Eye of Sin

Chapter 122

"But later, I heard from neighbors that Chang Junchao brought girlfriends home twice, but his parents didn't seem to like it."

Reminiscing, Wang Hongzhen said: "I heard from Grandma Wang, who lived across the street from their house, that Deng Qingrong and the others seemed to have high aspirations, and they wanted to find a daughter-in-law who was beautiful, rich and obedient.

Grandma Wang's family happened to have a granddaughter in her early twenties at the time, and the old lady loved her granddaughter very much. She probably thought of her own granddaughter after hearing these words, so she didn't like to hear this.

At that time, Grandma Wang was chatting with other old ladies downstairs about this matter, saying that even if Deng Qingrong was dreaming, she shouldn't have such unrealistic ideas.

Her son, Chang Junchao, looks ordinary, doesn't seem to have a high degree of education, and has an average job. If there is such a good-looking girl with a good family background, he is out of his turn. "

"That is to say, when Deng Qingrong lived in your area, she still had hope and wanted her son to find a girlfriend with good qualifications?" Ning Shuyi confirmed to Wang Hongzhen.

Wang Hongzhen nodded: "Yes, she definitely revealed this idea before, otherwise Grandma Wang and the others wouldn't talk about it like that.

In fact, everyone has a good impression of Chang Junchao himself, thinking that he is an honest and down-to-earth person.

But don't say that no matter how down-to-earth he is, he is just an ordinary person. He doesn't have any outstanding conditions. Even if he is as handsome as those stars on TV, how can he be highly educated, have a good job, and have such a mother? Who would look for him? That, too, fell into a pit of fire. "

After saying this, Wang Hongzhen seemed a little embarrassed when she thought of her own situation: "I am also a person who has not climbed out of the fire pit, but even if Chang Junchao is not my husband's problem, there is his mother, It's really useless."

"Isn't Deng Qingrong a housewife who cooks at home and takes care of her husband and son?" Ning Shuyi asked.

Wang Hongzhen probably felt that Ning Shuyi's statement was a bit outrageous compared with her own cognition, so she couldn't help laughing, and this smile involved the wound on her face, which made her expression twitch.

"Deng Qingrong?!" She shook her head, "Next to our house, there is a family who lived on the first floor. They opened a restaurant at first, but when they got older and tired, they gave it to someone else. They opened a deli at home.

I usually make some cooked food at home, and then hang a light sign on the window, and whoever buys it will ring the bell at the window. The taste is really good, but the price is not cheap.

We are usually reluctant to buy it all the time. Sometimes when my husband wants to drink some wine at home, he will buy some.

But Deng Qingrong was a regular customer there, and went shopping every now and then.

I remember that after she left, I heard neighbors talking about it, saying that in their family, the son usually buys vegetables and the son cooks, while the wife is responsible for working to earn money, and Deng Qingrong herself does nothing.

She always said that she has been worthy of her wife and her husband's family in this life, so that they can have a son.

Marrying a man, marrying a man, dressing and eating, plus raising a child to guard against old age, so she has suffered and suffered before, and now it is time to enjoy the blessings. "

"Then Chang Junchao had to go to work again, buy vegetables and cook to take care of the family and serve his parents, including when his father was seriously injured and Deng Qingrong left. He took care of all these by himself. Did he show any resentment or dissatisfaction?
From the point of view of you bystanders, how is the relationship between their mother and son? "

"Very good." Wang Hongzhen replied more firmly, "Chang Junchao gave me the impression that he was honest, very honest.

When his parents were at home, he went to and from work every day, and he was busy, and he didn't see any unhappy emotions, but he didn't talk much, but since he met him, he had such a dull personality. I can't say if that counts as his emotion.

Later, his father was injured and could only be raised at home. Deng Qingrong left alone with his luggage, and I didn't see that Chang Junchao was unhappy. "

After finishing speaking, Wang Hongzhen paused slightly: "But speaking of it, although I thanked him for going upstairs and knocked on the door, and wanted to persuade my husband not to hit me, he is actually a bit strange.

It feels like I haven't seen him have any special emotions except for the first time I saw him elated when he brought his girlfriend home.

His parents disagreed, and his love was disturbed, and he was calm.

He has to take care of the old couple when he returns home from work, so he is calm.

His father was seriously injured and needed someone to take care of him, but at this juncture when he needed the most help, his mother ran away from home alone, and he was calm.

Even later, when his father died, his mother ran back, and the mother and daughter packed up their things and moved away, he was still calm.

That feeling is like... like... I don't know how to describe it..."

"Like a puppet?" Ning Shuyi made an association after hearing her description.

"That's right! Officer Ning, you put it too vividly! I wanted to say I was like a puppet just now, but I felt like my head was stuck, so I didn't think about it!" Wang Hongzhen nodded hastily, "I feel that I am a very good person, It's just...it's as if there is no emotion or feeling at all."

Ning Shuyi frowned slightly, suppressed the doubts in his heart, and asked Wang Hongzhen: "During the years when their family lived downstairs in your house, did they have conflicts with anyone outside?
Deng Qingrong ran away from home and came back later. Did she move out immediately, or did she move out after living for a while? "

"Conflicts are nothing. The conflicts with my family are relatively serious. After all, I even asked her directly because I thought she was sowing discord, and I had quarreled with her.

The others were basically just not used to her behavior, and they didn't have any direct conflicts.

After all, although Deng Qingrong's family is not likable, or a bit annoying, in fact, it doesn't really bother anyone. If you don't like it, you can't get used to it. It really doesn't make sense to tie up with her because of this little thing. What. "

Wang Hongzhen recalled the time when Deng Qingrong's family moved away: "When Deng Qingrong came back, her wife had already passed away, maybe two months or three months ago, I can't remember exactly.

When she first came back, she didn't seem to have any intention of moving away, just like when her wife was still alive.

But the problem is that the neighbors were watching during those days. Her wife hurt her front foot, and she ran away with her back foot, and never came back.

Her wife was seriously injured, and we often saw that Junchao had to buy some adult diapers every now and then. They were all for patients who were bedridden all year round, but Deng Qingrong never came back once.

If I remember correctly, Chang Junchao's father's funeral was handled by him alone, and Deng Qingrong did not come back. "

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