Eye of Sin

Chapter 119 Old Neighbor

After discussing with the woman, Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan drove the mother and son to the guest house of the Public Security Bureau, and bought medicine along the way.

On the way, the woman finally let go of her fearful heart and introduced herself to Ning Shuyi and the others. Ning Shuyi knew that her name was Wang Hongzhen. She is 34 years old and has lived there with her husband since she got married. , can be regarded as an old resident there for more than ten years.

The guest house of the Public Security Bureau usually has very few people who live here, and usually the policemen from other cities who come here on business trips stop and have a rest, so there is no need to worry about the lack of rooms.

Soon the mother and child were settled in a standard room. Huo Yan went out to buy some food, drink, and simple daily necessities. Wang Hongzhen had one eye swollen, and was so grateful that she shed tears for a long time.

It wasn't until the frightened child ate something and lay down to sleep that Wang Hongzhen's mood finally stabilized a bit.

"Officer Ning, you said earlier that you wanted to inquire about an old neighbor of ours? The matter of our mother and daughter has caused you trouble! It has delayed your serious business!"

Wang Hongzhen said a little embarrassedly: "I don't know who the person you are looking for is, I know it or not! If I know it, I can help you a little bit, and I will feel better in my heart, otherwise I am too sorry !"

"Don't say that, if you happen to know the person we want to inquire about, that's even better, otherwise you don't need to feel sorry.

This kind of thing was bumped into by us, how can there be no reason to ignore it but ask! Ning Shuyi smiled and waved his hands, "What we want to inquire about is a family who originally rented in your building. The father's name is Chang Rong, the mother's name is Deng Qingrong, and the son's name is Chang Junchao."

I moved away from you about seven years ago, it's been a long time, if you don't know each other, or can't remember, that's okay. "

"Chang Junchao?" Wang Hongzhen was taken aback when she heard the name, "I know him, he used to live downstairs in our house!

Later, his father passed away, and the two of them moved away, and we never saw each other again.

If you want to inquire about their family, then I can really help you a little bit! "

"What's your impression of their family?" Ning Shuyi asked bluntly. After all, it's not too early now. Wang Hongzhen was beaten and frightened. She couldn't bear to delay too long.

Wang Hongzhen hesitated for a moment, then shook her head: "I can't tell, I haven't had much contact with Chang Junchao's father, he seems to be busy working outside all year round to make money, leaving early and returning late, so I rarely meet him.

Chang Junchao is a little familiar with me.What about his mother... It's hard to say, you helped me so much just now, it was like saving my life, I won't lie in ambush with you, so what can I say?

I haven't had much contact with Chang Junchao's mother, but I don't have a good impression of that old lady, or it can be said that I hate her. "

Ning Shuyi was slightly surprised. She found a common point. The last person who had a bad impression of Deng Qingrong was also a young woman. It seemed that Deng Qingrong really didn't like young women.

"Officer Ning, can I ask, why did you go to inquire about their family?" Wang Hongzhen seemed a little worried that her words were inappropriate, but she couldn't help being curious, so she asked carefully, for fear of offending Ning Shuyi. They are not happy.

Without even waiting for Ning Shuyi to respond, she hurriedly said: "Actually, I shouldn't ask about your work, or you should just pretend you didn't hear me. Leave me alone. If you have anything to ask me, you Just ask! I was ignorant just now."

"It's not a matter of being sensible or ignorant. If you want to ask, just ask. If it is convenient for us to communicate with you, we will respond. If it is inconvenient, I will tell you." Wang Hongzhen's careful appearance made Ning Shuyi want to sigh again. .

If he hadn't lived in an environment where he would be beaten and scolded if he wasn't careful for a long time, who would do things so cautiously, pay close attention to other people's expressions and emotions, for fear of offending them again.

Ning Shuyi also found that although Huo Yan had just helped Wang Hongzhen out of the siege, Wang Hongzhen felt guilty and sorry because Huo Yan was punched by her domestic violence husband, but she didn't dare to talk to Huo Yan, and she didn't even look at her. She rarely glanced towards Huo Yan, only staring at Ning Shuyi and talking.

"Something happened between Chang Junchao and his mother, and they encountered some troubles." Huo Yan answered Wang Hongzhen's question.

Wang Hongzhen glanced at him quickly, nodded, as if she heard it and responded, but she didn't dare to look at Huo Yan again.

"Chang Junchao is very good. He is honest and kind, and he is very filial to his parents." Sure enough, Wang Hongzhen did not ask what happened to Chang Junchao's family, but only talked about her dealings with him in the past. Experience, "I had just married my husband and moved over there.

In my impression, Chang Junchao's father seldom shows up and is hardly at home. He only meets him occasionally when commuting to and from get off work. He seems to be quite dull and doesn't like to talk much.

Neighbors met upstairs and downstairs, and greeted him, but he didn't respond very much. When he saw familiar neighbors, he quickly walked a few steps, as if he was afraid that others would strike up a conversation with him.

So over time, the neighbors knew that he had such a personality, so they didn't talk to him much.

Chang Junchao has a good personality, unlike his father, who doesn't talk much, but is very polite. He not only greets each other when they meet, but when he meets neighbors who carry heavy things in their hands, or lift them up, they are very polite. For any big items, they will offer to lend a helping hand. "

"In this way, Chang Junchao is quite a good person." Ning Shuyi took over the conversation and asked, "Except that Chang Rong was busy working outside, leaving early and returning late, so he didn't want to deal with you. What about Jun Chao and his mother, Deng Qingrong? Will the two of them deliberately avoid dealing with others?

Is there anything in this family that is different from ordinary people? "

"Different from ordinary people..." Wang Hongzhen thought for a while, "If I have to say something, it may be Chang Junchao's mother, who is different from ordinary people and is annoying."

Wang Hongzhen gave people the impression that she was a cowardly and timid person, with the appearance of a frightened rabbit, but for some reason, when talking about Deng Qingrong, Ning Shuyi could feel a very obvious wave of anger, even with There is a bit of gnashing of teeth.

"Did you...have any unpleasant endings with Deng Qingrong?" Ning Shuyi couldn't help asking her.

Thank you for the monthly pass, it seems that I have saved a lot, wait for me to make a list, cough cough cough

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