Eye of Sin

Chapter 10 Sailor Moon

Chapter 10 Sailor Moon

Team Dong has always been very reassured about Ning Shuyi, knowing that this girl is careful and organized, so he has no opinion on her future plans, but this matter may also involve the issue of unique things, he must give a few extra words, Let them do things with a sense of propriety, if it really involves any production and sales gang, you must not startle the snake.

After getting permission, Ning Shuyi went back to the reception room and asked Wang Yuluo's family to take them home.

This time in the reception room, the picture inside made her a little dumbfounded.Huo Yan sat upright, without saying a word, and did not take the initiative to ask Wang Yuluo's father and the others about anything.

And Wang Yuluo's father, aunt, and uncle also seemed to feel an invisible sense of oppression from Huo Yan's aura, and the three of them also seemed extraordinarily reserved, and the room was quiet, as if all four of them were meditating.

Ning Shuyi frowned slightly. She originally felt that Huo Yan would appear a little dissociated when dealing with other people, but now it was even more obvious.

Although it is difficult to fundamentally change a person's personality, and it has nothing to do with others, but now that he is in the police force, if he wants to carry out his work well, he must be able to get along with his colleagues and cooperate. In addition, you have to learn how to deal with people involved in the case, family members, and insiders.

Since Team Dong agreed to let her bring in new colleagues, she can't really be a tool person with a strong aura who can scare the hob meat with him. The problem that should be pointed out will still have to find an opportunity to talk to him in the future. He communicated.

Seeing Ning Shuyi's return, Wang Yuluo's family got up quickly, and several of them set off to visit the house where Wang Yuluo and her father lived together.

Having confirmed Wang Yuluo's address before, Ning Shuyi knew that their family should be relatively well-to-do.When I got there, I took another look, and it was as expected as she had expected.

Wang Yuluo's house has two floors, and the single floor is about two hundred square meters. The two floors are superimposed, and the area is very considerable.

There is nothing to say on the first floor. The decoration style of the large apartment is quite satisfactory, with marble floors and new Chinese-style furniture. It looks simple and grand.

On the stairs leading from the first floor to the second floor, as Wang Yuluo's father said before, a security door was installed to directly block the first floor and the second floor, turning them into two completely independent worlds.

Before leaving, Ning Shuyi found her keys from Wang Yuluo's belongings, and brought them here specially this time, tried it, and sure enough, one of them was able to open that door.

The moment the door opened, Wang Yuluo's father shed tears again.

"In the past, this child always locked the door, hid upstairs and refused to come down to talk to me, ignoring people." His voice was trembling, "Now, the door is open, but I can no longer wait for her to call I called my father..."

Uncle Wang Yuluo patted his brother-in-law on the back to comfort him, and Aunt Wang Yuluo sighed.

Even though this was not the scene of the crime, Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan put on the shoe covers and gloves carefully in order not to damage the original appearance of Wang Yuluo's room before they went to the second floor.

The style of the second floor is completely different from that of the first floor.

As soon as you enter the anti-theft door, you will be faced with a huge human-shaped stand. Sailor Moon from Sailor Moon is posing in the most classic pose, as if greeting people who enter the door.

However, if it is not daylight now, when you open the door in the dark, you will suddenly see such a tall figure standing in front of you, and you are not sure whether you will be shocked.

In addition to the figure standing sign of Sailor Moon, there are many large and small decorations everywhere in the small living room on the first floor of the second floor, various models and figures, some as tall as half a person, standing By the wall, some are no more than the size of a palm, and they are lined up along the window sill.

"Just these things, they are all Yuluo's treasures!" Compared with Wang Yuluo's father, who is completely unfamiliar with the second floor and seems to be visiting someone else's house, Aunt Wang Yuluo seems to have a lot more say. After all, she usually helps When cleaning, I also came up a few times.

"These are all her toys?" Wang Yuluo's father didn't seem to expect that his 25-year-old daughter likes to play with these things. He was a little surprised at his serious lack of communication and understanding with his daughter.

"What did she really call it, I forgot, there is a word! Anyway, the baby is so bad, every time I come up to help her clean, she has to tell me, let me not touch these things , the dust on it, she will clean it herself, so as not to be damaged by me again."

"Mom, you're old-fashioned again! Those are figurines! How many times have I told you! Don't touch them, those things are precious!"

A clear female voice came up from downstairs, "You took my uncle upstairs? Come down quickly, if my sister comes back and bumps into her later, she will definitely lose her temper!"

While talking, a girl who seemed to be in her early twenties came up from downstairs. Her height was about the same as the dead Wang Yuluo, but her clothes were much plainer than Wang Yuluo's, and her appearance was not as delicate as Wang Yuluo's, but she spoke At that time, there was a freshness that girls of this age can only have.

"Ah, it's my daughter who has arrived." Aunt Wang Yuluo hurriedly said to Ning Shuyi. She walked to the door in three steps and two steps, pulled the girl who had just gone upstairs, sighed, and said to her, "Dream Peng, your sister... had an accident..."

The girl named Yu Mengpeng was a little puzzled because she saw not only her uncle upstairs, but also two strangers beside her. When she heard what her mother said, her eyes widened in surprise: "What did you say? Don't scare me!

Mom, at your age, you can't make such jokes!My sister never offended you! "

Aunt Wang Yuluo was so annoyed by her daughter's words that she raised her hand and slapped her on the back a few times: "You think everyone is like you, you can feel any joke, and dare to say anything! You should be more honest! Don't What nonsense! Your uncle has suffered enough!"

Yu Mengpeng turned his face to look at his uncle, and found that his uncle's face was ashen, his eyes were a little swollen and covered with bloodshot eyes, he seemed to be frightened, so he hurriedly put away the casual ridicule just now, realizing that something really happened, Quickly asked: "What's going on? What happened? A traffic accident? Are you seriously injured?

When I went out in the morning, I was still dressed beautifully and happily, so why did something happen? "

(End of this chapter)

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