Eye of Sin

Chapter 144 Fame

Chapter 144 Fame
Regarding the doubts about the identity of the deceased, as well as the assumption that the deceased was a habitual thief Li Wei, Chang Junchao may not have fled after the murder, but was hiding around. Both of them reported to Dong Weifeng in detail.

The opinions of the two of them were also supported by Team Dong. After the meeting, the team arranged for a few unfamiliar colleagues to squat near the crime scene to see if they could find any suspicious people.

Ning Shuyi and the others had been running outside, and the neighbors around the crime scene were already familiar with them, so naturally they couldn't be entrusted with the daytime work, so she and Huo Yan were in charge of night shifts.

Originally, according to the unwritten rules in the team, try not to assign the work of staying overnight to these few female colleagues, so originally this task was to fall on Zhao Dabao, but the situation in his family is really special, Ning Shuyi took the initiative to replace him.

After staring for two days and two nights in a row, it can be said that they found nothing. No matter in the day or night, no one found any trace of Chang Junchao at several checkpoints.

Even though they are all very acquainted colleagues, the relationship with Ning Shuyi is not bad on weekdays, but after the 48 hours of nothing have passed, some people still can't help but start to worry whether Ning Shuyi's judgment is wrong, even if the murderer It was really Chang Junchao, maybe he had fled abroad by now, and he didn't know where he went.

If this is the case, it would be meaningless for them to stay near the crime scene every day. Being tired is a trivial matter, and the most important thing is to delay the serious business of catching the real murderer.

But Ning Shuyi insisted on his previous views.

First of all, through previous investigations, it is not difficult to find that Chang Junchao did not have any abnormal behavior before the incident. Everything was as usual, and the social circle was so narrow that it could not be narrower. Whether it was withdrawing money or paying by mobile phone, everything was in normal life. The expenses are consistent, and there is no wrong account.

This also means that he has no conditions to prepare in advance for fleeing, such as preparing supplies, and giving himself the false identity needed for absconding.

The second is the effect of "killing the family" shown in this case, which also determines that once the false speculation of using Li Wei, a habitual thief, to disguise himself as himself and create the massacre of destroying the family is established, then Chang Junchao, the mastermind behind the scenes, will To the outside, that is an out-and-out "dead man"!

You must know that today is different from the past, whether it is the monitoring equipment outside or the face recognition system, they are all improving day by day. As long as Chang Junchao is active outside and showing his face, at such a highly sensitive stage, there is a risk of his whereabouts being exposed.

Therefore, a person who can use conditions to create the illusion of extermination should be able to consider this issue.

In addition, Ning Shuyi also has another consideration.

"You still remember that in our previous investigation, Chang Junchao and Deng Qingrong's neighbors mentioned that Deng Qingrong disclosed to the neighbors that her son had a physical defect outside."

Ning Shuyi reminded other colleagues: "Chang Junchao once brought his girlfriend home, hoping to be accepted by his family and sublimate his relationship towards marriage.

However, Deng Qingrong and Chang Rong strongly opposed and intervened, which eventually led to the abrupt end of this relationship without a good result.

And the old neighbor also mentioned that this was not the only time. It seems that during that period of time, as long as Chang Junchao in his early twenties had any signs of falling in love, he would not get blessings from his family, and would be disturbed in the end, leading to his untimely death .

Until later, Chang Junchao himself had stifled the idea of ​​falling in love and getting married, and became a mother boy who would only go home to take care of his mother in the eyes of female colleagues in the unit.

It can also be seen from this that Deng Qingrong's desire to control Chang Junchao is very strong.

But she herself concealed this image of being strong in control and using children as a tool for the elderly very well to the outside world, and portrayed herself as a loving mother.

After the mother and son moved to live near the scene of the crime, the neighbors all thought that Deng Qingrong was a loving mother, while Chang Junchao... was born with a disability..."

"If this is really a rumor, this old lady is really not human!" Hearing this, a male colleague in the team couldn't help but frowned and shook his head, sighing.

Ning Shuyi nodded: "Whether it's a man or a woman, being unreasonably interfered with the freedom of marriage, resulting in the inability to establish a normal emotional relationship with others, is an intolerable thing in itself.

What's more, if Deng Qingrong used this method of spreading rumors and slandering in order to prevent Chang Junchao from falling in love and getting married, it would be even more painful.

For most of Chang Junchao’s 30 years of life, he was in a state of tolerance and concession to Deng Qingrong, including the fact that the girlfriend he brought home was disturbed by his parents, and he never fought against it .

The only so-called resistance that we can grasp is when Zhang Guanghui was entangled by Deng Qingrong to the point of collapse, and came to her door to settle accounts with her.

Even at that time, when Chang Junchao spoke for Zhang Guanghui, there was still a sense of resignation.

Do you recall this is the case? "

The others thought for a while, and it seemed that this was indeed the case, and they all nodded.

"So I was thinking that the murder of Deng Qingrong must not have been Chang Junchao's original plan. He has an honest and forbearing personality. To be able to finally decide to do it must be due to too much hatred.

So here comes the question, when you endured it for 30 to [-] years, and finally decided to kill this person because you hated it too much and decided to kill this person, do you want outsiders to think that a good person was killed, or was he killed? , is actually a villain? "

"If anyone spreads rumors to smear me like this, I will definitely not let this person have a good reputation for hypocrisy in the end!" Luo Wei slapped the table and expressed his opinion.

After finishing speaking, he found that Dong Weifeng was looking at him with a smile that was not a smile. He shrank his neck subconsciously and grinned: "Boss Dong, you are just joking! Didn't I follow Ning Shuyi's train of thought!

We are law enforcers, how can we do things that know the law and break the law! "

"Ning Shuyi's analysis does make some sense." Dong Weifeng smiled, and stopped scaring Luo Wei. He looked away and nodded at Ning Shuyi, "For a while now, whether it's railways, roads or aviation, we They all stared at it, and indeed found no trace of either Chang Junchao or the burglar Li Wei.

So it is very likely that people are still hiding in the dark. While we are squatting, they are also watching us. "

(End of this chapter)

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