Eye of Sin

Chapter 120 Provoking Discord

Wang Hongzhen's mood that had just calmed down a little bit, suddenly became a little excited again. Obviously, Ning Shuyi's guess was right.

There was obviously an affair between her and Deng Qingrong, and it was not young enough to make this cowardly and timid woman feel angry when she mentioned it after seven or eight years or even longer.

"Officer Ning, we are meeting for the first time today, you may not know me well.

I have been soft-tempered since I was a child, and I am most afraid of conflicts and disputes with others, so I am polite to everyone outside, and I don’t care about anything. In the neighbors upstairs and downstairs, I can Get along very well. "

Wang Hongzhen wiped the unswollen eye with the back of her hand, wiped away her tears, and sniffed her nose. For her, it may have been a long time since she had anyone to confide in, so facing Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan's Asked, she couldn't help but opened the chatter box directly.

"I'm 22 years old, I just passed the age allowed by the law to get a license, and I got married in a daze.

In fact, when we were dating, and when we first got married, my husband was not like this now. If this was the case, I would have been scared away a long time ago.

At that time, my husband and I had been married for almost four years, and I was not pregnant with my son yet. The two of us lived a relatively ordinary life.

Sometimes he would fight and quarrel. At that time, he had a bad habit of throwing things and smashing things when he was angry. I just felt sorry for things and didn't think about myself at all.

As a result, one day, he had planned to go home for dinner, but changed his mind temporarily, saying that he had an appointment with a friend for a drink.

I didn't think much about it, and I wasn't very happy. I felt that he had agreed to have dinner with me, but he changed his mind and ran away with his friends. .

As a result, when he came back drunk at night, before I could say a few words to him, he suddenly got angry, yelled at me, and pushed me.

He said that he was obviously a big man, and he was decent outside, but because he married a woman like me who was married for almost four years and couldn't even conceive a child, people suspected that he had something question.

He said that even if you raise a hen, you have to be able to lay an egg to be valuable. I am not even as good as a hen. "

Recalling this passage, Wang Hongzhen's body couldn't help but began to tremble again. She pulled the coat from the side and wrapped it around her body, trying to relieve the trembling in this way.

"When did I suffer this kind of grievance before that time, I was not happy at that time, I beat him, and made him have to apologize to me, otherwise I would not live with him.

As a result, he was drunk at the time, and he was not so sober. When he got angry and pushed hard, I was knocked on a small side table beside me, and the table on the other side was smashed. move.

My husband was also terrified at the time, sober all of a sudden, and took me to the hospital. Fortunately, it was a trauma, no bones were injured, so it was fine at last.

The next day he woke up completely, knelt down to apologize, slapped himself, and asked me to stab him with a knife.

He said that he had already returned home when he got off work early that day. Before I came back, he went downstairs to think about buying some food. When he came back in the evening, we would cook together.

Downstairs he met Deng Qingrong, Chang Junchao's mother. The old lady asked my husband how long he had been married. It's been such a long time, and we haven't seen that we have children yet. Don't worry about the two of us. Can't give birth.

He said that Deng Qingrong kept asking him if he had any problems, and he said that if it wasn't a problem with the man, it would be that the woman couldn't lay eggs, she was a chicken that didn't lay eggs, if there was something wrong and couldn't lay eggs, then it would be the end of it Well, there is no way to give an explanation to the old man at home.

My husband was a little anxious about having a baby at that time, but when she said that, the flames ignited. He went out to drink with friends, and turned his face on me when he came home after drinking.

That was also the first time my husband touched me since we were together. "

Panting heavily, Wang Hongzhen said that it was not an easy task to tell these stories. The memories of those years are still lethal to her now. After all, they are the source of all her sufferings.

"Why did Deng Qingrong say such things to your husband? Are the two of you already familiar enough to talk about this kind of topic?" Ning Shuyi was a little puzzled.

Wang Hongzhen shook her head: "That's the point of hating people! Our two families usually meet when we go up and down the stairs, nod and say hello, just a little bit of friendship, that's all!

After my husband touched me that time, he still felt quite guilty. After I apologized and begged for forgiveness, I asked him what was going on, and he answered me honestly.

He said that when he went downstairs that day, his parents called and asked if there was any movement in my stomach. My husband was a little impatient when he was asked, and he was already a little upset. As soon as she hung up the phone, Deng Qingrong, who was sitting on a stool beside her, said something.

I was angry at the time, but I also felt that there might be some people who really like to care about other people's affairs, and they don't have a sense of propriety when they speak, and they don't necessarily have any malicious intentions.

So after I got better, I happened to meet Deng Qingrong downstairs one day. I couldn't hold back and raised a word with her, telling her not to say that kind of thing to my husband in the future, which would affect our relationship as husband and wife.

You can't even imagine how the old lady answered me!

She squinted at me up and down, and said, 'Who made you lose your belly!If I don't live up to my expectations and can't give birth to a child with a handle, I don't need my husband to do it. I will kneel at home and slap myself every day! '

When I heard it, I was so angry that I couldn't speak. She clearly knew that the two of us had a quarrel because of this incident, and she even knew that my husband had a hand with me because of this incident, but she didn't care about it at all. I don't feel bad about it!
She just wanted to provoke our couple to quarrel and fight, she looks lively!

I was really shocked at the time, I never thought that someone would be so bad! "

Ning Shuyi also felt that her eyes were a little opened. Before hearing the complaint from the young mother near the scene of the crime, at least Deng Qingrong still made a slip of the tongue and made others unhappy, and then deliberately returned the words to maintain her image outside .

But when she lived upstairs in Wang Hongzhen's house, she felt a bit like a broken jar.

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