Eye of Sin

Chapter 11 Ex-boyfriend

Chapter 11 Ex-boyfriend

"Did you see your sister this morning?" Aunt Wang Yuluo looked at her daughter in surprise.

Yu Mengpeng waved her hand: "No, she sent me a photo in the morning to show me whether her make-up looks good today. Now, you can see for yourself, isn't this what she sent me! It's very good!"

As she said that, she took out her mobile phone and called up the content of the chat between herself and Wang Yuluo. It was after eight o'clock in the morning. Wang Yuluo sent her a selfie. The girl in the photo was wearing exquisite full makeup , it can be seen that after some careful dressing, he looks in high spirits and in a good mood.

"Look, I'm not talking nonsense! I was teasing her at the time, asking her if she had a new love date or got back together with her ex-boyfriend, but she didn't reply to me. It's only been a long time, what's the matter? "Yu Mengpeng looked puzzled.

"Pengpeng, what do you mean by ex-boyfriend and reunion?" Wang Yuluo's father was also a little surprised when he heard what his niece said, "When did Yuluo fall in love with someone else? Why don't I know about it? ?”

Yu Mengpeng knew that she had made a slip of the tongue, and her face was a little embarrassed. She wanted to be sloppy and prevaricate, but she saw that several people present were all staring at her.

"My sister talked about a boyfriend when she was in college. I didn't tell you about it. I was afraid that you would nag when you heard about it. That man was a year older than my sister. After my sister graduated from college, the two of them didn't go on. ,broke up.

A while ago, I heard my sister inadvertently mention that the man wanted to reconcile with her. I don't know what kind of attitude my sister herself has, and she didn't tell me, so I teased her like that.

Anyway, my sister's conditions are there, she has never been short of people to pursue, she just doesn't want you to know. "

"Then she kept it from your uncle, and you found out and helped her keep it from her, and didn't tell me?" Aunt Wang Yuluo blamed her daughter for choosing not to report it before.

Yu Mengpeng was also very aggrieved: "How can I tell you? I tell you, you tell my uncle, and my uncle knows, so he has to ask my sister, and in turn, my sister will have to rely on me and be unhappy with me." !

And my sister is already 25, not a 15-year-old girl!Do you think there are boys in school who write love letters to her?Does she explain everything, big and small, to the elders in the family?

Besides, my sister has a relatively independent personality. When she was a teenager, she might not be willing to tell you everything, let alone in her twenties now!

My uncle stays with the family for less than half a year all year round. How about you, every day you catch my sister and chatter and chatter with others, let alone my sister, it sounds like a big headache to me! "

Aunt Wang Yuluo was obviously stabbed by her daughter's words, and her expression was a little ugly, but because of the presence of outsiders, it was not easy to get angry, so she could only frown and point her finger at her: "You, you, what do you say? Yes, what a white-eyed wolf..."

Yu Mengpeng's face darkened because of his mother's words, he turned his face away, and stopped talking.

"Officer Ning, just check what you need to check! I said cooperate and absolutely cooperate to the end!" Seeing that Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan had been standing aside listening to his sister and niece bickering, Wang Yuluo's father hurriedly spoke to them.

Ning Shuyi nodded to him, and walked around this floor with Huo Yan, looking around.

Wang Yuluo's room is very large and messy. Whether it is beside the bed, on the sofa chair, in the cloakroom, or in the small bathroom in the bedroom, there are many clothes stacked or hung on the dressing table. The same skin care products and cosmetics are half of the space filled with bottles and cans.

In Wang Yuluo's cloakroom, Ning Shuyi saw a large number of beautiful and exaggerated dresses and skirts, some were retro in Chinese style, some were in European medieval style, some had a post-modern sci-fi feel, and some were slightly weird and very It's hard to define what it looks like.

When she saw all kinds of colorful wigs and headgears in the cabinet on the other side, she fully understood.

This Wang Yuluo should have been a cosplay enthusiast before his death. Looking at these equipments, you can tell that the investment is really not small.

On one side of the dressing table, there is also a small table, which was originally supposed to be used as a desk, but now it is full of various sundries. A stack of books is placed on the floor under the table, and there is a layer of dust on it. Dust, obviously it had been left untouched for some time.

Ning Shuyi looked at the titles of the books. They were all supplementary books for postgraduate entrance examinations, and the year was last year.

The cosplay costumes and wigs were stored in the cabinet in an orderly manner, but the postgraduate entrance examination guidance books had accumulated a layer of dust on the floor.

It is self-evident which of these two matters Wang Yuluo cared more about during his lifetime.

Probably it was Ning Shuyi's behavior of staring at the dusty postgraduate entrance examination guidance book that aroused Aunt Wang Yuluo's idea. She approached carefully and said to Ning Shuyi with a smile on her face: "My brother's family usually has no outsiders. Come on, both of them don't like outsiders coming to the house, especially my niece, she has had that... sense of territory since she was a child!"

"Mom, what a sense of territory, how ugly, it's like talking about a wolf talking about a dog! That's called personal space awareness!" Yu Mengpeng stood at the door of the bedroom, correcting her wording from afar.

"Oh, the meaning is almost enough! What can't be done, just raise the bar!" Aunt Wang Yuluo turned her head and gave her daughter a look, and then continued to say to Ning Shuyi, "She never let me go upstairs alone to help her Cleaning. If she is not at home, I will not come up at all. If she is at home, she will let me come up and clean up if she is happy. If she is not happy, she will not open the door for me.

My brother is in business and is busy. Sometimes he lives in the company because he is too tired and doesn’t want to bother. Sometimes he travels around on business trips. This family doesn’t come back often, so I didn’t hire housekeeping. It’s just me. I come here every now and then to help clean up .

There are also a lot of things outside my house, and I always run around when I have nothing to do. It’s been a long time since I came to help clean up. Today, I saw dust everywhere... I am laughing at you! "

Ning Shuyi said that it didn't matter, and looked past Aunt Wang Yuluo, and looked at Yu Mengpeng who was standing honestly outside the bedroom door, as if he had made up his mind to "not cross the threshold".The girl met Ning Shuyi's eyes, she quickly glanced at her mother, then turned her face away as if nothing had happened, avoiding Ning Shuyi's gaze, as if she had made up her mind not to speak more in front of her elders.

(End of this chapter)

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