Unexpectedly, the eldest prince's people missed him, and Qian Zhonghe, who was injured, finally faced the emperor after many twists and turns. Not only did he report Yong Xi, but he also found out that the eldest prince sent people to hunt him down.

The emperor was so angry that he took control of the eldest prince and all the guards around him. He also sent the Royal Forest Army to control Yong Xi and several of his confidants with lightning speed.

The next step was of course a thorough investigation, conducted by the Crown Prince and the Third Prince together.

Thinking of Concubine Shu and the eldest prince's concubine in Hangzhou, the emperor also ordered people to control them and completely cut off all contact with the eldest prince and anyone who might do anything for him in private.

The next day, the emperor and the prince returned to the palace in Hangzhou.

The emperor's expression was very ugly. The crown prince and the third prince did not even have time to return to their respective wives, so they simply opened another courtyard in the palace and interrogated Yongxi day and night.

The eldest prince was not released, and the emperor ordered him to be detained under house arrest alone.

The atmosphere in the palace was gloomy, everyone was frightened, and no one dared to go out, let alone go out for fun.

Concubine Shu and the eldest princess also learned about this. One had severe pain in her chest and almost vomited blood, while the other fainted on the spot!

The eldest princess burst into tears, as if she had aged ten years in an instant, lost her soul, and her eyes were full of despair.

Although the eldest prince would not tell her what he was doing secretly, how could it be easy to win the title of heir? Can he see the light in everything? Not to mention that the Crown Prince and the Third Prince were presiding over the trial this time.

They were probably hoping that the eldest prince would be unlucky. How could they miss such an honest opportunity? Absolutely not.

Whatever she could think of, Concubine Shu naturally thought of it too, and even thought more and more deeply than she did. Concubine Shu almost went crazy!

How could this be?

It must be the prince!

Hatred did not go to Concubine Shu's mind, she still hit the core accurately.

She was really right.

It's the trap laid out by the prince.

Even if Yong Xi became the general of Hangzhou, it was because of the secret efforts of the prince.

Four years ago, the position of general in Hangzhou was vacant. The prince was openly competing with the eldest prince to recruit his own people, but in fact, the prince had already secretly given Yong Xi a push.

The eldest prince is arrogant, and he only knows that Yong Xi is upright and loyal, and he has some abilities, so he is very valued by the eldest prince. The eldest prince failed to realize that Yong Xi's character was as conceited as his own.

A arrogant person who is quite capable, occupies a high position, has a strong backer, dominates one area, and does not need others to bother to do anything. He himself will become increasingly swollen and domineering, and when it is time to harvest, You can harvest whatever you want.

The eldest prince finally won the battle for this position. He was very proud, but he didn't know that he had fallen into the trap of the prince.

The Crown Prince has endured the eldest prince all these years not only to show his self-cultivation and generosity in front of his father and officials, but also because he has already laid a huge thunder for the eldest prince. Jiangnan is a prosperous and important land for taxation. How can my father allow others to get involved?

The more capable and bold Yong Xi is, the more miserable his death will be.

The eldest prince who had accepted countless benefits from him was destined to be smashed to pieces.

While Concubine Shu was in a hurry and trying every possible means to meet the emperor, Xie Yunshu was also struggling. She finally found an opportunity to meet the prince for a while and hurriedly talked about the matter of the second princess.

"Although this matter is hidden from the outside world and few people know the inside story, I think my father should know about it. What does the prince think?"

The prince nodded and said warmly: "Shu'er is right. There is no need to hide this matter from my father. We will tell him whatever we know. Father will make his own judgment on anything else."

Xie Yunshu thought as he did, smiled and nodded: "Then Prince, please accompany me."

The prince also laughed: "This is natural!"

How could he trust Shu'er to see his father alone? His father was not in a good mood right now. What if he got angry out of nowhere?

Xie Yunshu's heart moved, and she said: "There is one more thing that I have never told anyone, but now that I think about it, I think I should tell the prince. When I was shopping on Wulin Long Street a few days ago, I saw in a Four Treasures of the Study shop. The blue and white tea cup with lotus pattern and entwined branches used by the shopkeeper must have been made by the emperor."


"Concubine Shu is in charge of the family, but there are royal servants in the palace wandering among the people. If my father knew about it, I'm afraid he would become even more angry."

"Did you really see it clearly?"

In fact, Xie Yunshu didn't see it clearly. She didn't have such great eyesight, but the Chigua System would not lie to her. She also asked many other questions casually. According to the Chigua System, it must be used by Empress Shu Fei. The confidants, the eunuchs in charge and the aunts in charge were very courageous, and they secretly transported more than one or two treasures from the palace to resell them.

Those people were also thieves, selling to merchants in the capital who were trustworthy for medium and long-term transactions, and then these merchants would take the goods thousands of miles away to the south of the Yangtze River and sell the stolen goods.

In this way, no one is aware of it.

There are many wealthy merchants in the south of the Yangtze River who are interested in the things used by the royal family. Even if they don't see the light, it's good to play with them secretly.

It can also be passed down as a family heirloom.

The blue and white three-talented tea bowls that Xie Yunshu mentioned were originally a pair. The shopkeeper spent three thousand silver to buy them. He liked the tea bowls so much that he couldn't help but use them for himself.

On weekdays, I don't actually bring it to the front of the store. I only use it in the back hall where I sit and sit in the director's private room. It happened to be a coincidence that day and I took it out when I was drinking tea.

Since there were similar ones in the palace, Xie Yunshu couldn't help but take a second look that day.

Later, as if the shopkeeper suddenly thought of something, he hurriedly sent the tea bowl that had been set aside to the back hall. No one else paid attention. Xie Yunshu felt that the shopkeeper's reaction was a bit strange, so she casually asked about the melon-eating system. , I learned the truth unexpectedly,

If I ask a few more related questions, the melon will get bigger and bigger.

Xie Yunshu was surprised at that time.

At that time, I was thinking about finding an opportunity to tell the Crown Prince. If the Crown Prince followed the clues and investigated, I would not worry about being able to catch Concubine Shu.

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