Eye of Sin

Chapter 126 Not like a good person

"That's right." Ning Shuyi nodded: "The reason why thieves usually steal secrets is to avoid being discovered and conflicts to the greatest extent possible, resulting in escalation of crimes.

That is to say, whether it is pickpocketing or burglary, these people hope to use the small risk to obtain the maximum benefit.

The robbery is different. The act of robbery itself is to use violence to force the other party to hand over property. If the victim refuses to meet the robber's request, the robber will take action to physically harm the victim, which may cause serious harm. Serious consequences, even death.

If one or even a group of robbers broke into the house, then I think it is reasonable to conclude that the murder was for money.

But a habitual thief, even after being released from prison, in order not to suffer from hurting others and aggravating crimes, he will even carefully step on the spot and calculate the amount of theft, so as to avoid the habitual thief who has entered the palace for the second time and the third time, what is the probability that he will suddenly ignore it? Everything became murderous? "

The question she raised also made Huo Yan hesitate: "Didn't everyone say that there is no one who can withstand temptation in this world, only the temptation is not big enough? If the temptation is big enough, a habitual thief who likes to go to the empty door will not Will you take the initiative to turn theft into robbery when encountering resistance for the sake of making money?"

Ning Shuyi also considered the possibility that Huo Yan mentioned: "You are right, the premise is that Deng Qingrong's family really hid 50 in cash, and she did let the family's money out for nothing. Provoked the thief's concern.

We asked the neighbors around the two permanent addresses of this family. It seems that no one knows about the compensation, and no one thinks that Deng Qingrong is rich. In this case, how did the thief know?

This is still the situation where we have already assumed that 50 yuan is indeed hidden in Deng Qingrong's house. There is another assumption, that is, Deng Qingrong's money is not in her hands at all?

After she took out the money, she closed the account. No one can find out where the cash went after that. How to get caught by the thief is also a problem! "

Huo Yan also frowned, and after listening to Ning Shuyi's troubled question, he also sighed slowly: "Compared to now, although what I did before was more dangerous, at least I know where the enemy is .

I don't understand the current situation. "

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon." Ning Shuyi rubbed his sour brows, "Deng Qingrong's external behavior at the previous address and the latter address, including words and deeds, are completely different.

Chang Junchao is also a good son who doesn't even dare to make up stories in this era.

Including the time when the deceased Chang Rong was alive, the family of three had very few social activities and had very few bank accounts. Only Chang Rong and Chang Junchao had to hold one because they needed to receive wages.

Even when renting a house to pay the rent, Deng Qingrong insisted that Chang Junchao had a bank card and mobile payment to pay the rent by cash remittance.

In addition to strictly controlling his son's income and savings, and not leaving any "living money" in his hands, I always feel that Deng Qingrong has other purposes for doing this, and she must be trying to avoid something. "

She thought for a while and looked at the time: "Let's go around the crime scene!

A large group of people gathered at the gate of the crime scene that day, and when it was secretly live broadcasting and watching the fun, I deliberately asked those who were willing to provide clues to stay and wait for a while to follow the car back to the bureau to take notes.

When those people hurried away in fright, I saw an old man who seemed hesitant to speak, and was forcibly pulled away by his wife after warning with his eyes.

I always feel that the old man should know something, and judging from his attire that day, he should be the unit, or at least a resident of that building.

Let's go over there, pay attention to whether the old man is out for activities, and try to find a chance to chat with him. "

"Not coming?" Huo Yan asked.

Ning Shuyi waved his hand: "At that time, the aunt gave me a look, and the uncle was warned, and he followed him obediently. This is clearly a 'strict family education'. Even if we find out where he lives and go to the door, the aunt may not be willing communicate with us.

When she glances over at that time, the uncle will definitely shut up honestly, and it will be like a waste of time for us to run.

It's better to keep an eye out outside, and wait for the uncle to take orders before going to talk to him. "

After she finished speaking, she found that Huo Yan was looking at herself with a strange look, after thinking about it, she couldn't help laughing: "What I said just now doesn't sound like a good person? "

Huo Yan couldn't help laughing, and nodded: "It's a little bit."

After the two discussed it, they drove back to the crime scene.

A few days later, the place has returned to its previous appearance. When the evening approached, there were many people downstairs. Some had just returned from get off work or school, and some had dinner early. Now they came out after eating. Elderly people walking downstairs.

The world is changing every minute and every second, but it seems that it has never changed.

No matter how horrible cases happened in that room of this building, the sun still rose and set in the east, the earth still rotated, and other people's lives had to go on as planned.

Huo Yan parked the car at a fork in the road not far from the building, and sitting in the car, he could have a panoramic view of all the movements in the three directions outside.

The vision is good, but the squatting itself is a bit boring, and when people are extremely sleepy, the boring and monotonous work becomes the most challenging.

After a while, Ning Shuyi's eyelids seemed to be weighed down by the engulfing sleepiness, and his consciousness became blurred for a while, and he fell asleep with his head tilted on the back of the chair after a while.

When she opened her eyes again, the sky outside became even darker, and the low street lamps on the side of the road lit up dimly.

Huo Yan's coat was covering her body, and the driving seat next to her was empty.

Seeing the empty driver's seat, Ning Shuyi's remaining tiredness dissipated immediately, and he came to his senses. He quickly sat up straight and looked out. Two people were sitting there playing chess, one of them was Huo Yan, and the other was the uncle she was looking for this time.

The two of them seemed to have been playing for a while, and the old man was still talking to Huo Yan while he was thinking about his next move.

Ning Shuyi wanted to go over to have a look, but he was afraid that his appearance would break the communication atmosphere created by Huo Yan, so he suppressed his curiosity and sat in the car to wait.

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