"Whether my sister admits it or not, you also have half of my father's blood in your body. You, me, and my younger brother are sisters and brothers! If we are all exterminated, will you have a good reputation?"

Mrs. Xue laughed angrily when she heard such rascal's words: "As expected of Mao Keshou and Yun's bloodline, the others didn't learn it, but they learned a lot of their rascal's greed!"

Xue Zhenzhen also sneered: "I am the Xue family, and you are the Mao family. We all belong to each other. What is yours is still yours, and what is mine is still yours. Don't try to take advantage of it. This is called killing you all? What a joke! Not letting you take advantage is to kill them all? Who do you think you are? As for your father, he has been managing my Xue family's property for so many years. Could it be that he didn't take advantage of himself? Could it be that he is working hard for my Xue family? Here There are no outsiders, why do you say these hypocritical things? You don’t think my mother and I should remember how you have treated me and my mother these years, right? "

Mao Zhaorong was extremely ashamed.

Xie Yunshu smiled and said: "Madam Xue, Zhenzhen, don't be angry, this shameless person has her own reasons for being selfish and greedy, and she thinks her reasons are justified! Normal people have no way to communicate with them, Because unless you fully satisfy all her requirements, otherwise, if you are sorry for her, she will not be satisfied! Why waste your words with this kind of person?"

Xue Zhenzhen smiled: "Sister Xie is absolutely right, isn't that what happened! I'm not as transparent as Sister Xie."

Xie Yunshu glanced at Mao Zhaorong again, "Is this called extermination? You have never seen what is called extermination, have you? Tell me, if Mrs. Xue and Zhenzhen really want to exterminate you, what will happen to you? Well, I heard that when your mother knew about Aunt Xu's existence, she brought people to rush over to sell her away when your father didn't know about it, and then deal with the pair of children she gave birth to! This That’s called killing everything!”

Mao Zhaorong's complexion "swish!" turned pale all of a sudden!
At this moment, she felt scared from the bottom of her heart.

That's right, why can she say these things in front of Xue's mother and daughter now?

"You, what do you want to do?"

"If you want to live a better life in the future, I might as well show you a clear way. Didn't the Qi family take a lot of money from you? Take your brother to the door to ask for it! As long as you can fight it out, the Qi family will lose face. I can spit out a large part of it for you. Once you have the money, you can quickly leave the capital and go wherever you want, even if the Qi family wants to take revenge. Don’t you think so?”

Mao Zhaorong's heart skipped a beat.

Xue Zhenzhen also saw it, and snorted lightly: "You have an idea, why don't you leave quickly? If you dare to trouble me and my mother again, don't blame me for killing them all!"

Mao Zhaorong had no choice but to leave bitterly.

Greed finally overwhelmed fear, she never dared to make trouble in the Hou Mansion, but the Qi family was worth a try.

Otherwise, she would really have nothing and die of poverty!
Mao Zhaorong dragged her seven-year-old younger brother and made a scene in front of Qi's house, attracting countless people to watch.

Madam Qi almost fainted out of breath!

The Qi family wanted to invite her siblings into the mansion to talk, but Mao Zhaorong was smart enough to refuse to go, claiming that if they entered the Qi family, God knows what the Qi family would do to them?She doesn't want anything else, just ask the Qi family to take pity on their lonely siblings, and beg the Qi family to return the money to them, otherwise the siblings will not be able to survive!
Mrs. Qi scolded the two daughters-in-law and ordered them to send Mao Zhaorong and sister away with money.

A little later, and I don't know how many people will be attracted, and the Qi family will lose all face.

Mrs. Qi couldn't afford to lose face like this, and asked the housekeeper to send Mao Zhaorong 200 taels of silver.

In Madam Qi's opinion, 200 taels of silver is considered worthy of Mao Zhaorong!Today's Mao Zhaorong is worthless.

But of course Mao Zhaorong would not be satisfied.

200 two?
200 taels is not enough for a meal that she invited the ladies of the Qi family to eat when she was rich!Is the Qi family treating her like a beggar?
If you want to say hate, Mao Zhaorong naturally hates the Qi family's ruthlessness even more. She took advantage of her family back then, but now she actually treats her as a beggar!
She cried louder and yelled louder, and she told how Qi's family had taken advantage of their Mao's family in the past.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect the Qi family to be so greedy!"

"Hey, isn't this too heartless? When you see someone in trouble, you turn your face and deny him."

"This Miss Mao's family is a bit too much. How can I get back the money I gave away? Sorry."

"Isn't there no way out? Otherwise, what can we do? It depends on whether the Qi family is willing to spit out what they eat!"

"Hehe, it's so easy for rich people to make money! These wealthy businessmen have fattened up so many powerful people."

"that is!"

When Mrs. Qi heard that Mao Zhaorong was still making trouble, she yelled "Bitch!", and she almost fainted from anger, and had to spit out tens of thousands of silver before Mao Zhaorong was willing to leave.

On the same day, Mao Zhaorong left the capital with her younger brother.

In fact, even if the Qi family hated her so much, they would not dare to touch their siblings in a short period of time, otherwise they would be caught by the tail of the opponent's family, and once the Yushi impeached, they would be in bad luck.
Mao Zhaorong's disturbance made the Qi family feel distressed at first and was reluctant to give the money, but it quickly spread, and the rich and powerful families all made fun of it.

The bureaucrats of the old aristocratic families don't like the emergence of new rich people. In daily life, everyone is polite, hello and me. When there is excitement, you can watch it openly. Who doesn't like to watch it?
The Qi family was ashamed!

Madam Qi was so angry that she had a headache and scolded her two daughters-in-law for several days.

Master Xie also made fun of his colleagues, and when he returned home, he lashed out at Qi, scolding her for having shallow eyelids and not having long eyes, for being in contact with everyone, and for taking any money!Is the family short of money?Are there any shops?Is the earning not enough to spend?
Mrs. Qi knew she was wrong in this matter, so she didn't dare to say anything, and she didn't even dare to trouble Aunt Jiang.

Mrs. Xue and Xue Zhenzhen sent old servants to capture Mao Zhaorong. Mrs. Xue hired a carriage and ordered two loyal servants to escort Mao Zhaorong and her brother back to Mao Keshou's hometown and hand them over to the Mao family.

They were originally the Mao family, and from now on, they have nothing to do with the Xue family.

It is absolutely impossible for Mrs. Xue, mother and daughter, to help the Mao family raise their offspring.Besides, for a despicable and shameless villain like Mao Zhaorong, a white-eyed wolf, do you raise them and make yourself an enemy?

In a sense, Mao Shoushou has finally got his wish. Although his family was so poor that he couldn't even afford a wife and had to get married, now he has a future!Both sons and daughters!
Sisters and babies, please ask for monthly ticket support, thank you!There will be more

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