Eye of Sin

Chapter 123

"These neighbors are all aware of it, so when she comes back later, she still thinks like a normal person, doing what she should do, it is impossible that no one in the neighbors will talk about her behind her back.

It seemed that those aunts and grandma who were about her age or older than her at that time were unwilling to talk to her or speak to her.

It's probably too uncomfortable to live in this way, as if being poked in the back all day, she moved away with Chang Junchao and never came back. " Wang Hongzhen recalled.

"When their family of three lived in your building, were there many people visiting the house? Except for the girlfriend Chang Junchao brought home." Ning Shuyi asked again.

"That's not much, I haven't seen it much." Wang Hongzhen shook her head, "The sound insulation of our building is not good, and it's not like other elevators where people take elevators up and down.

As long as anyone comes, you can basically hear it upstairs and downstairs in the corridor, and it seems that there are not many people visiting their house. "

Ning Shuyi's brows tightened a bit.

Wang Hongzhen thinks that on weekdays, she also needs to watch her husband's words and expressions frequently, so as to avoid arousing the other party's anger and inflicting physical pain on herself, so she is also very sensitive to changes in other people's expressions.

Seeing that Ning Shuyi frowned, she quickly tried to think back: "Oh, by the way, there is one thing I didn't remember just now.

But I don't know if this matter has anything to do with what you want to inquire about, but I just remembered, so let me tell you!

After Deng Qingrong and the others moved away, about a month or so ago, someone came to them. The person probably didn't know where Deng Qingrong lived, so he asked downstairs. When they heard that they had moved away, they asked where they moved Where is it, it feels like I really want to find someone.

But the neighbors in our area really didn't know where the two women moved, so they told him that Deng Qingrong came back after her wife passed away, and moved away not long after.

The man didn't seem to know these things before, and he was very angry after hearing this, cursed and left.

The neighbor who told him about it at the time saw that he was so scared, and felt a little regretful, afraid that he would cause trouble if he didn't talk too much. "

"What kind of person is that?" Huo Yan asked.

"It's just a man in his 60s. I can't remember what he looks like. It's been a while, and I've only met that once." Wang Hongzhen really couldn't remember the other person's appearance, "He Afterwards, it seems that she never came to see Deng Qingrong again.

It is also possible to come back to look for it, but without such a big fanfare, I may not be able to notice it. If it is not possible, you can ask other neighbors to inquire about it.

I heard them talking about it downstairs before, and guessed what was going on. I wondered if Deng Qingrong wasn't doing her job well. Seeing that her wife was injured, she couldn't work, couldn't make money, and had to be asked She was waiting and taking care of her, so she ran away and couldn't wait to find a new home for herself.

But why he came back later, whether it was a guilty conscience or a conscience discovery, it is not clear, and maybe it was not because he was pointed out by the neighbors that he took his son and moved away quickly, but because he was guilty of other things and hid.

These are not necessarily accurate, they are all neighbors getting together to talk nonsense, I just listened to it when I was upstairs and downstairs, my husband would not let me get together with the neighbors outside to chat about family affairs, for fear that I would tell others He hit me at home..."

As soon as she mentioned the domestic violence she had suffered in these years, Wang Hongzhen became a little depressed again. Ning Shuyi did not continue to ask about matters related to Deng Qingrong's mother and child, and calmed Wang Hongzhen's emotions, and left her his business card. He told her to take a good rest, and then left the guest house with Huo Yan.

It was not too early to leave the guest house, but the guest house was relatively close to Ning Shuyi's home. Ning Shuyi was not at ease considering that he hadn't been home for several days, so he decided to go back home to stay at night.

Huo Yan drove her back. Ning Shuyi didn't say a word along the way, his brows were tightly furrowed, and he looked out of the car window, but he was obviously in a trance.

Huo Yan glanced at her a few times, but couldn't hold back in the end, and asked, "Is it business or private?"

Ning Shuyi came back to her senses, turned to look at Huo Yan, and smiled: "Business, I'm over there thinking about this case.

Tomorrow, let's find out about the situation at Chang Junchao's workplace!
From the perspective of the neighbors, no matter the previous address or the scene of the crime, Deng Qingrong and Chang Junchao's contact with the outside world is really narrow and pathetic.

And there are no conflicts and frictions that are serious enough to escalate into a deep hatred like Miemen.

I always feel that the criminal intent of purely seeking money eventually escalated into murder and hiding corpses, which is a bit too far-fetched. "

"This mother and son are both weirdos." Huo Yan turned the car onto the side road leading to Ning Shuyi's house. After going there once, he had already memorized this route, "A man who keeps saying that having a son is a great achievement, but actually He didn't see how much he loved and cared about his son.

Another one, no matter what kind of situation, there is no emotional feedback from the beginning to the end, which is not right. "

"What's wrong with this!" There is nothing wrong with Huo Yan's words, but when he said it, Ning Shuyi inexplicably felt like laughing, and couldn't help but want to tease him, "You don't have any emotional feedback either. !"

Huo Yan was slightly taken aback, and did not respond to Ning Shuyi's ridicule, but only said: "Everyone has emotions. It's just that after lowering expectations to the lowest, emotions will be less."

"To put it another way, it means accepting fate, right?"


Ning Shuyi looked at Huo Yan, then looked out of the window again, thinking silently, neither of them said anything.

After a while, Ning Shuyi's home arrived. Although she was a first-line female criminal police officer, Huo Yan got out of the car and sent her downstairs before leaving considering that it was getting late.

Ning Shuyi took the elevator upstairs and did not rush to open the door when he arrived at the door, but pricked up his ears and listened for a while.

It was quiet upstairs, there was no sound at all.

Could it be that he found out that there was no one at home for several days, so he didn't bother?While muttering inwardly, Ning Shuyi took out the house key.
Early the next morning, Huo Yan came to the unit after his morning exercise. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Ning Shuyi sleeping on the desk in the office. He couldn't help being stunned for a moment, checked the time, walked over and patted her on the back lightly .

Ning Shuyi sat up suddenly, but his eyes were still closed, looking extremely sleepy.

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