Eye of Sin

Chapter 145

"The traces of burglary at the scene of the crime are clear and unmistakable, and there are indeed signs of property being stolen at home." Huo Yan, who had been silent just now, also spoke now, "Assuming that Li Wei is a habitual thief who died, then take away the property Chang Junchao was the one who created the illusion of being stolen.

In this way, it is entirely possible that he does not need to use the small amount of deposits in his account, but can also reserve a certain amount of food and drink.

He may have occupied a high position in order not to be discovered by us when we are guarded by us, and in turn spy on our actions.

Assuming that the person pretending to be a delivery man who was knocked down by the neighbor downstairs was Chang Junchao, then he should have intended to continue going upstairs to the rooftop.

After being alarmed by his neighbors, he did not go back to that building, but the residential buildings in that area have the same structure, and there is not only one roof that can accommodate him. "

Ning Shuyi nodded in agreement: "He's on a high place and we're on the ground, so we can't see his comings and goings, but he can be condescending, where to park our car, and the timing of the handover. panoramic view.

As long as our people are there, he will not appear.

If he had saved some food and drink before he alarmed the neighbors, it would have been enough to play hide-and-seek with us for several days. "

"Then let's divide into several groups and search the rooftops one by one!" Luo Wei suggested.

His proposal was quickly rejected by other colleagues: "It's not easy. The residential area is relatively dense, and the distance between buildings is not large. Within a reasonable line of sight near the crime scene, there are at least six to eight buildings. building.

There are five units in a building. How can we have so many people, and each unit is synchronized?

The rooftop over there is an open space. Once it is fast or slow, the person hiding on it is alarmed. If you come from this side, he will slip away from that side! "

"That's right," Zhao Dabao was also a little worried, "And if the other party is frightened and directly jumps off the building to commit suicide, then although the murderer of this case is confirmed, the conclusion of the case will not be so good.

What's more, the issue of social impact must also be considered, so as not to cause too much impact and shock to nearby residents. "

Dong Weifeng frowned and thought for a while: "You continue to implement the plan these few days, and I will contact you to arrange the drone."

In order to be concealed enough, the drones activated by the bureau were arranged to perform aerial photography missions at night. After flying around the buildings around the crime scene several times, there was nothing suspicious on the rooftops of these buildings. traces of people.

The team members who thought they would catch Chang Junchao's hiding place couldn't help being a little annoyed and discouraged.

Ning Shuyi didn't have any emotional fluctuations, and still looked confident and sure of winning.

Even after the drone flew over, more people were worried about her misjudgment than before, and she didn't see any worries or worries.

"Your heart is very strong." Huo Yan, who had endured two days without asking questions, finally couldn't help it when he was squatting on shift at night, and said to Ning Shuyi.

"Huh?" Since Huo Yan is a partner who rarely speaks, Ning Shuyi was in a trance alone when he suddenly heard him talking to him, and suddenly came back to his senses, and after realizing what he said, he laughed. "Then thank you for your compliment!

Whether it was the previous disguise as a delivery man or the handling of fingerprints at the scene of the crime, it can be seen that Chang Junchao is a very careful person.

Combining his life experience with Deng Qingrong for so many years, we also know that this person is very tolerant!

How could a careful and tolerant suspect be strutting around on the rooftop!
So I have the bottom line in my heart, and I am not particularly surprised by this result.

But do the math, it's been three or four days. I don't believe he can stockpile food and water for so many days at once, so holding back until now, he is almost reaching his critical point. We don't have to force him to jump over the wall, he can Appearing soon. "

"He shouldn't dare to pretend to be a delivery man anymore and go out shopping by himself." Huo Yan thought for a while, "Before he pretended to be a delivery man and was bumped into by the neighbor's uncle, and now with the fact that there are people staying downstairs during the day and night, he won't be so unreasonable." careful."

"It's true that it's inconvenient for him to pretend to be a food delivery person, but he can still deliver things to himself through a real delivery person!" Ning Shuyi said to Huo Yan, "Not everyone will choose to have food delivered Delivered to your doorstep.

For safety reasons, some women who live alone will choose to ask people to go to the door, put them downstairs, put them in the elevator, or even go downstairs to pick them up by themselves, so generally speaking, it is not surprising for the delivery staff to respond to various delivery requirements. Neither will be particularly suspicious.

Chang Junchao can definitely write down the address of any floor of the building where he is hiding after ordering the food, and note the phone number, so that when the delivery person comes, he can pick it up in the corridor without showing up.

And it is impossible for the delivery man to know that he is facing a dead person, so naturally he will not be suspicious. "

"Although his own mobile phone and mobile phone card were not found at the scene, they have been confirmed before and there is no trace of their use." Huo Yan reminded Ning Shuyi.

"I know." Ning Shuyi nodded, "It's true that he doesn't have his own phone card, but what about Li Wei's?"

"Li Wei?" Huo Yan frowned. They had been checking the whereabouts of this habitual thief before. Naturally, it was impossible to let go of the important channel of the mobile phone, but it was also turned off, and there was no trace of it being used, so there was no way. position.

"As a habitual thief who has been stealing for a living, he is like a mouse in the gutter. He is used to not being exposed to light, and he certainly doesn't like to run out to bask in the sun."

Ning Shuyi said to Huo Yan: "So the contact information we can find out is probably used to register with the police station in the jurisdiction after he was released from prison, and it is a special number for the police.

His own actual number may not be in his own name.

Li Wei is a habitual thief, and in today's environment, it is impossible to hold all the proceeds of the theft in the form of cash.

But as a person released from prison, if he deposits money in his card regularly, the source of the money is unknown, and it is difficult for him to explain to the police in the jurisdiction.

So he needs a mobile phone card and bank card obtained through informal channels.

Li Wei is probably dead now, and we didn't find his mobile phone or SIM card at the scene, and it generally fell into Chang Junchao's hands.

When we had a meeting last time, I also talked about this with Team Dong. Zheng Chuan was caught by Luo Wei while he was sneaking around the crime scene to inquire about information, which happened to be a breakthrough.

Li Wei has any contact information and bank accounts that others don't know. Zheng Chuan, as a person who has a close relationship with him, must know about it.

So this matter had to be dug out of his mouth. After digging, he made that number the key monitoring object. This was held back for another two or three days. Counting back and forth, there should be some movement soon! "

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