Eye of Sin

Chapter 112 Death

Chapter 112 Death
Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan looked at Dr. Xiao intently, waiting for him to continue.

It is estimated that the expressions of the two of them were too serious and full of anticipation. Dr. Xiao looked at the two of them and immediately showed a wry smile.

"Are you still looking forward to a slightly more optimistic and relieved follow-up?" He guessed the two people's thoughts, and shook his head with a wry smile, "No, the actual situation is even worse than what you expected It's even more embarrassing.

I called Chang Rong's son, and his son told me that just one month before I called, Chang Rong had passed away.

I was also taken aback when I heard it, and quickly asked what was going on. He said that after his father was discharged from the hospital and returned home, his physical condition was getting worse day by day. realized.

I asked him why he was in such a bad condition and didn't send him to the hospital for treatment, or he said that his family didn't trust our hospital and chose another hospital.

The patient's son said that he had never been to the hospital and had been resting at home all the time. His mother said that the patient had been injured so badly that it was hard to say how long he could live.

But the rest of the family will continue to live for a long time in the future. We can't just drag down all the good people in the family and cut off the way of life for a person who doesn't know how long he can live. "

"So that is to say, after Chang Rong was discharged from the hospital, he actually did not receive any further treatment, which means he had been given up by his family members. It was only his physical fitness, or his desire to survive, that allowed him to last for half a year. About." Ning Shuyi helped Dr. Xiao sum up.

Doctor Xiao sighed: "Yeah, this time you probably know why I am so impressed with this patient after so many years!
To be honest, in our industry, we dare not say that we are used to seeing life and death, at least we will not make too much fuss.

We can often see the more cruel side, but this Chang Rong, his family members are so weird, others have to try their best to save the lives of their relatives first, because the economic conditions do not allow it, and finally bear the pain The process of giving up is also quite tangled and struggling.

Like her, she gave up resolutely from the very beginning, without delaying things at all, and after she was discharged from the hospital, she really gave up treatment for the patient herself. This is the first time I have encountered it.

Because of their family, I have opened my eyes. If this person becomes selfish, he can reach such a level! "

Ning Shuyi listened to what Dr. Xiao said, and her inner feelings were also very complicated. When she inquired around the crime scene, most of the neighbors praised Deng Qingrong, mother and son, and said that they Two mothers are kind and sons are filial.

And because the interpersonal relationship is relatively simple, it is almost hard to believe that anyone would attack such an honest mother and son.

Although the young mother with the child gave some not-so-positive examples, in the final analysis, it is mainly reflected in an outdated concept, which is not advisable, but it is not enough to rise to the level of character.

What Dr. Xiao said now is of a completely different nature.

The factory where Chang Rong worked before his death paid 50 yuan in compensation because Chang Rong was injured. Everything has been confirmed.

A woman who was able to calmly and tactically bargain with the factory for compensation after her husband with whom she had spent half her life had an accident was not immediately sad or sad.

After receiving the compensation, she gave up treatment for her seriously injured husband without even a little hesitation, and refused to spend any money on her husband.

This really involves a question of character!

A person has many faces. In the past cases, Ning Shuyi has also come into contact with the kind of cruel and cruel criminals, but when facing his closest relatives, he is completely caring and tolerant. faces.

So when a person treats his own close relatives with the utmost interest and is ruthless, even if this person is not a gangster who commits all kinds of crimes, he is still a person with extremely bad morals from the bottom of his heart.

From this, Ning Shuyi couldn't help but guess, since Deng Qingrong's goodness is all pretended, and the fake mask that she put on will eventually show flaws, then the probability of her offending someone for some reason has increased a lot .

What's more, the 50 yuan paid by the factory was taken away by Deng Qingrong soon after it arrived in the account, and even the bank account was canceled. The whereabouts of the money is also confusing. .

And through such a harvest, Ning Shuyi and the others indirectly figured out the reason why Deng Qingrong and his son Chang Junchao moved away from the last address for so long.

In all likelihood, it was because most of the old neighbors there knew Chang Rong, and they knew something about Chang Rong's injury.

Deng Qingrong carried her injured husband home without any treatment, and within half a year her husband died.

The spread of such things will indeed make Deng Qingrong feel embarrassed in the area where he originally lived.

After the two left the hospital, they discussed and decided to go to the community where the mother and son lived before. Although it has been so many years, Dr. Xiao still has a deep impression on what happened back then. Actions can usually leave an extremely deep impression on people.

Their previous residence card registration address clearly recorded the last address, and Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan found the community easily.

That community is similar to the community where the crime scene is located. Although the distance almost spans the entire W City, they all belong to the old open community with relatively low floors and no elevators.

To say that at that time, Deng Qingrong did not go out to work, relying on the income of the father and son Chang Rong and Chang Junchao from working outside to support the expenses of the family of three, it may not be considered affluent.

However, Deng Qingrong took away the 50 yuan in compensation, and none of the money was spent on Changrong's medical expenses. The mother and son still live in a shabby, even a bit dilapidated rental house.

So where did the money go?

Ning Shuyi was on the way to Deng Qingrong and Chang Junchao's address, and suddenly remembered the habitual thief who had a record of burglary and wounding.

If you just look at the residence of the mother and child, it is really not worth breaking into the house, let alone murdering.

But what if the goal is that 50?

Is it worth a try if you take a risk?

 I wish the candidates, if they have God's help, perform supernormally!

  Thinking back to when Xiao Mo took the college entrance examination... oh, it's too revealing of his age, so don't mention it!
(End of this chapter)

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