Eye of Sin

Chapter 149 Appearance

This building is obliquely opposite to the one where the crime scene is located, but the floor height and layout are exactly the same.

After Huo Yan entered the unit door, he did not rush upstairs in a hurry.

The corridors of this building are narrow and cramped, and it is not an exaggeration to say that "one man is the gate, ten thousand men are not open". As long as he blocks the way, Chang Junchao will definitely have no way to rush out.

Even if he was lucky enough to rush out, it doesn't matter. After I walked into this unit, the colleagues outside the control would take advantage of Chang Junchao's downstairs to pick up things, and there was no way to continue to monitor everything outside. Come together.

So what he needs to do now is to give Chang Junchao some time to come down from upstairs.

After all, the corridors of the units below are independent, but the roof above is connected. He can't take the risk of giving Chang Junchao a chance to rush back to the roof.

At this time, if something unexpected happens to Goujitiaoqiang, the gain will not be worth the loss, and the effort will be lost.

When Huo Yan went up to the second floor, there was the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs. It could be heard that the person who came down from upstairs was very cautious, his steps were very light, and he was not fast, as if he didn't want to go down any further. Step, as long as you can avoid the doorway shown on the order is enough.

Huo Yan listened to the opponent's footsteps, and slowed down to the extent that the opponent would not be suspicious, and walked up slowly, the hand holding the object was tightly clenched, and the muscles in the arm were tense.

Halfway through the climb, a figure came down from the slow platform on the upper floor. It was a man wearing gray and black clothes, his hair looked a bit messy, and he was also wearing a mask. See clearly at once.

The man saw the delivery uniform that Huo Yan was wearing and the big bag in his hand, so he stopped, stood on the platform and pointed at Huo Yan.

"I ordered the things, you don't need to go up." He said, and it was the hoarse voice on the phone, "Just put the things there and you can go, I just take them up by myself."

Huo Yan didn't stop walking, and continued to walk up, and responded with his mouth: "It's okay, I'll help you lift it up, the thing is quite heavy, I don't think you may be able to lift it."

"No, you can just put it there!" The man was taken aback for a moment, then subconsciously took two steps back, his voice raised a little involuntarily, and he seemed a little nervous.

Huo Yan didn't respond, and his footsteps didn't stop. When the man saw that something was wrong, he turned around and wanted to run up. Huo Yan reacted quickly, and threw the heavy bag in his hand towards the opposite man with great strength and speed. Soon, the bag seemed to be turned into a cannonball, knocking the man into a big stagger.

At the same time, Huo Yan had already rushed up with two big strides, and before the opponent could even stabilize his body, he landed conveniently, cut his hands behind his back, and pressed him on the stairs.

The man tried to struggle at first, but soon realized that it was futile and useless. Huo Yan's hands behind him were like two vices, clamping tightly, and there was no way to break free. The strength of two people The disparity is too great, trying to break free under such circumstances is simply a dream.

So the man stopped struggling very quickly, and lay down on the ground as if resigned to his fate, motionless. When Huo Yan pulled him up from the ground, he was like a dead fish, completely lifeless, just being mechanically caught. Huo Yan dragged him downstairs.

After all, the light in the corridor was darker. After leaving the unit door, the sun shone straight down. The man was blinded by the stabbing, but he still stubbornly raised his head and looked in the direction of the sun. Both eyes were pierced by the light. Tears flowed.

The others had already gathered around at this time, and seeing that Huo Yan had already captured him, and that the other party did not struggle stubbornly, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Two colleagues stepped forward to take the man from Huo Yan's hands and put him in the police car. Huo Yan looked down at him, only to find that he still rubbed a little white ash on the corridor wall.

He silently wiped off the ashes on his body, went back to Lowe's car, changed the helmet and uniform and returned them to the delivery boy.

The little brother put the clothes back on himself, and after knowing that his task had been completed, the nervousness just now disappeared. Instead, he felt a kind of excitement as if he had participated in this operation, and he was completely relaxed.

"Actually, even if you put on my clothes, you don't look like a delivery person." He said to Huo Yan before leaving, "Your temperament is different at first glance! You are tough at first glance!"

Huo Yan didn't respond, Luo Wei laughed and laughed a few words, expressed his thanks again, and sent the delivery man away.

The group returned to the Public Security Bureau, preparing to interrogate Chang Junchao.

When they arrived at the bureau, the captured person was placed in the interrogation room, but this time there was one more procedure than usual, which was to shave and wash the person brought back.

The man seemed to have lost weight quickly in a short period of time, his cheeks were sunken, his skin was loose, his hair was covered in dust, it looked gray, without any luster, and some strands were even tangled. Together.

His face was also full of dirt, with stubble all over his face, and he looked sluggish. If he was asked to wipe his face and shave, he just grabbed a towel and wiped it casually on his face a few times to cope.

"Forget it, you don't have to make me worry about it. When it comes to me, I am no longer human. It doesn't make any difference whether I clean it up or not." The man threw the towel aside, shook his head, and sighed self-deprecatingly, "Anyway I've never lived like a human being in my whole life."

Ning Shuyi stared at him, and from his facial features, he could vaguely recognize the similarities with the photo on Chang Junchao's household registration information.

It's just that Chang Junchao in the ID photo looks calm, and the one in front of him is also very calm, but too calm, as if his heart is ashamed, and he can no longer see a little bit of hope. dim.

It turns out that a person's spirit can change his whole state so much!

"You are Chang Junchao, right?" She confirmed to the other party.

"Yes." Chang Junchao didn't try to deny it, but when he nodded to admit it, his two hands subconsciously clenched into fists, as if the name also brought him great stimulation.

"Where have you been hiding recently?" Ning Shuyi asked a question that she was most curious about right now.

Chang Junchao didn't seem to expect that the other party would ask himself this first after confirming his identity with him, so he couldn't help being stunned for a moment: "I thought you would ask me why I killed Deng Qingrong."

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