Eye of Sin

Chapter 128 Haunted

The uncle who thought it was difficult to communicate at first, did not expect him to be so cheerful, and his speaking style is also very interesting.

While Ning Shuyi sent this part of the information about the car to Zhao Dabao, asking him to help transfer to Deng Qingrong's house some time before the accident, the traffic monitoring records that could be found in this area, at the same time, he couldn't help laughing because of the uncle's speaking style .

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing. I don't know if this has anything to do with what you want to investigate, but I simply feel that something is wrong, and my wife is also afraid, so let me tell you about it! "

After the uncle finished talking about the clues that he wanted to provide that day, he remembered another thing: "There is movement upstairs."

"The upstairs of your house is the one opposite to Deng Qingrong's, right?" Ning Shuyi glanced at Huo Yan suspiciously, "Isn't that one vacant? Recently there was a sound inside?"

"No, no! It's my fault that I didn't make it clear! It wasn't the sound in the house above our house, it was the movement on the floor above our house!" The uncle said to them with a serious expression, "You also said, my house There is a vacant house on the roof, and the house opposite is Deng Qingrong's family, so after the accident in Deng Qingrong's house, no one should go up there.

The old houses in our area have low floors, and their two households are on the top floor. Don’t look at the stairs going up. The upper part is where the workers go to the roof to do waterproofing and burning asphalt. There is no one else. .

As a result, a few days ago, my wife usually went to bed late. She was watching TV in the living room and said that she heard footsteps, as if she had gone upstairs, as if the family that had the accident had come back. I was terrified, and asked me if I was haunted, and the house upstairs didn't know what day it happened, whether it was past the first seven or something.

I have never believed in those gods and ghosts in my life, so I said that she must have heard it wrong. I took a flashlight and went upstairs to have a look. The seal upstairs was well pasted, and no one had touched it at all.

When I got home, I comforted her, saying that although we both had good ears, we are both in our early [-]s after all, so we might have auditory hallucinations or something, and mistook others for footsteps in the corridor. .

As a result, within two days, my wife was a light sleeper at night, and one wall of our bedroom happened to be next to the corridor, and she heard the sound of walking outside, and she quickly woke me up. I woke up, and it was true, and Just go upstairs.

As soon as I grumbled, I got up, picked up my big flashlight and walked outside.

You don’t know, my flashlight is old-fashioned, thicker and longer than a rolling pin, and it’s filled with A-size batteries, and it’s like a stick in your hand!
I put on my clothes and rushed out with a flashlight. I rushed upstairs in a few steps, only to see a delivery boy knocking on the upstairs door of my house with a big box in his hand. What kind of food or something.

I asked him who he was looking for. There was no one in that house. He seemed a little dazed. He turned his head and wanted to knock on the door opposite. When he saw the seal you posted on the door, he probably had never encountered such a situation before. He was shocked. Big jump.

Afterwards, the young man went downstairs cursing and left. From what he meant, it seemed that he was being tricked while delivering food outside in the middle of the night.

I don't know why some people are so vicious, they send a takeaway to earn hard money, and play tricks on them in the middle of the night, but my wife thinks it's wrong.

She had to say if it was haunted!It is said that Deng Qingrong used to use her mobile phone to order food when she was alive. Others didn't know it. We lived upstairs and downstairs, but we all knew it.

She is more patient than the rest of us. Now you ask me to order some takeaway with my mobile phone. Let’s not talk about whether I like to eat those things. Our old couple really don’t understand.

Deng Qingrong will!So my wife thought, maybe Deng Qingrong didn't stop after she died, and that's why this kind of thing happened. "

"Auntie, you don't have to be afraid, everyone is dead, so why eat takeaway!" Ning Shuyi said a word of comfort, dumbfounded.

The uncle clapped his hands together: "Isn't that right! I told her that too. I have seen Qingming, Zhongyuan, burn paper money for the ancestors. When did you hear that Qingming, Zhongyuan, ordered takeaway for the ancestors?" food!

I told her, even if you have to think about the gods and ghosts, when did Deng Qingrong order takeaway before?Isn't it the daytime, when her son is working outside and can't come back to cook for her!

So how can there be so many messy sayings, that is, someone got the address wrong when buying takeaway!Let the children run for nothing! "

"When you two heard voices downstairs, were you in the middle of the night?" Ning Shuyi confirmed to the uncle.

The uncle nodded: "Well, it seems that it's not midnight or it's almost midnight! But there has been no movement in the past few days!

I just thought about it and didn't know what was going on, and I thought it was a bit weird, so I would like to mention it to you. "

"What does that delivery guy look like?" Huo Yan asked the uncle.

The uncle waved his hand: "Then I didn't see it clearly. Anyway, it's just the clothes. Aren't the food delivery people all over the street dressed like that, wearing a hard hat!"

After chatting with the uncle, he had to go to a nearby park to pick up his wife who was dancing in the square, so Huo Yan simply drove him there.

The uncle was very happy. After thanking him, he did not forget to ask whether the information he just provided could help them. After getting an affirmative answer, he was even more encouraged and said that there would be more in the future. Pay attention to the movement around you, and contact them immediately if there is anything unusual.

"You uncle!" The old man patted his chest before getting out of the car, "Although we are old, this blood has not cooled down at all!"

Ning Shuyi quickly smiled to express his affirmation, watched the uncle get out of the car and walked away, and then turned his gaze to Huo Yan who was about to drive away: "When you were playing chess with the uncle over there, what did you talk about? Why is the uncle coaxing you to cooperate so enthusiastically?"

Speaking of other abilities, Ning Shuyi might not have any doubts, but when it comes to his affinity for communicating with others...

It is not bad for Huo Yan to be able to pass the passing mark. When investigating Wang Yuluo's case, the little nurse in the hospital department they recruited before can prove this point.

"It's nothing, my uncle was a soldier when he was young." Huo Yan said flatly, "I used to play chess with him, and he thought I had a military temperament.

I told him that I really had just changed jobs not long ago, and then we chatted.

Maybe it was because he remembered the glorious years when he was young, so his blood boiled. "

We had a good time here yesterday, the highest temperature in the whole country that day... Xiao Mo lived up to this fiery enthusiasm, and suffered from heatstroke...

Today's two updates have been rushed out, and they are all sent out in one breath. Everyone should pay attention to heatstroke prevention, okay!

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