Eye of Sin

Chapter 104 The Secret of Blood Type

Ning Shuyi stared at the information he could gather, with question marks constantly popping out of his head.

After a while, Huo Yan also came back. He told Ning Shuyi that most of the corpses had been excavated from the cement block. Judging from the degree of decay of the corpses, the time of death of these two people may be longer than the neighbors noticed. They had been missing for a little longer.

Precisely because of this, and the cement used to seal the corpse is high-hardness cement, in the process of separating the corpse from the cement block, the skin on the face and body surface of the deceased inevitably appeared to a certain extent. damage.

The facial damage of the two deceased was particularly serious, and the relatively small end positions of the fingers and toes could not be picked out of the cement intact, so it was doomed that the fingerprints of the deceased were difficult to collect.

Fortunately, after examining the situation, the forensic doctor determined that the current degree of damage has little effect on determining the real cause of death of the deceased. This can be regarded as a bit of optimistic news among the many bad things that this case has brought about from the very beginning. up.

In addition, bone age testing for the two deceased is already underway.

A few hours later, around midnight, the bone ages and blood types of the two deceased were also given results. Judging from the bone ages, the detected age intervals did include the actual ages and blood types of Deng Qingrong and Chang Junchao. It is also consistent with the foundation left on the relevant records on the intranet.

But after such a comparison, Ning Shuyi discovered another problem that she hadn't noticed before.

"This Chang Junchao, his blood type...doesn't seem right!" She pointed to the blood type on the test report and showed Huo Yan, "Look, my mother Deng Qingrong has type AB blood, and my father Chang Rong, who has passed away, has blood type AB. He has type B blood, but Chang Junchao, he has type O blood."

"Parents with type AB blood and type B blood can't give birth to children with type O blood?" Huo Yan didn't know much about this, but listening to Ning Shuyi's tone, he was able to draw such a conclusion from it.

Ning Shuyi shook his head slowly: "It is true that a child with O blood type cannot be born!

Then this is interesting. If we just tested the blood type of the deceased and found this blood type mismatch problem, then we can also guess whether the identity of the deceased was not the mother and son of Deng Qingrong and Chang Junchao.

The current situation is that even in terms of personal information on the intranet, the blood type records of the three members of the Chang family are exactly the same and clearly registered on the record. This is definitely unmistakable.

Then the relationship between this family of three is a bit interesting.

Didn't Deng Qingrong tell her old neighbors that she gave birth to two children before and failed to survive, and then she managed to recuperate her body and gave birth to Chang Junchao, and this time she was finally brought up smoothly?

As a result, it now appears that either Chang Junchao has no blood relationship with Deng Qingrong and the Chang Rong couple at all, or Deng Qingrong is indeed Chang Junchao's biological mother, but his biological father is someone else.

With such a relationship, we have to take it into consideration, after all, this kind of thing is likely to involve some shady secrets.

Normally, unless it's an adopted child, that kind of secrecy is dangerous. "

Huo Yan nodded, thoughtfully.

After a moment of silence, he opened his mouth and said to Ning Shuyi: "The investigation at the scene of the crime found that there were indeed traces of theft, but the exact amount of lost property is currently unknown and needs to be further confirmed.

What is certain is that the mobile phones used by the mother and child should have been taken away by someone. Except for large appliances such as the TV and refrigerator, no cash, precious metals, jewelry, etc. can be found at home. .

The door lock can be found with traces of technical unlocking, and the person who entered the room still has certain means.

In addition, there are a lot of traces of being roughly wiped at the scene, but they still collected a fingerprint that is not complete. The only problem is that the clarity of this fingerprint is not ideal, so there is no way to get it for the time being. Produce a comparison result. "

"The specific cause of death hasn't been revealed yet, right?" Ning Shuyi asked.

Huo Yan nodded: "Forensic Doctor Zhang and the others are preparing to conduct an autopsy on the two corpses to confirm the cause of death. The results are expected to be available in the middle of the night or tomorrow morning."

Ning Shuyi sighed, poured a glass of water for Huo Yan, and signaled him to take a rest too.

This case gave people a not very optimistic feeling from the very beginning. It is estimated that they have been busy in the past few days.

On the negative side, Deng Qingrong and Chang Junchao's mother and son both have registered permanent residence in other places, and they don't seem to have any close relatives in the local area.

The information provided by the neighbors today has been able to reflect certain problems. They seem to have almost no friends who travel frequently.

Sometimes during the investigation stage, we are not afraid that the victim’s social relationship is too complicated. No matter how complicated it is, we can at least distinguish between the primary and the secondary. Pay attention to exclusion, and there will always be a direction that emerges.

But this kind of social relationship is too simple, but it is even more troublesome, and it is impossible to start.

However, human beings are social after all. Animals living in groups cannot live completely isolated from the outside world. As long as they are still active in society, they will need to come into contact with others and leave some traces of their actions.

There are too few things in hand now, and there is no way to start. It can only show that the digging is not deep enough. As long as you continue to dig deeper, there will always be gains.

Ning Shuyi comforted herself like this, and then she thought about it again. There is still a positive side to this matter. I will have to work overtime frequently these days. The "final madness" of a few people will naturally not affect anyone.

For the first time, when she thought that she might live in the duty room for a few days, she still felt a little bit of anticipation.

She no longer expects to sleep until she wakes up naturally. At least she can be undisturbed from the moment her head rests on the pillow until she opens her eyes the next morning. This is her highest pursuit at this stage.

In this way, they spent most of the night in the unit, and in the second half of the night, they each went to the duty room to make do with the time to rest for more than three hours. When they got up early in the morning, they were notified that the autopsy report came out.

After an autopsy, it was confirmed that the female deceased who was suspected to be Deng Qingrong died of suffocation, while the male deceased who was suspected to be Deng Qingrong's son Chang Junchao, who was sealed in cement with her, had a more complicated cause of death. Then he broke his neck bone.

What surprised them even more was that although Deng Qingrong died of mechanical suffocation, it was not entirely due to mechanical suffocation. From the characteristics of her lungs, it can be seen that she had indeed encountered mechanical asphyxiation before she was killed. Sexual asphyxiation, but deep in her nasal cavity, the forensic doctor found that there was also a large amount of cement slurry.

I wish big friends and children, happy holidays!

As long as we still have dreams in our hearts, we will always be babies~!

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