Eye of Sin

Chapter 125 Stealing and robbery

Colleagues in the factory also said that they have never heard of Chang Junchao's love life, and he seems to be single all the time.

Ning Shuyi and the others calculated the time. It seems that after working in this factory, Chang Junchao has never been in contact with any opposite sex. The matter of bringing his girlfriend home to meet his parents was before he came to work here.

As for the old neighbors who lived before, they were the same as Wang Hongzhen, because Deng Qingrong's almost treacherous and shameless behavior back then still had a deep impression on this family.

Their evaluation of this family is generally similar to that of Wang Hongzhen, so it can be seen that Wang Hongzhen's remarks are also very pertinent.

Because Wang Hongzhen was domestically abused by her husband, she felt subconsciously afraid even when talking to the opposite sex, and she didn't dare to make any eye contact, so Ning Shuyi and Huo Yan didn't chase her to ask too many details about Chang Junchao.

Faced with many old neighbors this time, they also tried to ask about Chang Junchao's physical characteristics, such as whether there were any obvious birthmarks or scars.

This question was really asked by them.

An elderly neighbor said that he remembered very clearly that there was a large scar on Chang Junchao's back, which was particularly obvious at a glance.

It was summer, Chang Junchao came back from shopping, and it was estimated that the big and small bags were tossing and hot. He took off his T-shirt and put it on his shoulders, and the big scar on his back was seen.

The neighbor uncle asked him how he got such a big scar. He said that it was because he was mischievous when he was young and burned his back, leaving such a big scar.

The uncle even gestured for them with his hand, which was about the size of a bowl.

This is no different from what was found during the autopsy.

As for the man in his 60s who Wang Hongzhen mentioned later went to find Deng Qingrong, some of the other neighbors didn't know about it, and some knew about it, but like Wang Hongzhen, they didn't have a deep impression.

What is certain is that the person did not go there frequently to look for Deng Qingrong after that, which is also the fundamental reason why the neighbors did not have a deep impression of this person.

After this tossing around, it was already in the afternoon. The two of them were exhausted, but they found nothing. They found a place to sit down and eat a fast food to fill their stomachs. From sitting down to leaving after eating, neither of them said a word. The expression is also somewhat dignified.

It made the other diners in the store couldn't help but look at them a few more times, thinking that they were a couple who had quarreled and were having a fight.

In fact, Ning Shuyi was really in a bad mood, she was tired and annoyed, and she had no clue about the matter at hand, which made her feel an unknown fire in her heart.

Because the crime scene is in the old city, the residential area is also a scattered building without property, and there are not many surveillance cameras around that can be used to obtain clues.

Although Deng Qingrong said that there was a big gap between praise and criticism in the mouths of the neighbors at the two residences, but there was no conflict with the people around him that was serious enough to escalate to the level of murder.

Chang Junchao's reputation outside was even better than that of his mother.

Although female colleagues despise him as an uncomfortable Ma Baonan, no matter how disgusting the concept of "Ma Bao Boy" is, it's just a matter of avoiding him far away, and it's not a kind of hatred.

The social circle of the mother and son is unbelievably narrow. It seems that in today's social life mode, it is difficult to find people who are more "reclusive" than them.

If there is an accident with a person who has feuds with others everywhere and has a lot of grievances, if you want to investigate it, it is like trying to catch a hedgehog huddled together with your hands, and people don't know where to start for a while.

Now this murder case is like trying to catch a loach - there is no way to grasp it!
Why did Deng Qingrong cancel her bank account?

Where is the 50 compensation in her hand?

When Chang Rong was seriously ill and was taken home, where did she go when she left home?

Why did you come back after that?
Except for the traces of burglary found around the crime scene, there were no other suspicious traces at all. The neighbors all said that there was no one in their house.

Everything seemed to point to the nature of the case as burglary and murder after being discovered, but Ning Shuyi felt that something was very wrong.

"The traces of technical unlocking found at the scene, as well as a fingerprint of the habitual thief, can prove that a burglary did indeed occur at the scene of the crime.

There were also traces of struggle and struggle at the scene, which also shows that fighting and confrontation took place there.

But fingerprints and traces are not autopsies, and will not tell us how long the traces have been left since we found them! "

After eating and getting in the car, there were finally no noisy pedestrians around, Ning Shuyi told Huo Yan the thoughts that bothered him.

"The two bodies had been sealed in concrete for many days and the burglary could have happened before or after they were killed.

A burglar, even if he sees the family's bathroom being filled with cement, might not have the leisure to find out why the family did this, right?

Didn’t the police station say that this thief is a habitual offender, because the previous burglary and wounding caused a heavier sentence, but after he came out, he learned his lesson, and he likes to leave empty doors most!
So is there a possibility that Deng Qingrong and Chang Junchao, mother and child, were killed and buried under the cement slurry at the time when the thief went to the scene to steal property and accidentally left a fingerprint? "

Huo Yan didn't say a word, he listened carefully to Ning Shuyi's words, and then asked: "Do you not accept the possibility of burglary turning into robbery and then murder?"

"There's nothing I accept or don't accept," Ning Shuyi shook his head, "If the final investigation results are indeed so, then of course I must respect the facts.

But now, although it looks from the surface, combined with the daily living conditions of Deng Qingrong and Chang Junchao's mother and son, it seems that because of the accidental exposure of money, they were targeted, burglary encountered resistance, and finally turned into murder, and even used local materials It is the most plausible hypothesis to use the cement that Chang Junchao planned to renovate the bath to hide the corpse.

But in terms of criminal characteristics, this doesn't make sense!

Although theft and robbery are both for money, why is there such a big gap in sentencing?

The former is an amount crime, which can only constitute a criminal offense after reaching a certain amount, while the latter can be sentenced according to law as long as the robbery is carried out, even if a dime is not robbed? "

Huo Yan didn't expect her to ask himself this suddenly, he was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Because the degree of harm is different."

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