Eye of Sin

Chapter 150 Demons

"This question..." Ning Shuyi smiled, "It's too late to talk about it later, after all, the answer is not so difficult to find.

But with your current appearance, it seems that life should be difficult recently, right? "

Chang Junchao listened to her words, and after a brief silence, he suddenly said, "Can you give me a mirror? I want to see what I look like now."

Huo Yan nodded, got up and went out. After a while, he came back with a mirror and brought it in front of Chang Junchao, so that he could see himself in the mirror clearly.

Chang Junchao's thin face was clearly reflected in the mirror, and his unshaven appearance made him look even more haggard.

Chang Junchao guessed that he didn't realize that he would look like this now, so he stared at the mirror for a while, and suddenly laughed.

"It's really interesting, why do you look so embarrassed?" He murmured, he didn't know if he was talking to Huo Yan and Ning Shuyi, or he was talking to himself, "Obviously these few days, except for the poor environment, I can eat and sleep, and my heart has never been so at ease!"

"You killed two lives, and you can feel so at ease afterwards?" Huo Yan retracted the mirror, not believing what he said just now.

Chang Junchao looked at him: "If I say yes, do you think I'm particularly inhuman?
But to be honest, I really can, whether it is Deng Qingrong or the thief, I don't feel any guilt.

Needless to say, Deng Qingrong, she killed my whole family, and her death is not a pity.

As for the thief...he was simply unlucky, and there was nothing I could do about it!And what if he lived?

As a thief who breaks doors and climbs windows, can he still make any valuable contributions to society? "

"This is not an excuse for you to deprive others of their right to life. Burglary is a crime, but it must be punished according to the law. The crime does not deserve death." Huo Yan did not buy Chang Junchao's evaluation of Li Wei.

"You're right, I've said it too, that person was purely unlucky, if he hadn't happened to run into him, I wouldn't have wanted to do anything to him." Chang Junchao didn't argue, it seemed that apart from the initial moment when he wanted to escape, he was almost in a state of resignation afterwards.

"You haven't answered my question just now, where do you sleep these days?" Ning Shuyi asked.

"The side of the stairwell leading to the roof." Chang Junchao replied, "During the day, I hide on the slow platform inside the stairwell, where there is a large tank, which was put there by the old residents so many years ago that no one wanted it.

I just nest in that tank during the day, if someone really comes, it won't be easy to find me.

At night, I took out the bedding and slept on the wall next to the exit of the stairwell, where I couldn’t see the building on the opposite side, and I could still hear the sound from the stairwell. "

"Why didn't you run away immediately after the murder? You made the scene of the burglary in your house, right? You can still buy so many daily necessities today, so you don't have money at hand!" Ning Shuyi asked.

Chang Junchao shook his head: "I have money on hand. Before Deng Qingrong took her wife's life-saving money, she took it seriously and regarded it as her own life. Over the years, she either let me raise her, or went out to cheat other old men for money.

She didn't move a cent of the 50, so I took all of it. After all, she owed me not to mention 50, even 500 million.

My life has basically been ruined by Deng Qingrong. After killing her, I don't know where to go, I can't think of anything, I have no hope, so I just hide here.

At first I wanted to see how others would react when they found out that Deng Qingrong had been killed, but later I found out that I don't really care what others think.

Even if everyone knew that Deng Qingrong was not a good person, so what?My real family will not survive, and there is no way my life will change. "

"It seems that you have a very clear understanding of your own life experience." Ning Shuyi looked at Chang Junchao with a calm face, feeling a little surprised in his heart.

It can still be seen from some detailed actions that when Deng Qingrong was mentioned, Chang Junchao still had pain and anger in his heart.

But those pains and angers were like ice cubes that fell into boiling water, and were quickly melted away by his calmness like a pool of stagnant water.

This person no longer has the slightest desire to survive.

"Actually, I have been puzzled since I was a child. Other people's children either look like their father or their mother. Why do they look like no one when they come to me?"

Chang Junchao took a deep breath and talked about his own experience, as if he was talking about other people's family: "There are other children who have relatives, but my family has no relatives.

Later in the physical examination at school, I found that my blood type was different from that of my parents, but at that time I was young, I didn't understand anything, and I didn't think much about it.

It wasn't until I was in junior high school that there was a biology class in the school, and then I realized that my blood type was absolutely impossible for my parents to give birth to.

I asked them when I went home, and Deng Qingrong beat me hard, scolding me for being a white-eyed wolf, saying that she raised me up so much, provided me with food, clothing, and education, all in exchange for my attitude. "

He closed his eyes, and even though his heart was dead, it still hurt to talk about those painful memories from the past.

"Anyway, she's the one who says nice and reasonable things. I'm stupid. Even if I think it's not so reasonable in my heart, I can't talk to her and dare not talk back to her.

She provides me with food, clothing and education, which one is for my own good?But in the future, I will be the one who needs to go out to earn money for her pension, so I can't read a word, or I won't be able to find a job!

Originally, my grades were very good, and I dare not say what top school to take, at least my homeroom teacher said at that time that if I play well, there is still great hope for me to pass the exam.

As a result, Deng Qingrong did not know where to hear people say that college students are not worth much now, and the job they go out to find after graduation may not necessarily earn as much as an assembly line worker in a factory.

She immediately calculated an account and found that if this was the case, it would not be worthwhile for me to go to college, so no matter how much I begged her, she would not let go.

As a result, she thought that I only had a high school diploma. I needed education but no education, and I needed skills but no skills.
Deng Qingrong is not alone!She is a ghost in human skin, evil ghost!
An evil ghost that his own husband, his own child, and others would deceive! "

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