Eye of Sin

Chapter 140

"But Zhang Guanghui's fingerprints were wiped off." Huo Yan pointed out the most critical point.

Ning Shuyi was thoughtful.

"Thinking about it this way, there is another detail that is worth pondering." She was silent for a while, and said to Huo Yan, "Do you remember the unused cement piled up at the scene of the crime? There is a lot left!
If Chang Junchao wanted to kill two people and stuff them into the bathtub and fill them with cement, it seems that he didn't need to buy so much, and it was impossible for him to predict in advance that a habitual thief would appear.

In the past two days, I also called my dad and asked him how much cement he would need to use to rebuild a bathtub according to the size of the crime scene.

The amount my dad estimated for me was much less than that at the scene of the crime, and there was no need to use that kind of high hardness.

Furthermore, it doesn't make sense for a person who wants to rebuild a pool to only buy cement and not bricks.

So I was thinking, the most reasonable explanation is that he originally planned to kill Deng Qingrong and bury the body with cement, so naturally more cement would be needed.

Unexpectedly, he was bumped into by a habitual burglar on the way, and he had no choice but to kill him. It happened that the habitual thief also had scars on his back, which made him want to pretend to kill the house.

In this way, two people were stuffed into the bathtub that was supposed to be filled with one person. The habitual thief was originally thin, but recently gained weight, and his figure was more similar to Chang Junchao's, so that after burying the two bodies, the cement was not used up. "

Huo Yan nodded, expressing his agreement with Ning Shuyi's speculation.

But Ning Shuyi still had a puzzled expression: "But why did Chang Junchao kill Deng Qingrong?
For so many years, he has always been submissive, taking care of Deng Qingrong and Chang Rong and his wife, and being a filial son. It can be confirmed from the mouths of the two old neighbors at the address that he has no rebellious emotions.

He is an adult male with the ability to live. Judging from the fact that he lived a normal life by himself after Deng Qingrong left home, he does not have any life or spiritual dependence on Deng Qingrong.

If it was because of his mother's extreme desire for control that suffocated him, he could choose to separate, or do what many teenagers do-run away from home!
No matter which method is used, the cost is much lower than killing people, right?
What drove him to make such an extreme choice? "

"It's the kind of pain that comes from the numb despair, a glimmer of hope is suddenly ignited, but the hope is quickly shattered again." Huo Yan said.

His tone sounded very calm, but there seemed to be something surging in his eyes.

It was a complicated emotion. Ning Shuyi saw it and couldn't interpret it for a while, so he chose not to touch it.

"Tell me in detail." She nodded to Huo Yan.

"At Zhang Guanghui's house in the morning, Zhang Guanghui mentioned that when she went to argue with Deng Qingrong, Chang Junchao's behavior could see some problems. It is obvious that over the years, facing Deng Qingrong's various tossings and using him as a tool for the elderly Move, he is very painful.

And Deng Qingrong herself is not particularly satisfied with her son, otherwise she would not know that her biological daughter Zhang Guanghui, who has been abandoned for 30 years, is also in W City, and will try to harass her in every possible way, hoping to get something from her biological daughter. the benefits of.

She even verbally humiliated her son mercilessly in front of her own daughter. "

Ning Shuyi was also very impressed with this detail mentioned by Zhang Guanghui. Although she did not have this kind of experience in her growing environment, the feeling of being scolded by her parents for failing in front of others is just a little bit of a pain in the ass. Very depressing and painful.

"The domestically abused woman we helped before, Wang Hongzhen, she also mentioned that after Chang Rong was seriously ill and Deng Qingrong packed her luggage and left home alone, until Chang Rong passed away, Chang Junchao dealt with him alone. Chang Junchao was very calm during the whole process of his father's funeral.

From the beginning to the end, there was no resentment towards the mother's departure, and it could even be said that everything was as usual without being affected in the slightest.

I don't think this is a simple resignation. He was able to defend Zhang Guanghui and argue with his mother, which shows that he is not a person who succumbs to Deng Qingrong's values ​​100%, and has his own ability to distinguish right from wrong.

That being the case, Deng Qingrong abandoned her son and her husband who was seriously ill, and left alone. Chang Junchao did not have any mood swings from the beginning to the end, and he lived as usual, and he did not ask anyone to inquire about Deng Qingrong's whereabouts. It shows that he does not reject such a situation in his heart, and even likes it very much. "

Ning Shuyi sighed: "Deng Qingrong is at home, he has to take care of two people, Deng Qingrong is gone, he only needs to take care of a father who is seriously injured in bed and has no way to pick and choose, maybe he will feel a lot easier.

Originally, he didn't seem to have received any care from his mother, so no matter where Deng Qingrong went, as long as he left this house, it might be a relief for him?
After all, a mother who would take the initiative to tell her neighbors about her son's physical defects...may indeed be a source of mental torture! "

"It's a pity that Deng Qingrong came back after that." Huo Yan exhaled slowly, as if something was accumulating in his chest, "Just when Chang Junchao rekindled the hope of living a good life, Deng Qingrong back again.

His living conditions suddenly returned to the past, which is likely to be the turning point that led to his final collapse. "

"I used to be able to bear it for 30 to [-] years. Why can't I bear it after my mother left and came back?" Ning Shuyi was a little puzzled.

"Have you ever been hungry?" Huo Yan asked Ning Shuyi.

Ning Shuyi shrugged and shook his head.

For such an answer, Huo Yan is obviously not surprised at all, after all, he has been to Ning Shuyi's house, no matter it is her family's financial conditions, or Ning's father and Ning's mother's care and love for their children, it is absolutely impossible The kind who starve and freeze children because of poor care.

"Hungry is actually not a particularly difficult thing to bear." Huo Yan's tone sounded very calm, without any emotion, "If you have been hungry from the beginning, you have always maintained a state of starvation Well, people can bear it, as long as they don't starve to death, even if they are half-starved every day, they won't collapse.

But if at this time, the person is suddenly fed every meal every day, and after a while, the person who has adapted to eating and drinking every day is suddenly thrown back into the environment of starvation... …

Do you think he can hold on like before? "

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