Eye of Sin

Chapter 110 Lesson 1

Chapter 110 Previous Lesson

Huo Yan went to the vending machine in the elevator room to buy two bottles of water, and when he came back, Ning Shuyi was no longer visible by the window at the end of the corridor.

Looking around again, she saw that she was sitting on a chair on the other side of the corridor, waving at him.

Huo Yan walked over, sat down beside her, and passed the water over: "Why don't you just stay by the window sill? Are you tired from standing?"

"Don't think people are so lazy!" Ning Shuyi raised a finger and shook it in front of him, "I'm afraid you're allergic to hay fever, so I think it's better to sit here."

Huo Yan was taken aback for a moment, with a slightly uncomfortable expression, as if he was worried that Ning Shuyi would follow this topic and start to ask the bottom line.

But after waiting quietly for a long time, Ning Shuyi just drank water silently, took out his mobile phone to check the information, and had no intention of talking to him at all.

Her calm reaction made Huo Yan a little confused, and couldn't help but feel a little strange: "You didn't intend to ask me anything?"

"No." Ning Shuyi looked at him, shook his head, and smiled, "Could it be that you expect me to ask you something?"

"No." Huo Yan denied this without thinking. After a moment of silence, he said with a bit of self-deprecation, "I thought you had noticed something and would want to break the casserole and ask the bottom line, and then provide me with some advice. help."

"Just put your heart in your belly, I don't have that kind of hobby." Ning Shuyi raised his hand and patted Huo Yan's shoulder lightly, "If someone else asks for help, and then offers help, that's kindness and kindness.

If someone has no intention of asking for help, and unilaterally feels that others have something unspeakable, and asks the bottom line, saying that they want to help others out of their difficulties, it is all hypocrisy. In the final analysis, people who do this kind of thing only want to satisfy themselves. Just curiosity!
If it is pure curiosity and gossip, so you want to inquire about other people's privacy, how low-level it seems!So I have to wrap it up, I have to say, I think you have a knot!I think you need to talk, maybe I can help you! "

When she said this, she deliberately put on a "compassionate" expression. Even Huo Yan, who seldom showed emotion, couldn't help lowering his head slightly and chuckling.

Neither of the two of them brought up the topic related to Xinghua. Sitting in the corridor of the hospital, it was inconvenient to talk about work matters, so neither of them talked anymore. A pile of news, the other leaned his head against the wall behind the chair, closed his eyes and meditated.

No one spoke, and there was nothing embarrassing about it.

After another half an hour, a patient was sent back to the treatment area surrounded by his family members after the operation. Several nurses immediately got busy, and one of them had received them just now, so he told Ning Shu Yi, this surgery was done by Dr. Xiao they were looking for.

Now that the patient has come back, Dr. Xiao can go back to the office after dealing with the follow-up matters, and they can talk to him then.

Ning Shuyi quickly thanked her, and got up and waited near the doctor's office with Huo Yan, so as not to interfere with other people's normal work here.

After a lot of chaos, the patient after the operation was finally settled back in the ward. Judging from the excited voice of the patient's family members, the operation should be very successful.

About ten minutes later, a middle-aged male doctor in his 40s walked towards the office with a tired face. He was still wearing the clothes of the operating room, and the sterile cap had not been taken off, but Ning Shuyi and the others According to the introduction materials of doctors and nurses posted in the corridor just now, I can still recognize that this is Chang Rong's attending doctor back then.

It is estimated that when he was in the ward just now, the nurse had already found an opportunity to tell Dr. Xiao about the police coming, and he did not show any surprise when he saw two strangers standing at the door of the office.

Especially when Ning Shuyi presented evidence to explain his purpose, he opened the office door calmly and motioned for them to go in and talk slowly.

"I'm sorry, you guys sit down first, I'll take a sip of water and take a breather." Dr. Xiao took off the sterile cap on his head and threw it away, then washed his hands in the sink beside him, and then picked it up from his desk. A huge teacup, "I have not been in the operating room since nine o'clock in the morning, and I just finished it now. I stood for so long without eating or drinking. Is there anything else I can say? My throat is thirsty and smoking. It's inconvenient to talk."

Ning Shuyi hurriedly said a few polite words to him, saying that Dr. Xiao was working very hard and the question was not in a hurry.

She was more worried before that Dr. Xiao, as the most direct insider of Chang Rong's medical treatment, would be willing to communicate. Now, when she heard this doctor speak, she found that he had a more cheerful personality, which was very helpful to them. It's definitely a good thing.

When Dr. Xiao filled half a glass of water in one breath, spread it out on the chair for a while, and sat up straight again, she knew it was time to speak.

"Dr. Xiao worked hard. After such a long operation, we had to interrupt him. We will try to keep the story short and give you time to rest." She said politely.

Dr. Xiao waved his hand: "You and us, let's not say that the other two jobs are not hard, that is the relationship between the eldest brother and the second brother.

Which patient are you coming to me to ask about?Many of the patients I have managed have been involved in forensic identification and legal disputes. "

"Chang Rong." Ning Shuyi said the name of Chang Junchao's father who died in their case, "I don't know if Dr. Xiao still has any memories."

"Chang Rong?" Dr. Xiao didn't expect Ning Shuyi to ask him. After being slightly taken aback, he nodded immediately, "I have an impression, and it's quite deep."

"After so many years, Dr. Xiao can still remember so clearly?"

"Yes, there are quite a few patients I have dealt with over the years, but this Chang Rong is really the one that impresses me the most. Let alone now, if you ask me in another 20 years, as long as you mention his name, I will still be able to give it to you right away." Remember what happened back then!"

Dr. Xiao shook his head lightly, feeling very touched: "For others, they are patients, and here I am only responsible for treating diseases and saving lives. As for their right and wrong, lawsuit entanglements outside the scope of the hospital, that has nothing to do with me.

But this Changrong is different. Because I was the attending doctor in charge of him back then, I was taught a solid lesson by their family. It allowed me to practice medicine for so many years, and for the first time, I had a new understanding of people and human nature. The understanding of it can be regarded as solidly broadening my horizons! "

(End of this chapter)

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