Xie Yunshu did not expect that Concubine Shu would be implicated by the eldest prince before she could use this matter.

Xie Yunshu remembered it and told the prince that it was up to him whether he could use it or not. She couldn't check it herself.

The prince was also quite surprised and sneered lightly: "Concubine Shu has been in charge of the Sixth Palace for many years and has always boasted very high standards. The managers and aunts who praised her spared no effort in praising her, as if everything in the palace would be difficult without her. It seems like it can’t operate normally, I didn’t expect it to become such a mess in private!”

The prince knows that when the water is clear, there will be no fish. Concubine Shu is not a fair and honest person to begin with. Many of her people are greedy and enrich their own pockets, but this kind of thing can only be the last straw that breaks the camel's back. It's not easy to use it to attack her alone, so even though he had evidence in his hand, he never moved it.

He didn't expect those people to be so bold as to steal palace treasures and sell them privately. His father would be furious if he knew about this!

Concubine Shu, don’t even think about turning over again.

The prince smiled and said: "We don't have to come forward personally in this matter. I will try to pass the news to Concubine Jing. I believe Concubine Jing will be very interested."

Xie Yunshu smiled: "That's even better, let's just watch!"

"Well, let's go see Father."

"it is good."

Concubine Jing looks gentle and indifferent, with a gentle and friendly smile. She seems to have nothing to compete with Concubine Shu. She often smiles and agrees with Concubine Shu and makes fun of her. However, how can she be on an equal footing with Concubine Shu? Is he a person with no heart at all?

If the eldest prince completely collapsed, wouldn't Concubine Jing be happy? She also has a son herself!

Without the eldest prince, her son's chances would be better. She would not use the ready-made leverage unless she was stupid.

When the emperor saw the crown prince and Xie Yunshu, he looked at Xie Yunshu and said, "The crown princess came just in time. I was about to ask the crown prince for questions! What's going on with the second princess? Tell me!"

In the palace, Concubine Shu ran to Princess Yanyun and caused a scene for no apparent reason. The emperor finally knew about it.

The emperor also knew that Concubine Shu was definitely not an impulsive person, and she would not make trouble with the eldest princess without sufficient reasons.

What she said about the disappearance of the second princess was probably true. But why do you say it is related to the second lady of the Meng family? It's just baffling.

He originally wanted to ask clearly about Concubine Shu and the Second Princess.

Xie Yunshu immediately knelt down: "My daughter-in-law dare not lie to my father. The second princess was indeed missing. Fortunately, she was found in time. The princess was not in any way. Please rest assured, father!"

Xie Yunshu told the story of the disappearance of the second princess in detail. As for the series of strange behaviors of Concubine Shu in the name of concern, she did not say much. The emperor could know without her asking.

The emperor was speechless, but his expression softened a lot.

"The Crown Princess dares to conclude that the second princess has been kidnapped near Lingyin Temple based on just a few leaves? Do you know that if your guess is wrong, the second princess will be harmed!"

Xie Yunshu smiled bitterly in her heart. She knew that although this reason was irrefutable, it was actually untenable.

But what can she do?

There must be a reason for people to search near Lingyin Temple! And it must be done quickly, without delay.

"Father, forgive me! My daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law were very frightened at that time. When they saw those leaves, they subconsciously thought of Lingyin Temple. They also thought that the place was not far from Lingyin Temple. Lingyin Temple is backed by mountains and the terrain is complex. It's easiest to hide people, so when your mind gets hot - your daughter-in-law will be very frightened afterwards."

The Crown Prince also knelt down: "Father, no matter what, this time the Crown Princess made the right bet and rescued her second sister in time. Please forgive me, Father! The Crown Princess must be more cautious and thoughtful when doing things in the future, and she will never do it again." Acting on impulse.”

The emperor's eyes flashed, and he suddenly thought that there are indeed some people in this world whose intuition is particularly accurate. They can often make subconscious judgments based on only some clues, and nine out of ten times, such judgments will not be wrong. .

Maybe the same is true for the Crown Princess?

The princess was of ordinary origin, but she was able to marry the prince, and she was highly valued by the prince. Even he was quite satisfied with her, which showed that she was a good person, and it seemed quite reasonable to have such an intuitive judgment that was beyond ordinary people. That's all, since she didn't lie and rescued the second girl in time without any danger, I won't argue with her.

"Everyone, get up. I don't mean to blame the Crown Princess. It's just that this kind of thing is too risky. If you guess wrong, the consequences will be disastrous. If you are lucky this time, you may not have such good luck next time! Princess, go back and be careful Reflect and reflect, and don’t be impulsive when encountering trouble in the future.”

"Yes, I will follow your father's instructions!"

"Thank you, Father, for your grace!"

Both of them breathed a sigh of relief and slowly stood up.

The emperor nodded: "Step back."

"My son, please retire."

"Daughter-in-law resigns"

The couple slowly walked backwards and left.

As soon as the two of them left, the emperor became furious and furious!

"Okay, okay, what a concubine! She is so arrogant! How bold! My daughter has become her pawn to frame others. How dare she!"

No matter how little he cared about the second princess, the second princess was also his biological daughter. He couldn't tolerate others plotting against his daughter!

You don't need to interrogate to know that this matter must be Shu Fei's handiwork, otherwise she would not go to the eldest princess to jump up and down and act aggressively. Just to frame the Crown Princess, she was so frantic!

The emperor sneered, his eyes growing colder.

Did Concubine Shu frame the Crown Princess just to deal with the Crown Princess?

No, her ultimate goal is actually the prince!

This poisonous woman!

"Publish the decree, Concubine Shu is not worthy of the position and is not worthy of being a concubine. She will be demoted to a concubine and her title will be deprived of her title!"

From then on, there were no concubines in the palace, only concubines.

Eunuch Xia delivered the order in person, and Concubine Shu was dumbfounded. She rushed forward and grabbed Eunuch Xia's robe and said in a dumb voice: "This is impossible! Impossible! The emperor would not do this to me, you must be a fake Pass the imperial edict! I want to see the emperor! I want to see the emperor!"

Eunuch Xia glanced at Concubine Shu, the concubine, with pity, "The Emperor said, Your Majesty, you know in your heart what you have done. When it is time to see you, the Emperor will naturally meet you. Your Majesty, you should just wait peacefully."

I want to force the emperor to dream! If you continue to make a fuss, you will only anger the emperor.

Sun Concubine's hand softened, and Eunuch Xia pulled back the legs of his robe, turned around and left.

Sun Concubine collapsed to the ground, as if she had been struck by lightning, and could not get up for a while.

The Hangzhou General's case was very involved, implicating almost half of the Jiangnan officialdom, especially the area under the jurisdiction of Hangzhou, which was the hardest hit area, and almost the entire army was wiped out.

The imperial guards were arresting people, interrogating them, searching their homes, and sealing their doors every day. The prisons in Hangzhou were almost full.

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