Eye of Sin

Chapter 141

Ning Shuyi nodded thoughtfully: "Is this equivalent to another form of 'from extravagance to frugality'?"

"Yes, never getting anything, it doesn't make people painful, getting it and being taken away, the kind of gain and loss is the most tormenting." Huo Yan gently buttoned the file with his fingers, " It is very likely that Chang Junchao changed from being able to bear it to being unable to bear it because of this."

Ning Shuyi didn't answer the conversation, and rested his chin in silent thought, then took out his notepad, and re-read the many trivial information recorded earlier.

"What you said makes sense, but it's still not enough." After a while, she looked at Huo Yan again, "You are right, Deng Qingrong may have been mentally oppressing Chang Junchao for so many years.

Just like the fact that Zhang Guanghui was able to realize it in such a short period of time, Deng Qingrong didn't love her son very much, but used her son as a tool for her elderly care.

It is indeed a very painful thing to have such a mother.

Finally, his mother ran away from home, and Chang Junchao got rid of this burden. After more than half a year, the "burden" came back by himself. pain of.

But from a young age, I can't find any bad deeds. In the place where I worked, except for the female colleagues who think he is a mother's treasure, except for going to work and going home to take care of his mother every day, I can't say anything bad about him. Come.

For such an honest person, it would be more reasonable for such an honest person to say that because of a certain stimulus, the emotions that had been suppressed for a long time burst out of his brain, blood rushed to his brain, and he stabbed his mother to death with a knife in anger.

However, the case in our hands, from the perspective of the on-site handling, can be said to be extremely calm, without any trace of impulsiveness.

The more calmly the murder is planned, the deeper the hatred is contained. That kind of hatred has surpassed impulsiveness. It is not to make people kill people regardless of the consequences, but to decide to do it after careful consideration.

I always feel that Deng Qingrong's bad treatment of him alone is not enough to reach this level. "

"Do you think there are other root causes behind it? For example, Chang Junchao's blood type and date of birth?" Huo Yan immediately understood what Ning Shuyi meant.

"Yes, as others, we will realize something is wrong when we see the blood types of Deng Qingrong and his family of three. Over the years, have Deng Qingrong and Chang Rong's couple realized that something is wrong, or for some reason they know something is wrong? Say, it's still a thing.

At the beginning, Zhang Guanghui had doubts because her blood type did not match her parents'. It was only later that she learned of the fact that she was adopted from her adoptive parents.

Chang Junchao has been studying for so many years, so it is unlikely that he lacks this kind of common sense. He may not have thought about the problems that Zhang Guanghui was aware of when he was a student.

In addition, Deng Qingrong has been entangled with Zhang Guanghui for longer than we originally thought. Zhang Guanghui's trouble at home was nothing more than an act after she couldn't bear it. relation.

All of her actions did not evade Chang Junchao, which meant that Chang Junchao had a certain probability of knowing about Zhang Guanghui's personal situation, including the date of birth and the like.

We also realized that Chang Junchao's blood type and date of birth were not right. No matter how healthy Deng Qingrong was, it was impossible for her to give birth to her third child nine months after her second daughter was born.

In this way, the parent-child relationship between Chang Junchao and Deng Qingrong, as well as his own background and origins, these are definitely more than our doubts now, and he may not want to find out.

Especially when Deng Qingrong brought him the kind of oppressive and painful situation that could never see the end, perhaps figuring out what his own life experience was like would be his only hope of sustaining himself. "

"Zhang Guanghui's adoptive mother said that after giving birth to Zhang Guanghui, Deng Qingrong deliberately worked outside because she over-concealed the fact that she was pregnant and had a child, which led to heavy bleeding and hospitalization for surgery. There is a risk that she will not be able to have children in the future." Speaking of that, "So there is indeed an article in it."

"If you think about it, it's relatively easy for Zhang's parents to take Zhang Guanghui away to another country. After all, they were afraid that if Deng Qingrong couldn't give birth, and the daughter in front couldn't be found, they would ask Zhang Guanghui to go back to the nearest place.

But why did Deng Qingrong and his wife take their child away from their hometown? In the situation of tiles in the morning and no space for land, they took the child to wander in other places. When Chang Junchao was young, he even frequently changed the city where he lived. , did not settle down in W City until after the child grew up?
And our survey results also show that the social scope of the three members of their family is unbelievably narrow, and they rarely deal with outsiders, let alone have any contacts with fellow villagers. This is a very abnormal behavior. "

"Chang Junchao's life experience is probably not as simple as Zhang Guanghui's non-natural or adoption." Huo Yan concluded.

"It seems that it is necessary to contact the Public Security Bureau in Deng Qingrong's hometown to find out about the situation back then." Ning Shuyi murmured, and then asked Huo Yan, "Do you think if our speculation is true, Chang Jun will be Where is Chao?"

Huo Yan thought for a while: "It should still be near the crime scene, and it hasn't gone far.

Do you still remember what the uncle mentioned to us before? "

"I remember! Of course I remember! Isn't it the time when we rushed to nothing and squatted for half the night without waiting for anything!" This incident has just passed, and Ning Shuyi naturally remembers it clearly.

"I suspect that he is near there, a certain high place." Huo Yan put forward a very bold hypothesis, "The original hiding place may be on the roof of the crime scene.

But after being disturbed, out of prudence, he changed the place, but the new place can monitor every move below.

So no matter if it's you and I squatting there half the night, or Luo Wei and the others squatting Zheng Chuan, a friend who is used to stealing Li Wei, Chang Junchao can never show his trace. "

Ning Shuyi carefully recalled what the old man told them that day, emphasizing the part where his wife was frightened.

"It's the 'delivery man'!" After carefully recalling what the uncle said, Ning Shuyi suddenly realized, "The one who was met by the uncle in the corridor and knocked on the upstairs door was not a real delivery man at all, it is very likely It was Chang Junchao in disguise!
It's a helmet, a mask, and it's dark in the middle of the night. Even the old neighbors who know him may not be able to tell who it is all at once!
I didn't think much about it before, but now that I think about it, the behavior of that 'delivery man' is very wrong! "

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