Eye of Sin

Chapter 103 Boundary Sense

"Huh?" Ning Shuyi was in a trance, and after a moment he realized what he was asking himself, remembering that he hadn't said anything that day, but Huo Yan saw his intention, so he didn't answer him, but It's a rhetorical question, "Why do you ask that? How do you know that I live at home by myself?"

"I guess." Huo Yan replied honestly, "You have been receiving calls from home every day these days, and it is your mother asking about your family situation, whether you have a good rest, etc."

"How did you see that day that I deliberately didn't want Zhao Dabao and Luo Wei to take care of those people upstairs for me?" Ning Shuyi didn't deny it.

"Looks and expressions." Huo Yan answered without hesitation. Obviously, this is a question he already has an answer to. "You were standing below, watching with cold eyes, watching those people face Zhao Dabao and the others as one." What a reaction.

You felt relieved when you saw that those people were not intimidated by Zhao Dabao and the others. "

"Your eyes are quite poisonous!" Ning Shuyi sighed sincerely. Among the people present at that time, he was the only one who could see through his true emotions with a single glance.

Huo Yan smiled lightly and asked her: "Why don't you want to take advantage of the large number of people in your family that day to let those who are clearly punks have a long memory?
Did you pay your parents out on purpose afterwards?What are your plans? "

"Probably." Ning Shuyi did not deny Huo Yan's guess, "The house upstairs is about to expire soon, and those people are about to be cleared out. I'm afraid that at such a juncture, those little bastards The last madness, if my parents are old, I am afraid they will not be able to bear it if they do everything upstairs.

It doesn't matter if I'm at home, anyway, it's just a few days, and they're just making some big noises, which can't help but scare people.

I'm busy with work during the day, and I don't go home at work, so it won't be affected. If I plug in earplugs at night, the damage will be reduced by half, so it's not a big problem.

Seeing that it's the end, I don't want those people to be really scared that day, and they will be honest from then on, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted.

The process of my dad renting out the house this time, as well as the subsequent encounters, together feel a bit strange, so I want to follow the development of the situation and see what will happen in the end .

After all, it's not yet time, and I can't think too badly about people. The best way is to leave the stage to the other party and let the other party perform to their heart's content. Only when the plan is implemented smoothly and is a great success can the real purpose be revealed. .

At that time, it will be easier to determine the nature and not wrong people. "

Hearing what she said, Huo Yan stared forward intently, without saying a word.

Ning Shuyi turned to look at him, and saw that he didn't intend to continue the topic just now, and was a little surprised. After all, it was this guy who took the initiative to ask about his situation in the past few days, but he took the topic without hesitation. Come here, why is he silent now?
"Why don't you talk anymore? There's nothing else you want to ask?" She asked Huo Yan curiously.

Huo Yan shook his head: "No."

There was another moment of silence.

"If those people upstairs bother you, you can tell me anytime." He added.

Ning Shuyi was still a little confused just now, but now he understands, he couldn't help laughing, and sighed: "Why do you have such a good sense of boundaries?"

Huo Yan shook his head again, this time without saying a word.

Seeing this, Ning Shuyi didn't ask any further questions.

The car drove for a while in silence. Huo Yan, who hadn't spoken any more, suddenly cleared his throat: "Your sense of boundaries is also very good."

Ning Shuyi let out a chuckle and nodded, "We are each other!"

Huo Yan couldn't help showing a smile, softening the originally rigid facial lines.

When the two of them returned to the Public Security Bureau, it happened to be the evening rush hour, and there was some traffic jam along the way. When they finally arrived at the work unit, they were all hungry, so they hurriedly packed two boxed lunches and went upstairs. Huo Yan finished eating in two bites, alone To inquire about the progress of the "excavation" of the corpse.

Ning Shuyi stayed in the office to confirm the personal situation of Deng Qingrong and her son Chang Junchao.

Chang Junchao's household registration information has been retrieved by colleagues earlier, and Deng Qingrong's household registration is in the same place as her son's, so they are also on hand.

The mother and son are both registered in other provinces. Although Deng Qingrong always gave Ning Shuyi the impression that he was in his 60s and heading towards his 55s after chatting with those old residents near the crime scene, it can be confirmed from the household registration information. She is only [-] years old this year.

Both mother and son hold residence permits in City W, and Chang Junchao's father, Chang Rong, was originally on the same account, but Chang Rong passed away seven years ago, and the account was naturally cancelled.

Chang Junchao has no criminal record or bad record, and so does his mother Deng Qingrong.

Ning Shuyi noticed that Chang Junchao's residence permit application records did not have a single change of address. Before that, their address was in another district of W City. As for how long they lived at the previous address, it is not easy to confirm. After all, the last address was registered and used when the residence permit business was just launched. It is difficult to verify whether they have been living there before that.

The time of change was seven years ago, and after calculation, it was probably after the death of Chang Junchao's father, Chang Rong.

Ning Shuyi dug a little deeper, and found that the family of three had a registered address for a temporary residence permit before, but it was not in W City, but another place in a neighboring province.

And Chang Junchao studied in that city when he was in junior high school, and moved to W City when he was in high school.

What's interesting is that Chang Junchao's elementary school was neither in W city nor in the neighboring province where he attended junior high school, but another city in a completely different province.

I studied in one place for elementary school, one place for junior high school, and another place for high school...

Is this the legendary "Meng's mother moved three times"?
Ning Shuyi was almost amused by his own idea, and he thought it was ridiculous.

Chang Junchao's student career stopped when he graduated from high school and did not go to university. After that, he once had a regular job, but in recent years, his job seems to have changed a bit frequently.

Could it be that Chang Junchao is not as steady and honest as those old neighbors say?What would be the reason for his frequent job changes?This time the suspected extermination of the family, could it be related to the people or troubles he wanted to avoid by frequently changing jobs?

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