Eye of Sin

Chapter 129 Deliberate Sabotage

After Ning Shuyi finished listening, he gave Huo Yan a thumbs up.

It took a long time for people to communicate successfully and it didn't rely on any great communication skills, it just relied on a little bit of good luck, coupled with their own experience.

"Where are we going now?" Ning Shuyi asked Huo Yan. She thought they would go back to the original place after sending off the uncle, but now looking at the route, it is obvious that Huo Yan has no such plan.

"Go to your house." Huo Yan glanced at the time on the screen, "Come back here later to see if there is any movement that the uncle didn't notice.

Taking advantage of the fact that it is neither too early nor too late at this time, and there is no one to squat, why not send you back to change the locks first, so that you will not be afraid of causing trouble to the locksmith if it is later. "

Ning Shuyi was sleepy and tired all day, so he almost forgot about it. Even though the people upstairs had already left the house, it was safer to change the locks.

Yu Gong, it will be two days before the lease of those people expires.

In private, it was clear that there was deliberate sabotage, and no one could be contacted. It is understandable for her to take back the house in advance.

It was already the evening rush hour, and the two of them were stuck on the road for a long time before they finally arrived at Ning Shuyi's house. Something was wrong.

In the plumbing well at the landing of the stairs, the small door that she had already closed tightly was now ajar, with a crack open.

She had an ominous premonition in her heart, and hurriedly took out the key to open the door.

As soon as the door was opened, water was everywhere within sight, and the sound of splashing water could still be heard in the ears.

Huo Yan was one step ahead of her. Seeing that the room was full of water, he immediately went down to turn off the water valve, and then waded into the room without saying a word.

Ning Shuyi also wanted to go in, but was stopped by him.

"Go down and see what's going on at your house, and I'll clean it up here." He said to Ning Shuyi in an unquestionable tone, "It's pointless for two people to work on it with their feet wet."

At this time, he was already standing in the water, so Ning Shuyi couldn't be more polite to him, so he hurried downstairs to check the situation at home.

Fortunately, her half-night work the night before was not in vain. The wet marks on the ceiling expanded a lot, and a lot of water dripped down, but there was no major problem with the furniture in the house. Pulled it down, and it didn't cause any short circuit.

After tidying up briefly, she hurriedly called a locksmith to come and change the locks, and then went back upstairs.

During this time, Huo Yan had already dealt with the broken faucet and cleaned up all the water in the living room. Everyone was wet, including himself.

"The faucet has been corrupted by someone, and the drain was blocked again. Fortunately, they didn't try to damage the water valve outside, otherwise we don't know what's going on here." Huo Yan said to Ning Shuyi, "Then Several people came back after you went to work during the day.

This kind of intentional sabotage can't be ignored in a daze.

I don't know why you let them make a fuss before, but this time these people really went too far. "

Ning Shuyi's face was also very ugly. She originally thought that those people were just trying to make noise upstairs. When she came back yesterday, she saw that the house had turned into a water curtain hole. It was already very hot. She never thought that she had already taken care of it. After that, those few people who had already left had the courage to go and return, which was a bit too provocative.

"Don't worry." She pointed in the direction of the opposite door, "The neighbor's door mirror has a surveillance camera, and the video will be automatically turned on if someone moves in front of the door. I have contacted him this morning and will help keep it. The contents of the filming for a few days.

The previous noise nuisance is not easy to determine, but now this time the sabotage is confirmed, and no one will escape when the general account is settled. "

Seeing that she knew what she was thinking, Huo Yan didn't say anything more, and the two of them cleaned up the inside of the house again, and the master who opened the lock also arrived.

After everything was dealt with and the door was locked again, Ning Shuyi breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that a stone had fallen to the ground, and finally he didn't have to worry about those people coming back to make trouble again.

However, the little energy she recovered from falling asleep in the car in the afternoon seemed to be exhausted, and she just felt very tired at the moment.

Huo Yan's shoes were already soaked, and his clothes were also wet a lot from repairing the faucet. The two of them had to go back to the scene of the crime after a while, so he couldn't be kept wearing wet clothes and a pair of wet shoes.

Fortunately, his shoe size is exactly the same as that of Ning's father. Although Ning's father is not as tall as Huo Yan, but he is older and has a protruding belly, so he likes to buy bigger clothes when buying clothes. The one pictured is loose and comfortable. almost.

Ning Shuyi took Huo Yan downstairs to the house, found a pair of Papa Ning's sneakers and a sportswear, and asked him to change into them.

Huo Yan was not a twitchy character, he took the clothes and thanked him, grabbed the edge of the collar with both hands, and took off the wet clothes neatly.

Ning Shuyi saw a scar on his left pectoral muscle.

The scar itself is not big, but it's just in such a position, it's inevitable that people will be a little startled when they see it.

She remembered what Team Dong had told her before, about Huo Yan exchanging a more dangerous mission with him in order to protect his comrades who had already married when he was on a mission before changing jobs.

I don't know when this scar was left, but just looking at the location of the scar now, I can imagine how dangerous the situation was at that time.

"The clothes and shoes will be sent back to my uncle after I wash and clean them." Huo Yan didn't notice the change in Ning Shuyi's expression. He put on his clothes and put his wet clothes and shoes into Ning Shuyi's bag. The plastic bag I found, I checked the situation in the house by the way, "Do you want to tell them about the situation at home?"

Ning Shuyi shook her head: "I didn't intend to tell them, they are living in my sister's house, safe and secure, so I won't cause trouble for them.

I'll just clean up the house before they come back in a week.

But I think even if I don't say it, my parents may not be able to find out the clues until they go home.

There will always be someone who can't hold back and jumps out first. Now that things have happened, I just wait for them to jump out. "

Huo Yan looked at her, didn't speak, silently picked up the wet shoes that he had changed out of, and went out. When they got downstairs, the two of them got out of the community and got into the car. Then he suddenly said to Ning Shuyi: "You are actually better than seeing It looks a lot more mature."

the second

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