Eye of Sin

Chapter 124

"Why are you here?" Huo Yan frowned. He obviously sent her to the door of the downstairs unit the night before and watched her walk in. Why now it looks like Ning Shuyi is lying on the desk in the office It's like falling asleep for half the night.

There were red marks on the cheeks.

Ning Shuyi moved her shoulders and arms, which were sore and numb because of lying on the table for too long: "Don't mention it, I only found out when I got home yesterday that I don't know when I was not at home upstairs. .

Water dripped from the ceiling of my house all the time, and there was no dry place on the bedding and sofa in the house.

It took me half a night to tidy up before finally tidying it up. I covered everything that could be covered with a dustproof cloth. There was really no place to stay, so I just came to the unit. "

Ning Shuyi couldn't help but yawned.It was already past four o'clock in the morning when she arrived at the unit. She really didn't have the heart to go to the duty room to disturb others' rest, so she went to the office and took a nap on the desk.

"Where are the renters upstairs?" Huo Yan asked her with a frown.

Ning Shuyi shrugged: "I knocked on the door for a long time, but no one answered. I called them according to the contact information they left for my dad, but they couldn't get through.

I opened the door with the spare key at home, and the house was empty, the water pipes in the bathroom and kitchen were open, and the sewer was blocked.

I took care of the upstairs and then the downstairs, and after finishing everything, I felt like I could fall asleep standing up..."

As she said that, she was really drowsy, and tried to stop herself from dozing off, so she had to support her chin with one hand on the edge of the table, and her eyes were still too sleepy to open.

"Why didn't you call me and ask me to go back and help?" Huo Yan was helpless when he saw that she was so sleepy and still trying to pull herself together. He sighed and sat down beside her.

Ning Shuyi opened his eyes, looked at him, then smiled and shook his head: "Aren't you always unwilling to trouble others? If you don't want to trouble others, others must be embarrassed to trouble you."

Huo Yan was taken aback, choked by her words, held back for a while before saying: "If this happens again, just call me, don't be embarrassed."

Ning Shuyi nodded and rubbed her face: "Then can I trouble you now? Can you make me a cup of coffee?"

Huo Yan got up and walked to the drinking fountain beside him.

"Did you call the locksmith to come and change the locks?" He made a cup of instant coffee, put it next to Ning Shuyi's desk, and asked again.

Ning Shuyi shook his head: "At three or four in the morning, I don't have the nerve to bother people to come to work.

Fortunately, I wanted to go back last night to have a look. I guess the water didn’t last long. Only the ceiling of my house suffered damage. Before it affected the neighbor’s house downstairs, I turned off the faucet upstairs and the water valve. , After cleaning up the accumulated water on the ground, I locked the door and left. "

"After finishing the work at hand today, ask the locksmith to change the lock, and I will go with you." Huo Yan looked at his watch, "It should be in time."

Ning Shuyi didn't sleep well all night, picked up the cup of instant coffee and downed it in one gulp: "Wait for me a moment, I'll go to the bathroom and wash my face with cold water."

Huo Yan looked at her, who was obviously sleepy, but always seemed to be clear-headed, and couldn't help showing a trace of confusion on her face.

"Do you feel that you don't understand Ning Shuyi?" Zhao Dabao just came and heard the conversation between the two.

He and Ning Shuyi have been working in the same group for a longer period of time, and they naturally interact more: "She is a girl who looks weak and weak. When she first came to the bureau, we all thought she was just She is from the local area, and she is so precious by her parents, so she is probably a little bit delicate.

It turned out later that all the guesses were wrong, and the word soft on the outside and strong on the inside was probably made after her!Moreover, he is also smart, and he is very transparent in his conduct and conduct.

By the way, if you need any help from Ning Shuyi, just tell me and I will be with you.

Since my wife grew up this month, Ning Shuyi has let me do everything, not letting me go out to make troubles, and is ready to take care of the family at any time.

But always like this, I am also embarrassed. "

Huo Yan nodded: "I see."

After Ning Shuyi washed his face with cold water, although his eyes were dry and astringent due to severe lack of sleep, at least he was awake.

It lasted almost one night, and now her head woke up, but her internal organs seemed to be still asleep, and she didn't have any appetite at all, so she declined Huo Yan's proposal to let her have breakfast first before setting off, and the two left immediately , Go to the factory where Chang Junchao worked before his death to learn about the situation.

After going to the factory, they went to the area of ​​Wang Hongzhen's house, and asked other old neighbors to help them recall the things related to Deng Qingrong and Chang Junchao's family.

The leader of the factory had a good evaluation of Chang Junchao, saying that the young man is very smart, he can learn things quickly, and he is safe in doing things.Although he is a little introverted, unsmiling, and doesn't talk much, he is a very nice person and gets along well with his colleagues.

On weekdays, if he needs to work overtime in the factory, he never complains, and even asks him to stay when others are unwilling to work overtime.

Generally speaking, Chang Junchao's popularity among the workers in the factory is not bad, but this is just a general evaluation, not bad, but not particularly good.

The former workers who worked with him commented on him. Some people think that although Chang Junchao is not particularly gregarious, his character is not bad and he is a good person.Some people think that he never communicates with others, as if there is always some distance, and he does not often participate in group activities, let alone drinking and playing games together.

Female colleagues gave him a more uniform evaluation, just two words - "Ma Bao".

A female workshop worker in a factory said to Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan: "What era is this? I have never seen anyone like Chang Junchao!
Adults in their thirties behave like children under ten!
Usually everyone sometimes entertains, just say to make a bet, or have a game or something, and the loser treats guests to drink milk tea, but he said that he will not participate because he does not have enough money in his pocket to invite everyone to drink milk tea together!
We said that we don’t want the kind of lemonade that costs more than 20 yuan a glass, but the lemonade that costs [-] or [-] yuan a glass is always okay!There are not ten or eight people in our line!
As a result, he couldn't get it out!He said that his salary was stuck with his mother, and all he had in his pocket was the money to buy groceries after get off work!
This is outrageous!In addition to working in the factory, he also goes out to do part-time jobs in his spare time!In the end, all the money was handed over to his mother, which didn't seem like something an adult would do!
When someone asked him what he did after get off work, he said he went home and had dinner with his mother!
Really, don't think it's too outrageous, he really said so!

It's just that no matter how diligent and good he is, as far as Mabao is concerned, it's already unbearable! "

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