Eye of Sin

Chapter 111 Discharge

Dr. Xiao's words surprised Ning Shuyi a little.

The age of this doctor is there. He is in his 40s. From the beginning of his career to the present, he can be regarded as a person with rich experience.

Being able to make him express such emotions after seven or eight years can also explain some problems.

"Based on your background and experience, you can say such things. It seems that the patient Chang Rong gave you some unusual experiences?" She asked Dr. Xiao.

Doctor Xiao nodded: "As a doctor, no matter which department you are in, you will inevitably witness some scenes of life and death as a doctor.

When we encounter this kind of situation on weekdays, what we hear the most is-'Doctor, no matter what, I must save my family, regardless of the cost, we will find a way'.

As a result, this patient named Chang Rong taught me a new lesson.

At that time, he was seriously injured. After he came out of the ICU, it can only be said that his vital signs were stable, but he still needed rest and treatment.

As a result, the nurses in our department just informed his family members that the pre-deposited treatment expenses had been almost used up and needed to be renewed. His family members proposed to go through the discharge procedures without saying a word.

We were really surprised at that time, we had never encountered such a situation, especially since the previous surgery had been done, and the really expensive part had already passed. "

Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan listened carefully to Dr. Xiao's recollection of what happened back then, and this part was consistent with what Sun Wan, the workshop director, said.

"At that time, the old director of our department who had not retired at that time was the one who performed this operation with me.

The old director also said, is it because the patient's family members are worried that the cost will be too high for the family to bear?How could he just leave the hospital in this situation!

He asked me to communicate with the family members, try to dissuade me, and not joke about the patient's life safety, and tell the family members that there are no high-priced medicines for the follow-up medication, so don't worry, and don't rush to discharge from the hospital.

I found Chang Rong's son, who was going through the formalities upstairs and downstairs, and told me that he couldn't decide this matter, and his mother asked him to go through the formalities.

I then found Changrong’s lover, who was accompanying me in the ward at that time, and I explained the situation to her in detail, hoping that she could clear up the misunderstanding and let the patient continue to receive treatment.

But she refused, and made a big fuss, saying that we were just black-hearted, deliberately exaggerating the condition, trying to suck their blood dry, and use up their savings with hospital expenses. "

Doctor Xiao recalled this passage after many years, and still felt a bit of a headache. He couldn't help but raised his hand and rubbed his temple: "I told her, don't think that everything is safe after being out of the ICU. Chang Rong is now The situation is still unstable, and if he is discharged home at this time, it is hard to say what will happen.

His wife took out her mobile phone at that time, turned on the video recording function in front of us, and said to the camera that she asked Chang Rong to be discharged from the hospital, and they are responsible for all consequences after discharge, and they will definitely not implicate us In the hospital, even if Chang Rong dies after returning home, they will never extort a penny from the hospital! "

"So you agree that she should discharge Chang Rong from the hospital?" Ning Shuyi asked.

Dr. Xiao spread his hands helplessly: "What else can we do! The law only stipulates that hospitals cannot force patients to be discharged, but it does not prohibit patients from asking to be discharged before they are cured after treatment!
According to common sense, if such a patient who has not recovered from treatment, himself or his family members strongly request to be discharged from the hospital, we need to give the patient another physical examination, record the situation clearly, and obtain the signature of the family members.

Regarding this routine check before discharge from the hospital, Chang Rong's wife had a fight with us for a while, saying that we would not finish it unless we squeezed out the last penny of their family.

In the end, our head nurse was experienced and told her that if she wastes more time and refuses to be checked by the doctor, she will not be able to complete the discharge procedures, and then she will have to deduct another day of hospitalization fees. "

Dr. Xiao shook his head with a wry smile: "When the woman heard this, she stopped making trouble immediately! She promised to let us have an examination, and then went through the discharge procedures.

You may not be able to imagine the scene at that time. When her husband was discharged from the hospital, he didn't even wake up and was still in a coma.

His son wanted to walk with him on his back, but the incision on the patient's body had only been stitched up for a few days, and it hadn't grown well at all.

We borrowed a stretcher to help send it out, and the patient's lover insisted on making us promise that there would be no extra charge for the stretcher.

After they were finally discharged from the hospital, our department was shocked by this family. Unexpectedly, a few days later, someone came to the hospital and wanted to visit Chang Rong. I heard that Chang Rong was discharged from the hospital. , so angry that he cursed in the corridor.

With this scolding, we also heard some information that we didn't know before.

After working for a long time, Changrong was regarded as a work-related injury. The factory paid for the hospitalization expenses before, and after that, the family members negotiated with the factory and received a buyout compensation. I don’t know the exact amount. , but there should be a lot of words and phrases revealed when listening to those people scolding. "

Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan glanced at each other. They both expected that the hospital would not recommend that the seriously injured trauma patients should be discharged so early. Naturally, the persuasion would be persuasive, but they did not expect Deng Qingrong to spend less money. It can be so outrageous.

"I'm not someone who came out of utopia, everyone has to live, money is definitely crucial, no one can move without money.

But I really didn't expect that in the minds of some people, money is more important than the life of their own relatives. It is obviously not that they have no money, and they hold a large amount of compensation in their hands, but they are not even willing to pay for follow-up hospital treatment. out. "

In the process of recalling this incident, Dr. Xiao already sighed countless times, which was enough to show how emotional he was about this incident.

"How long ago was that... Eight years ago, right?" Dr. Xiao adjusted his sitting posture, "To be honest, if this were put in now, I might not have that kind of leisure. , People will become a little numb to some extent.

Back then, I was okay, and I still had that passion and nosy heart!
About half a year after Chang Rong was discharged from the hospital, I always thought of this patient in my mind from time to time.

Thinking that he was still injured so badly when he was discharged from the hospital, I couldn't let it go, so one day, I used my personal time after get off work to try to use the contact information of the patient's family members that I had left when I was hospitalized. The phone call came through. "

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