Mrs. Yun cried and shouted, "Sister!" to Mrs. Xue, crying, "Why is sister so cruel? Even if my sister has no feelings for the master, doesn't she think about the young lady? The master is anyway. The father of the young lady! The master has never forgotten my sister and the young lady. The sister and the young lady enjoy the blessings in the old house in Yangzhou. How can I call the master so embarrassing! Because my sister didn't give birth to a son, the master accepted my concubine and entered the house. After the concubine came in, I was very respectful to my sister. Why did my sister slander the master so much, and even go to court! My sister is so cruel!"

Mrs. Xue was so angry that her seven orifices were filled with smoke: "You are talking nonsense! You poisonous woman!"

Xue Zhenzhen sneered: "Mr. Yun, although the capital city is thousands of miles away from Yangzhou, you think you can't find out when Mr. Fu Yin sent someone to Yangzhou to investigate? You are allowed to talk nonsense and confuse right and wrong? I will ask you, you are with my father." , Do those servants in the capital house call you aunt or madam? When you go out to socialize, is it aunt or madam? No, this is wrong, an aunt is not qualified to socialize outside, how about you? You have been out of the house What is it if this is not taking a concubine as a wife? Who are you fools to look at? My mother didn’t give birth to a son, so what? I am the descendant of my Xue family and the only heir. Any questions?"

Mrs. Xue said: "Zhenzhen is right! Mao Keshou wants the descendants of the Mao family, so don't marry into my Xue family if he has the ability! Since he has married into my Xue family, he is still thinking about what the Mao family is doing? Marriage requires money from my Xue family, enjoys blessings in my Xue family, and wants to inherit the incense of his Mao family. How can there be such a cheap thing in the world? Even the Daxuan law does not allow him to do this! He imprisoned my mother and daughter. Home, my mother and daughter have not seen the sun all these years, life would be better than death, and dare to say that we are left to enjoy happiness in Yangzhou? Is he still a person!"

Mrs. Xue stepped forward and grabbed Yun's hand, revealing a suet white jade bracelet on her wrist, and said loudly: "This suet white jade bracelet is something left to me by my mother. It is a family heirloom of my Xue family. The older members of the Xue family have seen my mother wearing them, and everyone knows them, but you robbed them! Besides this, how many things have you and Mao Zhaorong, mother and daughter, robbed us over the years? Many precious jewelry from the Xue family Everyone knows you, you can't let go! What else can you say? If it weren't for Mao Ke's ungratefulness, viciousness and cunning, my mother and daughter would have a good life, but why bother to make a fuss! Yun, your dying struggle is useless !"

The Yun family dodged left and right, in a state of embarrassment, but the common people were filled with righteous indignation and accused them one after another.

There are also people who can't understand the Xue family's mother and daughter, complaining that the Xue family's mother and daughter are too strong, they don't give men face at all, no wonder they have to be liked by men, and they should reflect on this end!Who would dare to marry such a woman?

Besides, the concubine's room is right, this woman is nothing more than that, this girl doesn't care about the love of father and daughter at all, she is really cold-blooded and ruthless, she was completely taught by her mother, I'm afraid Marriage will also be difficult in the future, and you deserve to be miserable all your life.
After this person finished speaking, there were still sporadic echoes around.

A middle-aged woman couldn't help but glanced at them when she heard the words, and said mockingly: "You men are really interesting. Mrs. Xue wanted to recruit a wife at the beginning. If you have the backbone and the ability, don't marry him as a son-in-law." Ah! Now that you are married, it is only natural that the woman should be the main one. What if the woman is more powerful? How can there be such a cheap thing in the world? After becoming a married man, you want to wrap up all the money and property of the family? What a good thing! It all belongs to him? Oh, how dare you think about it! What is this called? This is called shameless!"

"That's right, it's shameless!"

"Not only is she shameless, but she's also heartbroken. She's simply ungrateful and greedy!"

The women laughed one after another, and the man who made plausible complaints finally couldn't bear such gazes, and left in despair.

The governor of Shuntian Prefecture ordered people to interrogate the servants of the Mao family, and neighbors also testified that no one knew about the existence of Mrs. Xue's mother and daughter.

Mrs. Xue asked to reconcile and leave, and to take back all the properties of the Xue family.

Shuntian Fu Yin agreed according to the law.Yun and Mao Keshou were imprisoned and sentenced to exile in the southwest.

Mao Keshou's face was ashen, and his eyes on Mrs. Xue seemed to be poisoned.The Yun family cried and shouted, wanting to die or live!
If she had known today, she wouldn't have been Madam Mao in the first place!Even if she is a concubine, Mrs. Xue has no reason to make trouble at all!

Why did you insist on being Mrs. Mao when you were obsessed with ghosts?Now, it's all over!

Mao Zhaorong and her brother were kicked out of the house and left homeless.All the things they took away were all taken back by Xue Zhenzhen mercilessly.

With hatred in her heart, Mao Zhaorong ran to the inn where Mrs. Xue's mother and daughter lived to make trouble. It happened that Xie Yunshu was there at the time, so she ordered Xie Liuwai to take down Mao Zhaorong.

Mao Zhaorong was shocked, afraid and hated, but now how could she have the confidence to disdain and plot against Xie Yunshu back then?

She lowered her head, not even daring to stare at Xie Yunshu.

Xie Yunshu looked at Mao Zhaorong whose jewelry had been wiped clean, and secretly praised Xue Zhenzhen in her heart, this girl is really nice, it's fine to avenge grievances and vengeances!
"Miss Mao came to Xue's house to make trouble? Mrs. Xue and your father have reconciled. You are from the Mao family. It is inappropriate to trouble Xue's family? Even if Mrs. Xue sends you to the government to reunite with your parents, no one will come." What can you say is wrong."

Xue Zhenzhen sneered and sneered: "Some people are used to occupying the magpie's nest, and they think that my Xue family's things should belong to her. It's really ridiculous! Now that the chaos is being rectified, I can't accept it."

Mao Zhaorong's face turned red and turned pale, thinking that all this huge family property was gone, her parents would be imprisoned and about to be exiled, and she had changed from a daughter of a rich merchant's family to an orphan girl with a troublesome younger brother, after today She still doesn't know where tomorrow will be, how can she be willing?

What else could she do besides disturbing the Xue family?
It's not that she hasn't tried to find old friends who have a good relationship with her family, friends who have been with her mother on a daily basis, and even the Meng family and the Zhang family, but no family is willing to see her. do not go in.

Every family would only despise her when they saw her, as if she was some dirty thing, and drive her away before she finished speaking.

"No matter how wrong my father is, he has managed the property for the Xue family for so many years. Without father, it is impossible for the Xue family to have so much wealth today! No matter what Mrs. Xue is, your mother and daughter have no food and clothing these years. Are you worried? Doesn’t Dad have any merits for you? You, are you really going to kill them all?”

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